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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. yeah i think it's Asuka (or at elast i believe so...)
  2. i know this is off topic but does anyone have scans of the 1/100 astray from the June issue of Hobby Japan ...
  3. weren't they in some screen shots from gundam seed 2 a while back on these boards? knowing bandai they'll milk this gundam series until people get sick to their stomachs of it
  4. You know.... I'm surprised we haven't seen any variable customs of the VF-0S. I mean it can't be too off from the VF-1's transformation right? Anyways, I still want to see someone make a variable VF-0S out of a hasegawa!
  5. honestly, i would review it if it wasn't for one little thing...I'M THE LAZIEST PERSON ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH! but seriously...you can ask Druna Skass if you don't believe me
  6. Nope. I have yet to recieve anything from them.
  7. **bangs head on the desk**
  8. I just got mine from Rob (Monkey-N) today! Now all i have to do is wait for the one from TC I'm not sure if I'll sell it now. this figure looks really nice for it's small size though Thanks Rob!!!!!!!
  9. I'm surprised TwinMoons isn't carrying this set. Well, not yet at least I'm just saying because when they had the last set it sold out pretty quicky no?
  10. umm...not to sound rude but i don't see them anywhere on ur site...the closest thing i could see are the K&M figures --------------------------------- nevermind...i saw in this thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7613 that you ordered some but not accepting orders until you get the shippment confirmed
  11. i often wonder the same thing dude...
  12. yeah...u tell me after i ordered 2 off of people already nah it's cool...i guess i'm just diappointed in myself...i need to learn to be more patient!
  13. has anyone heard from Rob? i ordered a rei figure set from him and still haven't got a reply...i'm guessing he's busy with his stuff from his store and ebay...i'm in no real hurry to get the set...i just really want it!!
  14. i was just wondering if the new picture of the vf-0s listed in the magazine section the new retooled sculpt or is it just another picture of the sculpt already shown?
  15. i just checked right now and i just got charged. also went to TC and i saw that my order was finalized too! too bad i already ordered one from Rob...i might sell this one here on MW....or to this guy i know who's a big ass EVA freak!
  16. hey...do you have any screen shots of the chair/stand the figure comes with?...i was just wondeirng what one looked like (one that isn't a prototype) thanks!
  17. u know...that don't sound right to me for some reason
  18. yeah, i got a conformation email also, but nothing after that. i didn't get my card charged yet or anything. (then it again it could be because of the japanese credit system?) i guess the waiting begins
  19. if you have a concern with your order simply email them and politely ask what the status is. they had ~100 odd units which they were sent unexpectantly. afaik the pricing was held to the pre-order amount for those who initially pre-ordered. b/c they had to purchase some stock from other retailers at street price new orders were charged the higher amount. I did almost 2 days ago and I have yet to recieve any kind of reply from them. I'm just getting so impatient with them! For that reason I just ordered one elsewhere...If my order is honored with TC I'll most-likely just sell the figure to a fellow MW member or something.
  20. still no email from TC saying my order has been finalized....
  21. i'm guessing there's gonna be more vf-x stuff coming out...i mean why make the koenig monster if they weren't going to?! i mean the monster is still going to be pretty big...stands about the size of a 1/60 vf-1 in battroid...i guess this is good news for those of us who are too lazy build or don't have enough money to buy the recast kit that's in the model section. all i know is...i'm going to be doing some serious customizing with this sucker and yamato is gonna rape my wallet once again!
  22. if bandai was to make a kit of the psycho gundam they should make the mk. II version...mostly because it's a hell of a lot better looking than the original also, wouldn't the psycho gundam be about a head taller (or more) than the perfect zeong kit? whoa...u guys here on MW sure like big things...
  23. you know... i haven't recieved anything from TC yet saying that they're going to honor my original order...i seriously hope i get something soon because iv'e wanted this figure since december.
  24. i canceled it because i originally wasn't able to pay for it. but a guy i know who ordered the figure before i did got something from hlj saying that they weren't going to be able to complete his order...and out of frustration for getting my ordered cancled by ToykoCentral before...it wasn't really over hlj....just TC...sorry for the angry and incohierent post...
  25. who is that hot chick in your sig? yeah, I'm kinda curious to who that chick is too
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