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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. i don't really like that perfect transformation one...the mid-section is too long....the chest looks really good but having the mid-section looks almost like there's a whole there...the upper legs look kinda weird too...still looks okay...just wouldn't want it to become a massproduction toy though
  2. he already built a titans mk. II last month.. looks nice so far BTW
  3. the tail fins are at a bad angle too...and yamato could do away with those ugly notches on the sides...they take away from the streamlined look of the -11B...those notches also make the VF-11 look kinda chunky..... yamato should also make a removable heatsheild much like the 1/60 VF-1's... i haven't had a problem with the sheild or anything on mine...also, yamato should also include some more hands... the 11 has friggin' small chicken hands
  4. just noticed something... when i was looking around on Neova's site i saw the earlier prototypes of the VF-0S and saw how they had the head lasers sticking out far out to the sides much they are now... here's a pic so you can see what i'm sayin' http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/temp/F...2004-page-2.jpg
  5. i voted for big swappable parts...but then again...i'm one of those people who use to build up lego stuff by just looking at the picture on the box i only made that choice because i would want a VF-19A/YF-19 that looks great in all modes...for now the best mode for the YF-19 is battroid and even that mode isn't all that great if needed i wouldn't mind one in a larger scale...but only if it looked good in all modes and if the cost was reasonable
  6. yeah i figured as much....you'd have to sand down just about everything though, just noticed all the scaling on the dark blue parts of the figure oh well....it was just wishful thinking anyways
  7. isn't arii ca-put? this belongs in the model section.. and i doubt they'll be available for regular release you can contact Black Aces to see if he can get you one...saw on one of the ticket things that it costs 5000 yen...which is around $45-$50 range
  8. i wouldn't mind doing that to one of my 1/60's...or just buy a 1/60 VF-1S and make it into that one still looks nice though
  9. i dunno...i guess it's just personal preference and i'd rather have the Aile pack at least...not the sky grasper to be honest i'd rather have the Gunbarrel pack with the Strike so it'd be a seperate ship, yet still be used as a pack
  10. well this is both a good thing and a bad thing... good thing because it opens up the possibility of other packs being made (maybe even a gunbarrel or lightning pack ) and if you already have the 1/60 big detail version then you'll be able to use the packs with slight or no modification bad thing is...you're limited to what the kit comes with...so you can only pose and mess around with what you have (can't even use beam sabers since only the aile pack has them ) ...and the price of the packs might end up being too unreasonable for people to purchase
  11. to be honest...sounds a little like thunder birds to me...
  12. yeah i seriously hink the intake warnings stand out too much...that and they're too big...i really hope yamato decides against having those warnings put on...i'd much rather use the chunky stickers than have that loud, ugly marking
  13. i wonder if the figure could be modded to look like it has the black symbiot costume spidey had it'd be so friggin' cool to have a spiderman figure that possable with the symbiot costume
  14. you mean more of a grey like this resin battroid kit? another thing...i really hope yamato doesn't really decide on puting the intake warnings on....they should at least make those decals...they look fugly on the side of the intake
  15. do you think the headlasers could've bent out because of the stress from the sculpt? i mean the lights the model were under could've been heated up the proto enough to bend the lasers...oh well, i guess that's what modding is for
  16. can't wait to see missles for the VF-0...at least i hope there will be missles... yamato did say they were gonna include the missles
  17. i already know....my thumbs are hurting just thinking about it! **starts to cry like a little girly-man** oh yeah... came across something on 4chan... it's supposably lineart for the PG Strike!!!
  18. it looks like some totally different mecha (if it's mecha at all) wow i guess the guys in the PG department have been busy this past year haven't they? i would venture to guess that maybe bandai will supply different packs later on as some kinda add on to the kit...but wow...that's probably going to be the most possable and maybe most intricate PG release ever!
  19. well...it's kinda obvious edgar is already dead
  20. i heard the Escaflowne was too difficult to transform...and the cape was made of plastic, not cloth...and the headsculpt was pretty bad too
  21. actually i think Rebecca Romijn would make a great White Queen...if she wasn't playin Mystique
  22. well technically she started out as a bad guy, part of the "Inner Circle"...last time i saw the White Queen, she was apart of Generation X...damn...that was back in '94 though **suddenly feels old** i haven't been keeping up with marvel titles so i don't know what's going on... i don't know if she's still good or if she's still bad or good or what the only reason why she's not in any of the X-Men movie is because she's a telepath...we already have a telepath in the movie...i mean we have jean grey already
  23. double sided tape...
  24. actually i've been wondering the exact same thing...almost no information at all...no pictures of the mecha or anything! i'd laugh if Newtype USA gets some info about the series before anyone else does
  25. episode 12 was a recap episode
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