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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. wouldn't latex also start cracking after a while though?
  2. nah I'm pretty much doing a touch-up job...if I choose to, I would concider doing some kind of paint scheme like that...but for now I'm just going to do a straight build up...nothing special
  3. Bummer!!! Back on the topic on hand, the Gundam FIX F91 looks nice, but I really wished I could've bought the 0017b Zeta Plus Red Figure. Now I'm kicking myself for not doing so. same here...i had the chance to buy it some months ago but instead i went and bought several love hina story image figures, MG GP03 and...this one mech from Jinki Extend **bangs head on table** BTW...is my new avatar showing up? it's suppose to be fuu from samurai champloo
  4. so it looks like you're not gonna sell those decals after all I would've bought them off of you if they were LAPD though maybe you should just stick to the grey that the rubber parts already come in...i mean it won't make the ingram look bad or anything IMO...
  5. true...if i didn't have a car i'd still be mooching rides off all my friends well...if they all had cars that actually WORKED saddly enough, i'm the only one out of my friends that knows how to drive or has a car that actually works as the days pass by...the trip to Frank & Sons looks more and more like a dream **pouts**
  6. too late...already sold some models to a friend of mine...but i had to use that money for gas....i really wish i didn't have a car or else i'd have at least $200 in my wallet right now
  7. damn-it!! i need a way to get some money now
  8. is it a movie or a game?? i was under the impression that it was a movie....so what the hell is it exactly??!!
  9. here's a torrent link... HERE I thought the trailer was interesting...It kind of got me interested in maybe even watching this movie Edit... oh so it's a game....my bad
  10. fine...I'll wait... I guess I'll have to buy some gundam models to keep me occupied for a while... I think this forum is turning me into a fanboy... or maybe it's the lack of anything to do around here anyways...I'm off to build my MG Ingram kit I'm gonna stay away from the toy section from now on...
  11. I've pretty much lost my patience with Yamato I've (as most of MW) been waiting for a VF-0 since I saw the pre-production M-0 photos...that's like almost 2 years now no?
  12. Aww, you got my hopes up. I saw this thread moved back up to the top and thought "sweet, maybe they'll be available soon!" Only to find no news... my bad dude...i just made a post to see if we all could get any news sorry for getting your hopes up though
  13. so...any news on the hands yet?
  14. wow....never seen this before...not on a real fighter plane, i mean ur right...Jung made the VF-1J 'Blue Roses' with the digi-camo scheme here's the link... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...stoms-148-3.htm
  15. who much was it (in Previews)? if it's around the same price as it is in japan than i'm all for getting one
  16. Whoa...great find ....now to look for all my old toys... oh crap.... i just remembered...i threw and gave away all my old toys...
  17. i hate being teased like this DAMN IT YAMATO!!! JUST HURRY THE HELL UP WITH THE VF-0'S AND THE VB-6!!!!!!!
  18. maybe DC should release like a "Golden-Age" Justice League for one episode...Like have the original Flash, Green Lantern and so on meet up with their new name-sakes...or have JL travel to the past to find the originals well...something to that extent
  19. damn!!!! the 21 looks massive!!! great work so far, though
  20. great...i'm still broke I really wouldn't mind having these figures though...
  21. We'll see MG kits of the gundams from Wing when there's a revival of some sort for the series...much like what's happening now with Evangelion
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