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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. Those eyes have that "sad puppy look" all the way to the "I'm gonna set your world on fire" look. the "too innocent" look...if a girl that innocent looking must be a very VERY naughty girl while in a relationship... not to bring her up again...but my g/f is just like that
  2. It's confirmed...I'm buying a MG Freedom Gundam kinda sucks that even at the MG level you still have to "touch-up" some parts
  3. yup yup...she sure is hot...but that might be because i like blondes...well, ever since i got together with a blonde chick **drools over the pix**
  4. I'm actually more interested in the DYRL? poster than the one of the Macross...
  5. are those the bandai tekkaman model kits on the top there?
  6. i'm broke and seeing this is convincing me to buy a vf-0s
  7. FINALLY SOME PAINTED PROTO'S OF THE MG FREEDOM!!! http://img2.photobucket.com/albums/v11/USS...g_Freedom_3.jpg http://img2.photobucket.com/albums/v11/USS...G_Freedom_2.jpg source... http://www.gundamwatch.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=2688 i was looking some stuff up on MAHQ earlier and went to a link that took me to GundamWatch forums...from there i was just like lurking and saw this title "MG freedom pictures!" and immidately clicked on it...at first i was clickin the links provided and saw nothing new...just the same prototypes i've seen before ....but then a couple posts after those i came across these!! ENJOY!
  8. would've made more sense if the converson parts made the zaku I into a gouf... this is ramba ral's unit after all i can't see that guy in a zaku II
  9. isn't this a hentai statue? i remember seeing one of rei a long time ago...that one was a hentai statue
  10. do you think HG could've released this book back in the day before they actually turned macross tv series into apart of the robotech saga? i'm just asking since some production companies have a tendency to release products before the movie or tv show even makes it to the theaters or tv screen it's a possibility, right?
  11. I was wondering if anyone bought this model kit....it said super robot war on the series thing here on hlj... http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?KBYKP-01 I was just curious if anyone has bought/built that kit or any kits by Kotobukiya that are just like it....I realy want to get this kit but I'm not sure if it's really worth the 20-something bucks for it
  12. hmmm...it was on this thread first no? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9015 it's gettin' kinda silly how people just pass some of these threads...sure it's by "mistake" but still... oh well...at least it's being posted in a section where it'll stay up for a while instead of dying out after like an hour like this last one
  13. Just be thankful you didn't have to wait 20 years for a "high-quality" VF0 like many folks did for the VF1 true...i'm as old as the original Macross TV series anyways
  14. What, Erik has a hard time sleeping in it or something? pretty much nah he said they sucked when you saw them upclose...but at least it matches more with his branch in the military...he's just a cop anyways so it shouldn't matter what kinda camo he wears
  15. didn't you say it was directed at yamato a while back
  16. dude...i thought i got into the funny cosplay thread when i first saw that pic but seriously....do those chicks look like guys or is that just me?
  17. Actually, the AF already has a new pattern. It's a grey, blue, and green tiger stripe BDU. It looks REMARKABLY similar to the Russian "Berezka" pattern. It came out in February, I think. I'll see if i can find a pic... here you go: my friend is in the airforce (Vandenberg AF Base) and he's been bitching about the new pattern since september of last year....they've been holding back the new pattern several times on that base (i really don't know why) i guess even vandenberg thinks the pattern ain't all that great
  18. that's sooooooooooooooo wrong!!
  19. i think the figures are the same size as the cutie honey figures released a few weeks ago...they were around 8inches no? at least that's what i read
  20. it's kind of sad how this old model looks better than the q-rau released by yamato
  21. yeah i think that's the problem too...that's why i'll get julia and not faye...unless yamato fixes this problem... oh well...i've seen worse figures...remember the banpresto figure of faye from a few years ago? now that thing was FUGLY!
  22. true...very very true
  23. i guess it all depends on how much wear you put on it
  24. haven't these figures been on hlj's preorder for a few weeks now? i didn't post anything up because i wasn't sure if there was any interest in them...i'll get julia but i'll pass on faye
  25. i took an hour last night just looking through the whole magazine...kinda makes me wish i had a subscription to it... **sigh** sometimes it sucks living in north america
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