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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. As long as the forums stay up...
  2. i'm sorry for being kind of "bleek" but it was the sword attatchment for the figure that i was talking about....so would the hot water thing still work on it? i guess i'll have to try to find out
  3. i bought a virtual-on Temjin figure off of ebay last week and there's certain parts that are really stuck together really bad and i was wondering if anyone could help me loosen up the plastic on it...any help is much appreciated
  4. i just got the bad news too....maybe i'll go to ebay when it comes out...hopefully i'll be able to get one then...but seriously, it's total bull that they're doing this
  5. i really don't care for the size...just as long as it has great poseability
  6. That's why you take the Der Fueher approach, scare them sh!tless about what will happen if they mess with your stuff. I've seen it done and it works. i've find from past experiences that using that approach works well...very well i caught my 6 year old nephew attempting to play with my first 1/60 yamato and i just rushed him and jumped on top of him scaring him shitless.....then i swung at him full force and missed intentionally....just feeling the wind from my fist scared him enough to wet himself and to stay away from my collection because he knews if he does it again i won't miss the next time <_< Druna Skass knows it works...he saw me do it to him and he see's how my nephew eyes my stuff but doesn't dare touch any of it
  7. i'd be cheap and cheesie if all you did was switch namor's head with aquaman's good job with the custom BTW
  8. whoa...the 21 looks a lil chunky
  9. lets hope the figures are back on preorder by end of this month
  10. i knew zeta was gonna get held back again <_< [rant mode on] it's not a big surpise considering how popular gundam seed was this past year. but the designs in zeta are timeless....my nieces and nephews like watching those 80's shows....i guess more kids now-a-days are more towards "newer" animation and stuff...but it's still no excuse since toonami showed robotech a few years ago and was up there with dbz(ratings wise)...and now toonami is showing the original dragon ball (which aired in the 80s too?)....so why would cartoon network show cartoons that'd be so old if they give kids "headaches" ?....if they really want something crappy they should watch something that's nothing but crappy animation (and might as well throw in a crappy script too) like the original he-man <_< [rant mode off] just release the damn dvd's already...is it really that much to ask for bandai?!
  11. i don't remember....i can't remember that far back <_< .... my childhood years are kinda foggy but i know the first valk i got (that i can remember) is the Yamato 1/60 VF-1S Focker. i saw it on sale on hlj.com and decided to buy one after seeing my friend's Yamato CF...his b-day was coming up during the sale and i had some cash so i said to him "ey....if u want one i'll get it for you" so i did...pretty nice of me huh?! and after that i just fell in love with the 1/60 scale valks...i currently have 3 vf-1's (and another on the way) and a vf-11b fp....i love these things....i think they're just perfect
  12. i wanna a series with one of Roy's illegitimate kids (he's the man..he has to have at least one floating around somewhere ). have him/her join the UN and totally blow everyone away with their fighter skills...then have them find out later on who their father and just try to live up to the legacy he left (and no i'm not talking about his womanizing skills ). i would really like to see something like that too
  13. You seriously need to buddy... you know i like to spend my money like a drunken sailor but seriously, i need to hold my spending back...i need to go to school <_<
  14. i wish i could pay for it right now (you can make a preorder on ebay for about 40 bucks in total) i just have no money right now and it's just depressing! i guess i'll have to save looks like i'm puting off some gundam models for a while!
  15. I was looking for some anime figures and came across the yuna statue on "PREVIEWS" website and i was wondering if i should get one. it's a beautiful figure of yuna and i've always been interested in the art and figures from the ff series but have yet to buy anything. well, the link to the statues is below http://previews.diamondcomics.com/products...ffx-2_yuna.html
  16. i seriously wish i chose a better member name <_< ...i chose this one as a joke and i didn't think i would be here as often as i thought i would be. the more i learn about the macross series the more i want to see all macross has to offer. i've just seen DYRL?, macross plus and the first 2 episodes of macross zero. because of macross i bought (4) 1/60 scale valk's and a 1/72 vf-11 fp...my friend said i'm turning into one of yamato "buying drones" but i don't really care cuz i enjoy these "possible transformable statues" (that's pretty much what they are!) yamato has provided to the public in support of valkoholism!! i'm still a gundam fan and i always will be....just that macross has cooler toys! but gundam has greater selection...especially with model kits....so right now my interests in both series is 50/50 but it's been leaning more towards macross lately oh well, i guess i'm just another hopeless fan torn between both series also, me and my girlfriend broke up when this site was online again so i had more time than i use to...saddly, i spend it looking around this place...and no i'm not just talking about the forums
  18. if i were you i'd get a 1/60 vf-1 yamato to start with. they aren't as beautiful as the 1/48 scale vf-1's. the 1/60 scale valkryes are still are a great toy if you're on a budget....you could find one online for $40 to $60 shipped all over the internet. or if you're not on one you could always get a 1/48 for around 110 to 150 shipped. you also have to consider how much space you have to display them. a 1/60 is about 8 inches tall in battroid and 9 inches in fighter, while a 1/48 is about a whole foot in battroid and a little more than that in fighter. another thing, the 1/60's are available in fast pack versions but are at times hard and not all 1/60 valkyres are fast pack compatable and may seem expensive. all the 1/48 valk's are fast pack compatable and there are many fast pack sets readily available. it all comes down to personal preference to be totally honest.
  19. i wouldn't mind seeing a SD type series of macross....something of pure comdey making parodies of the other macross series/OVA's/movies or purhaps a series based around the zentradi and how they try to adapt to "culture" and maybe even have a small civil war between them over that...maybe even having it take place somewhere during the original series and expanding a few years after and ending somewhere in the middle between 2012 and mac+ maybe just sticking a series in that big ass gap in the timeline between 2012 and mac+ (and no i don't mean something close to M3) something that might even be simular to zeta gundam? you have the psycho titan squad against the aeug have some seriously violent pilots that and focus on the characters and character development more than the actual fighting. that'd be something i'd love to see someday. and again...i still want a series that doesn't put the vf-11 down to canon fodder status
  20. but wasn't the vf-11 already like 20 or so years old when macross plus came around? i also know there were other valk's around that time so do you think they'd use those as squad-leaders instead of the 11 itself? it's just upsetting that it didn't get the attention it deserved since it was brought down to canon fodder status from the get go because of macross plus. i'm just another upset fan of the vf-11
  21. i might sound stupid or whatever but why doesn't the vf-11 have an "S" head? i'm there have been aces and squad leaders that flew 11's...
  22. such a beautiful machine and still had a lot of years left in it
  23. i heard something simular to that... except it was a recast of the pilot figures from the vf-1's weapons set hasegawa made...i think that idea was suppose to be intended for the 1/60 yamato toys, but i'm not totally sure about that.
  24. don't worry man....just get the FP version...it's solid and is an all around great toy... i personally think it looks better without the heatshield
  25. there's over or about 120 episodes....i forgot how many exactly...also, there's a lot of good inuyasha sites...you just have to look long and hard like i did...i would give you some links to some good sites but my computer (cuz it's just a piece of crap) was resently reformated and i didn't save any of the links
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