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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. you just had to post this picture back up didn't you?! there is a small amount of painting involved...me and Druna Skass thought the heads were too plain so both of use painted the front where the camera is, it's not being true to the anime but hey, when you have a model kit you can do whatever you want to it ...the hardest part of building the kit was getting the rubber parts off the trees and getting the rubber parts to stay...also, those there's clear parts around the waist area that need to be glued down or they'll pop out very easily...i think the kit is very well constructed but is limited due to the way all the joints work...it's sometimes hard for me to keep the knees in the right position since they come off pretty easily...and the head looks a little awkward in some positions...over all the kit is worth the money and time put into it
  2. just curious but...where do you guys get your raws from? PM me with the link since i don't think you can post 'em up on MW also...went through the forums on the champloo fan site and saw no news on the series...just a bunch of rambling about where to get episodes
  3. well...this is the best samurai champloo fan site i've come across (that's in english )...there might be some more info there... http://champloo.rushtoy.com/
  4. i think only raws are out of those episodes for now...fansubs should be coming out soon though
  5. sad sad sad...no words...just sad
  6. omg....there's just no words...
  7. nope...the 1/60 is the original monster from the original TV series and the movie so it won't transform...the 1/100 is transformable though...but that's a different Monster all together since that one was only seen in the VF-X2 game
  8. wouldn't a 1/60 Monster be really big? then again, i wouldn't mind having some mecha the size of a small lawn gnome
  9. well just preordered one...don't know what it looks like nor if it's even a book...it could just be a bunch of post cars for all i know...i still want something macross zero related though so i ordered it
  10. omg...that looks way too good to be made of legos
  11. i want the sgt. frog keychain on the bottom...he's weain the fro and the elvis outfit
  12. Where did you see the prices listed? Will they be packaged identically to the Japanese originals or repackaged in cheapo looking packaging? i just assumed they'd be less than 30 since there's been a lot of japanese stuff that daimond has brought over here and most of the time the price of the products have lowered significantly
  13. umm...i thought this was suppose to be an astray
  14. i obviously lied to get this...
  15. wow...GFF figures for less than 30!! YAY!!! :D
  16. stupid ugly intake warnings i'm still going to get one no matter what though i explained in another thread that the head lasers were angled out from the get-go. kinda sucks since the second head sculpt yamato had shown was perfect...yet they decided to go with what looks like the first head sculpt ... yamato still needs to improve the wings...not make them longer but make that gap a little bigger ...sucks that yamato won't listen to us or anything anymore
  17. well...here's a link from Hobby Search...it has all the pictures you'll need for reference so you can have some kind of idea what to do before you get your kit...hope it helps http://www.1999.co.jp/asp/GoodsDetails_e.a...hop_right_e.asp
  18. that's Mao...not Sara
  19. Damnit Brian why did you have to go and say that, you I want to play imports and I have no f!@#ing money?! sorry but i had to Julian
  20. okay...just saw a link from the second link already posted...saw that the slim ps2 does have a top tray like the ps1's!!! here the other link... http://www.engadget.com/entry/3744286874239486/
  21. i really hope it has a top feed (like the PS1's)...it'll be easier to use them boot disks to play those import games the whole removing the tray cover thing just really bugs me
  22. they should make her get naked each time she wants to be invisible... if they did that...everyone wins!!
  23. wow...just wow
  24. it's even more beautiful completed...i'm just in awe
  25. yeah this episodes makes mugen look like a total puppy in heat
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