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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. LOL...my bad...
  2. But of course. With toys you are the only one getting some enjoyment out of it. just curious...what kinda toys are u talking about? i hope ur talking about macross toys...like the 1/60's and the 1/48's...
  3. my girl would rather i spend my money on "gentlemen's" magazines and videos than on toys... but she knows if i didn't spend my money on building models and toys i'd probably waste it all on alcohol, and "gentlemen's clubs"
  4. I've honestly never (and I mean NEVER) heard of Robotech until after I heard about Macross. I've never watched Robotech and I doubt I ever will. I heard Robotech DID have a good story line, it just needed it's own animation
  5. I would too but knowing Bandai that's not happening any time soon.
  6. The GW kits weren't that easy to come by (the toys sucked so I never bothered with those)...I either had to travel half an hour (at the very least) just to find some of the 1/144 non-HG gundam kits, which was pretty much a disappointment. All the GW kits I use to have I had to order off the internet or ask someone who was going to Asia to pick up some up or traveled out of town to get. When a local store did finally get some models in the series was off the air and they only supplied Wing, Wing Zero and Epyon all in 1/144 too. There's a comic book shop that still sells the GW kits but who'd want to pay $30 for a 1/144 Tallgeese? Bandai did re-release the Endless Waltz 1/100 kits but they were (as far as I know) available at Toys-R-Us and video game shops, and those also sold out pretty fast. I'm sure now interest is dying down because of the coming of Gundam SEED. I know tons of fanboys who complain about this stuff more than I do. Now I'll quit beating the dead horse and go back to the discussion on hand... I'm just so glad to finally get a kit of the Freedom Gundam that does what Okawara couldn't do...make the Freedom look cool!! this kit really beats the hell out of the lineart and what the MS looked like in the series IMO...this kit truely is the definative version of the Freedom, and all without going on to a PG scale
  7. i just really hope bandai gets their heads out their asses and maybe make a wing zero custom Master Grade kit...or at the very least a MG Tallgeese....the 10th anniversary of Gundam Wing is coming up so why wouldn't they? i mean gundam wing is still much alive in the US i know that the whole gundam wing hype pretty much died down in Japan but it would be nice if they could do something more for the North American audience (and European?) that's still into GW
  8. hmmm...who's basara's plastic surgen....they did a really good job on him...now he looks more of a.... than he already does
  9. since there's nothing really new to announce i got bored and went to one of my favorite modeling group site and came across one of their latest projects...a convert of wing zero custom from the endless waltz ova/movie made from the MG wing ver. ka if anyone wants the website i'll give the link later on enjoy!
  10. my bad...i never played around on a saturn...back in the day every one of my friends had either an N64, a PS1 or still played on the old Genisis or SNES
  11. i thought you checked wally world (Wal-Mart) for weapon sets already i guess you didn't find any
  12. strangely enough...i kinda like the design that thing on the backpack looks like it might be another engine or power source...
  13. those look like sega genisis controllers
  14. that looks bad-ass are those shades of blue-gray or is it blue-gray and gray? great colors by the way... **goes back to messing around with the Ingram 3**
  15. we'll see it if bandai decides to whore the seed series for all it's worth...or we'll at least get a b-club conversion kit for the 1/100 scale blue frame that's gonna be released soon
  16. i say the rough sketch...but as soon as Druna Skass see's this thread he'll say the finalized version
  17. which one...he posted a few pix with yuna The pics entitled, Yuna from FFX & rinoa from ff8. you lucky ass
  18. which one...he posted a few pix with yuna
  19. HLJ says July here's the link... http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN926796
  20. You're not the only one who thinks that
  21. Not bad, but not cup of tea. not mine either...but some of these guys will get it just because it's a huge ass kit
  22. Your wallet? That and one other......... YUP YUP!!! Let's just say...my girls like know how to keep guys "entertained" besides...you can't go wrong with a chick that doesn't look like she'd do anything bad....those are the best!!
  23. Looks like the Master Grade "Perfect" Zeong is out now on HLJ http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN925651
  24. I thought you didn't have the money to get any kits?? that's what buggin' your parents for money is for
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