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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. bandai also retooled the shoulders...and the only reshaping of the face plate they did was the part on the nose and around the bottom of the eyes and the face plate one piece...the chin is still another piece oh yeah...bandai added a stand!
  2. kinda sucks that HLJ and Hobby Search don't have it up as available yet i wanna see all the parts...kinda curious to see what parts they really changed and everything
  3. well the whole Departure album is nothing but smooth beats...basically stuff to listento whenever...i use to play it in the car and thought the album made the drive go by faster ( when i'm heading out of town )...or i just drive faster when i'm listening to it
  4. well it's Shawn's site...he can do what he wishes with it and we have no say in what he does
  5. like i said a couple minutes ago in the toy section ...
  6. the lack of new customs on the front page is mostly because Graham nor Shawn have the time to properly update the site...so we're not going to see any new customs for a long time
  7. well i know for sure they aren't reissues since only the VF-19 kai was re-released and it was released with the toy in fighter mode, not battroid...and i would suspect these are bootlegs simply because of the price...but then again, the person could just hate 'em and are just trying to get rid of 'em i heard somewhere here on the boards that the bootlegs are actually pretty good quality
  8. hmm....he kinda looks like he would be a good comic book character...oh well, if the custome fits
  9. HLJ would do the best they can to keep your order....I wouldn't worry too much...if you're unsure about your order with HLJ then you could just cancel the order and make one with either Neova or Valkyrie-Exchange.com here on the boards...they're very respected dealers and fans so you know your valk will be in good hands...not to put HLJ down but ever since UPS changed the way they charge for shipping, HLJ has just gone down the toilet...BTW...Neova is in Hong Kong and VE is in the US...VE does charge tax though if you live in California ...I preordered on at HLJ also but decided to cancel the order once I saw VE with a preorder....so it all comes down to what you want to do
  10. umm...i think it's on Departure
  11. yeah i know what you mean...dammit yamato...make some friggin story image figures to tide us over until some other company makes us some better figures!
  12. yeah...4 cds...and i have 3 of 'em
  13. wasn't this posted in the other anime and sci-fi section a long time ago? my memory is shot...i could be wrong
  14. you could try downloading the torrent file then opening it if it doesn't work then...i guess you're screwed
  15. actually...i saw it in the misc. section of our favorite bittorrent site...every knows how supr it is...downloaded it already you know we can't put up torrent links due to no one wanting to get sued...don't want someone going nova... ooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg
  16. can anyone confirm a Samurai Champloo manga?...saw one online and figured it was a fan made thing...can anyone confirm this?
  17. i hate streamed video can't always save 'em
  18. http://www.rakuten.co.jp/be-j/522366/460192/619244/ official pics from bandai of the kit
  19. nevermind...read the question wrong...
  20. actually my codex are all up to date...just that my computer is almost 4 years old... so it might just be my computer then with all it's crappiness doing all this then and i do look for hentai...just the boarder-line porno stuff...not the actual dirty stuff and isn't 15 the one where mugen is acting like a total horny puppy during the whole episode?
  21. i also thought that shin got his own paint job simply because he's an ace... if the other guys were aces then they'd get their own special paint job too
  22. i really hope AF or AH releases a better encoded episode...i kept getting the green boxes through-out 17 i'm surprised there hasn't been any hentai stuff of Fuu or something at least and i hope yamato does some story image figures for samurai champloo
  23. the ending song on this episode made it sound like the series was ending for good...it was a good episode and all...just can't wait until 18-26 show
  24. thanks Neova...at least it sheds some light on this release
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