The GW kits weren't that easy to come by (the toys sucked so I never bothered with those)...I either had to travel half an hour (at the very least) just to find some of the 1/144 non-HG gundam kits, which was pretty much a disappointment. All the GW kits I use to have I had to order off the internet or ask someone who was going to Asia to pick up some up or traveled out of town to get. When a local store did finally get some models in the series was off the air and they only supplied Wing, Wing Zero and Epyon all in 1/144 too. There's a comic book shop that still sells the GW kits but who'd want to pay $30 for a 1/144 Tallgeese? Bandai did re-release the Endless Waltz 1/100 kits but they were (as far as I know) available at Toys-R-Us and video game shops, and those also sold out pretty fast. I'm sure now interest is dying down because of the coming of Gundam SEED. I know tons of fanboys who complain about this stuff more than I do.
Now I'll quit beating the dead horse and go back to the discussion on hand...
I'm just so glad to finally get a kit of the Freedom Gundam that does what Okawara couldn't do...make the Freedom look cool!! this kit really beats the hell out of the lineart and what the MS looked like in the series IMO...this kit truely is the definative version of the Freedom, and all without going on to a PG scale