Pretty much like the VF-11B, right?
you know...i was actually going to mention the yamato VF-11B...i just didn't because i wanted someone else to do it but yeah they're pretty much just like the -11's knees
wasn't it said that the SV-51 was also more manuverable than the VF-0?
i mean the SV-51 was made for fighting from the get-go...right?
i shoud've mentioned manuverablity instead of're right though max speeds are usless in real's not like you'll be going that fast at all times...and i'd assume pilots would be more worried about their fuel consumpion than anything else
if you notice the new knee is also curved more...probably to allow for better ballance/support in gerwalk mode...that could've been the reason why the figure was put up on a stand instead of having it's feet down and everything
seeing these pictures just make me want to see episode 5
i still think it's very ingenius how they used the ghost fighter as a fastpack unit...i guess UN Spacy guys were trying to finally find a good way to keep up with the speeds of the makes more sense since i doubt the VF-0 is going out into space anytime soon
Graham...can you give us some larger scans of the screen caps on the side of the page? Thanks in advance
wow...another char look-a-like
how umm...very original
oh well, athrun is actually more like char IMO and some others...
I really hope this doesn't end up being a total rehash of older gundam series
wasn't Yamato pricing the VF-0S at 4000 yen?
or was this the price the magazine (forgot which one) was predicting?
either way, I'll still get 2 if i have the money
no i'm serious...someone on Gunota said bandai was announcing a coating version of the Gold Frame Astray...i think this might be the coating version they were talking about
sorry for being unclear...but what you said Graham was pretty much what i meant....i meant the LERX is not used (or "lost") when swapping parts of the figure
i actually think Yamato did a good job on the VF-0S...there are parts that i still don't like about it but it's nothing major or anything to really complain about
maybe that part gets lost in the part-swapping?
it would make sense since there's massive part-swapping for the VF-0S
i'm gonna buy 2 of these...1 for display and the other to customize