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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. well the price for memory sticks is going down...just a few months ago a 2gb stick would cost you at the very least 200 and now it's easy to find 'em online for a 100 or less
  2. something else from Gun X Sword...that's Dann of Tuesday, the main mech in the series...It transforms from a sword to a robot
  3. she's from Gun X Sword
  4. I actually wouldn't care if there was some part swapping so it looks good in all modes... it probably would have to be that way or the toy would look like a stick figure that's as hard to to transform as a rubix cube
  5. how so? you just like teasing us don't ya?
  6. even tho she's a few hundred years old?
  7. uhh...what's with the soul eater chick?
  8. don't you guys ever check baka-updates? they had a fansub out since last night...altho, i don't really like Dattebayo's subs...saw one of their subs and yeah, i felt like i might as well have been watching the raw... i like bleach society's or lunar's...altho, lunar is about 4 episodes behind
  9. I'm actually surprised no one has put up this picture yet asking for info on it. I figured maybe some of the guys from MAHQ.net might have something...
  10. well, valentines day isn't too far away
  11. well I decided to bump this thread (since there's been some members acting as if they were mods ) and show something I saw on 4chan a few weeks ago. It's supposedly the Red Frame Astray and it some how turns into a Gelgoog look-a-like. I was wondering if someone had any more information about it or of it's origins
  12. this is looking better with every picture...hope we see some customs come outta the MW factory once it's released btw, i hope yamato will make a set of hands for those of us who loath the chicken hands...
  13. btw, i'm up for at least 2 to 4 sets...i think i might be buying a couple yamatos after taxes
  14. Nightmareb4Macross, have you recieved your armor yet? I wanna see how a recast of the hands would look
  15. topher...venom? eddie brock looked like a freakin' thug before he even got the symbiot suit... i still would've rather have seen him as the vulture... damn this is just as bad as having jack black as the green lantern...
  16. it's looking really good..can't wait we need a bigger scan to droll all over
  17. well...i just bought the set....i put in for 2 day shipping and it was still something like $13...this is just wow...just wow...
  18. true...nothing but a tease.....
  19. are you sure the torrent is fully downloaded? sometimes that could be the problem
  20. i was just wondering...are the fast packs supposed to be overly snug?
  21. looks more like a vf-11 girl to me.... by the way, when are you comin' out with some new stuff, polidread
  22. when i saw the name of the label i honestly thought of a jar of best foods mayo....
  23. i liked the head you were working on more...would it be possible to send it over to those guys and have them possibly do something with that? or no?
  24. are you talkin' about the white psp's? those are just a japanese release (for now)...and that has the the 2.00 firmware while the us has either the 1.5 or later firmware...they're basically all the same there's no real difference between the two except case color
  25. there's some group out there making a mulitcard reader for the psp...i think it has cf, sd and regular memory stick slots
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