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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. i'm getting the stand for the Wing Gundam Ver. Ka...not the Freedom Gundam...sorry for causing any confusion
  2. is it me or are those gundam feet on that thing?
  3. that stand looks pretty cool looks like i'm ordering one of those when i get my freedom
  4. what's wrong with the server? I did a search for a stand and it's been about 10 minutes now and still nothing it's still trying to find it or whatever I was kind-of wondering if those clear stands I've heard about are stable enough for a model kit like the Wing ver. Ka
  5. I've known about the crystal versions being re-released for a while now...I was never too fond of them to begin with so I'm not going to pick one up...but if I were to get one I'd swap the interal parts from the regular version...much like the clear parts for the PG kits All I know now is...I'm buying another Freedom...but hopefully this thing ain't a pile of crap like the last 2 I bought sort of off topic but...does anyone know where I could buy a stand for some gundam models? I finished building the MG Wing ver. ka and I want a stand that'd be able to support it enough so keep a cool pose without it falling over Thanks!
  6. any news on any new MG kits or any other gundam kits for that matter? **still waiting for a painted prototype of the MG Freedom Gundam **
  7. dude...get the zaku pg kit and switch the zeta's head with the zaku's
  8. i just got finished building the MG Wing Gundam Ver. Ka (got too lazy to put all the decals) and i'm kind of working on a MG Ingram 3 and i guess i'll go back to working on my MG GP03 someday
  9. you know...i'm seriously starting to wonder if the VF-0's are going to happen...i mean yamato all of a sudden puts the monster up on their site and just forget about the 0??? i mean the proto's of the sculpts have been around longer than the proto's of the vb-6!!! this is just upsetting...but it's not like bandai or any other toy company pulled stuff like this
  10. i think those shoulder "adapters" were put there because the original shoulders on the 1/60's were sort-of too small for the shoulder missle packs
  11. i have a friend in the UK and she's a lot hotter than that chick Was just joking............. I diden't realy mean it. i know...i was just pointing that my friend was hot
  12. nah...they were the 1/100 scale bandai kits and yeah master cheng did a real over the top job on them
  13. actually...it's a little taller than a 1/48
  14. so maybe there is hope for this project after all...i just hope they don't pull the same bull that they did with the 19 FP and the 1/60 monster
  15. Druna Skass is a cheap bastard... very true
  16. actually...i am too...i mean they have aol-time warner backing them up...they're pretty much one of the richest comic book companies out there
  17. Yes, they did but DC isn't doing manga versions of their characters. They're all original series. I think only three were anounced at a bookexpo. Well that's good...They're sort of doing the same thing Dark Horse has been doing for like a decade now
  18. didn't Marvel try making a manga version of some of there existing titles years ago?
  19. yeah i know b-club made a kit...i've always wanted that conversion kit...but i lacked the skills, the patients, and the money for resin conversion parts i just figured that'd be bandai's reason to make the 2 ver. ka kits was to promote/go with the 2 books...it makes sense since there hasn't been any plans for any other ver. ka gundams or even gundams/mobile suits from wing. i would love a MG Tallgeese III...i remember you had to paint the whole 1/100 HG kit from a few years ago oh well...it's not like katoki doesn't design gundams most the time anyways Bandai....make more MG kits from Gundam Wing and improve your earlier kits!! like the Mk. II kits....Or make B-Club make you some upgrade parts for all your old MG kits!!!!
  20. just wondering about the 2 Ver. Ka kits...Were the kits produced to promote the 2 Katoki design books (Approved Gundam and the other gundam design book of Katoki variations) I know it's off topic but it's better to post it here than to start a new threat all together
  21. just curious...is anyone going to make resin mods for the hip part of the armor?
  22. keep this civil...don't want a good thread to go sour and have it closed BTW Stamen0083...i was just commenting you...i wasn't trying to say the zplus was connected to the zeta katoki drew for the hg manual...and the fact i couldn't really pose or transform (without almost breaking the damn thing) really killed the first MG zeta for me
  23. i'll help u out man i think this is a model kit though...looks too nice to be a toy
  24. but didn't katoki design the zeta plus series from gundam sentinel? i liked the plus versions of the zeta more than the original anyways...the wings were more practical and looked a hell of a lot nicer than the original's "beetle" looking wings
  25. i have a friend in the UK and she's a lot hotter than that chick
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