WZC with flexible feathers like the PG kit, I wish that were true! I wouldn't mind getting that. Hopefully they'll strengthen the hip joint area so that it'll take the weight of the backpack/wings.
That looks nice Haro!! Will Bandai make this into a kit or something like that??
i'm pretty sure they will...(make a kit of the CGue Deep Arms)
i really hope bandai gets bored enough to make kits from endless waltz...but knowing bandai they're only making the kits since for some kinda promo...i mean, they're making the hi-zack just for the simple fact that sunrise is making those 3 gundam z movies! so if bandai/sunrise makes something new for wing/endless waltz then maybe JUST MAYBE they'll make a couple MG's as promos... it's that or bandai will have to give in to all the japanese otaku's needs