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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. they might have it at http://www.cduniverse.com/ in the dvd section...not sure though... i watch that show a few times...thought the whole anime was over acted...in dubbed spanish...japanese...and dubbed english...and probably all other dubs... don't really like the art either...everything is misshaped more than the stuff in the dragonball series i dunno...i guess it's an "acuirred taste" type anime
  2. Does anyone know if Hasegawa has any plans of releasing any VF-0 battroid kits Hasegawa did an amazing job with all the macross kits thus far so i was wondering if there was any plans for it
  3. is this gonna be in seed 2?
  4. hmmm...still doubt a konig monster is gonna be released any time soon...
  5. is it me or does mr. bale look kinda chunky in the first pic of that link?....maybe it's because i'm not use to seeing him smile
  6. does anyone know if there is going to be a better sculpted version of the vf-0s proto? i know yamato still has at least....well, over a month to finish up a final design....but in all honesty it looks like the vf-0s is going to be pushed back another few months... DAMN IT! I'VE WAITED FOR THIS VALK SINCE I SAW THE FIRST OVA OF MACROSS ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. what? no Soul Calibur?!
  8. i know this is getting a little off topic but does anyone think there will be any other GW ver. KA MG releases? bandai should at least release Tallgeese III. I really want a Gundam Heavyarms ver. KA (as pictured below) to go with the Wing Gundam ver. KA also, has anyone been to NetModelers lately? looks like the guys there have done some Gundam SEED kits...they look really nice too! i wish my Freedom looked remotely close to what they did with it here's the link if you've never been to NetModelers.... http://pine.zero.ad.jp/~zag41409/public_html/index.html
  9. how poseable are the hands? i've wanted a Wing Gundam Kai since i've seen the Wing Zero Custom add-ons from b-club... it'd be nice if all the fingers moved much like they do on the MG Sazabi or this Rick-Dias pictured. it doesn't look like the fingers are very poseable though....they look a lot like the hands off my MG GP03S. also...is there any painting involved in it? (asking because of the different colors on the wings and the "antennas" on the sides of the head) CAN'T WAIT TO SEE TALLGEESE III IN MG GLORY
  10. i never knew bandai made one of those....looks like a mini chunky monkey lol
  11. all i can say...about damn time...when i first saw the previews for gundam seed the astray was the gundam i wanted to see fight but never did...instead there were these cannon fodder (GM) astrays pissed me off! but at least now we're gonna see the REAL astrays in action!
  12. u know...seeing all these posts for a 1/48 version of the VF-0S makes me wonder if people really know how BIG the toy would actually be in 1/48 scale...all i know is...that sucker would be almost the size of a lawn gnome in battroid... but what i'm thinking is people want the detail put into a 1/48 VF-1 yamato....i'm sure these guys are mistaking detail for scale...or at least it looks that way to me I really like the work yamato has done so far with the vf-0 and the scale doesn't bother me one bit either! actually, i'm glad it's this scale...that way i could put all my gundam weapons on it
  13. God I hated that mission, I was able to get through it using the F-15E. It's high HP was the only way I got through that mission.
  14. can't wait until these are up for preorders! i just hope someone SAYS something about it being on preorder
  15. i was just wondering when the preorder for the rei figure started...i got kind of frustrated and set up a preorder with HLJ (which i doubt will get through) and since the people at TokyoCentral said IF they get any in they'll send them to the first people who ordered it. in any case, it looks like i'm going to have to find another way to get the figure now
  16. That's making me want to see a 1/70 Iowa-class. Why did they have to name the U.S.N.'s most powerful battleship class after Iowa? Why couldn't they name it after a place no one wants to mess with, like Detroit, or Chicago? Damnit, this bum didn't log himself out again!!! I sware this guy needs to get his internet back up. Druna Skass
  17. You wouldn't want to know that either...
  18. It doesn't come with the bits does it?
  19. I was starting to think I was the only VF-14 fan here...
  20. i want to see a Promeheus or an ARMD and Ark Royal in 1/72
  21. after many days of trying to force out the "gun" part i just tore it apart and glued the whole thing back together...thanks for all the help guys
  22. ummm...i'm pretty sure there's enough to do with a 1/60...but you can do just as much with a 1/72...it's not THAT hard to make it with perfect transformation considering it has a damn swing-bar <_< ....either way i don't care if it's "perfect transformation" or not just as long as it looks good in all modes...i really don't care if you have to take all the limbs, head, wings, and backpack off to transform it just as long as it looks good damnit! [rant mode on] also, aren't you forgetting how LARGE a 1/48 VF-0 would be?! and for those of you that want 1/48 everything i just hope you have the garage space for a 1/48 monster...'cause that sucker would be about the size of a mini cooper or a VW bug! man, if that doesn't sound like "elitist" i don't know what does... [rant mode off]
  23. you know....this scale is perfect...now i can put on my gundam weapons on a vf
  24. nah it's still stuck on there pretty well...i'm getting to the point that i just want to take the whole thing apart then mod the peg-hole <_< it's just really frustrating! is it too much to ask for to just put on the frigin' sword attatchment?! ahh well i guess i'm stuck with it like that for a while...
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