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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. wouldn't i need to buy a new laptop with an hdmi output?...meh, it'd give me an excuse to buy a new laptop all together... btw, i kinda wanna see what they do with this next episode...then i REALLY wanna see this whole time skip
  2. which is why i hook up my laptop to my tv i just used my s-video cable from my desktop video card and a headphone jack to rca audio cable i got from radioshack... my friend uses a vga to rca cable...which ends up giving a slightly better picture imo....
  3. oh yeah...didn't kyon scream out "FIRE BOMBER!!!" in that one? btw, i ended up getting special edition vol 2 yesterday... i'm at work right now so i'll most likely watch it right now... didn't get to watch it due being the main party in a bad accident...
  4. i remember seeing a screen shot of the cow going into the turn a... ahh, good ol' 4chan
  5. I would be in heaven if it was a Gundam X or Gundam X Devider...hell, even Gundam XX
  6. imdb says he's playing Jim Rhodes (War Machine)
  7. those pictures are really cool...altho you kinda got my hopes up since you posted 'em in the model section...i got uber excited because i thought i was going to see lineart or a prototype model of the unicorn but here's The Gundam Show Thread just so no one else gets overly excited like i did
  8. well, i got the special box...it came with some cool goodies... i was at a friends house since he has a nice widescreen... the dvd came with some nice goodies...i would've rather the episodes came in the random order just like the tv series...but in a way it makes sense to have it in it's correct order as not to confuse first time viewers it would've made the episode previews more interesting with suzumiya and kyon fighting over the episode order the english voices were done pretty well... can't wait for the next volume!! i don't buy a lot of anime since nothing has come out lately that's caught my interest as much as this series...
  9. so i was wondering if rightstuf was going to have an extra to the vol. 1 special edition box or would it have the same contents as the one from bestbuy? it's just that i was planning on going to bestbuy on tuesday to pick it up... EDIT: so i found out it'll all be the same... BEST BUY IT IS!! MUAHAHHAHAAHAHA
  10. wha?! i was right?! i thought i was gonna be wrong...can't think of a question...poop... A7, can ya just think of another question for me?
  11. stupid double post...
  12. i had the other one surgically removed years ago...i keep forgetting it's not there anymore but seriously, thats the day i had to work graveyard unexpectedly...i was up for 24+ hours that day i think i was tryna say that i couldn't hear out of one of my ears...then slipped in right ear... so has anyone handled any Asus laptops? I've been looking to get one of their whitebooks or ensembles, primarily a 13.3-15.4inch laptop...
  13. We should see them spring out within the next few months. Not everyone is switching over to Santa Rosa just yet since Core2Duo still has some life in it. Santa Rosa's showing very minimal performance gain over the current C2D. Hopefully with bios updates, Santa Rosa will show a substantial performance gain to make people want to switch... I hope we get some new stuff soon, though...
  14. btw, thanks azrael for that suggestion for the Jabra JX10. I ended up going with another headset I ended up finding out who the ipod nano belonged to and I'm going to give it back to them later on tonight after work. It seems the ipod I turned in that my neice stole belonged to a girl on her softball team... Now that I've got use to this ipod, I really want one for myself now. I was wondering if anyone had any issues with referbs directly from apple. I really want to get another nano. I found a referb of the 8gb nano for $200 on apple.com. I have a friend that buys mostly mac products, and he said that apple is really good with their referbs... Apparently apple installs new cases and makes the product as good as new, at least that's what his expierence was with this macbook and his 1st gen nano he bought... and again, any help is much appreciated
  15. does anyone have any idea about any bluetooth headsets? i'm deaf out of one of my right ear and i mostly see headsets made for the right ear...i've bought several headsets before for my phone and none of them could really switch ear piece for the left side...
  16. it may end up being the RX-78-2...maybe the all white w/ silver and red trim, the colors that tomino originally wanted the RX-78 to be...well, that's if tomino has any say with this kit... hopefully it won't be something crappy like the destiny gundam
  17. so according the gunota, there's a OYW ver. RX-78-2 in TV colors coming out in july, but it will not be the MG 100... also, there will be a HGUC Blue Destiny Unit 1... btw, anyone get the BD unit 2 kit? does it look as nice as it does in the pictures?
  18. cool...i'll check it out right now..
  19. i just inverted the colors in photoshop (the photoshop icon was closer than the mspaint ) i thought it turned out nicely. altho, the kites don't look white...they're a nice shade of blue though!
  20. so i got the external enclosure from compusa, and it ended up failing on me within a couple hours...for some odd reason it just wouldn't recognize the harddrive anymore...which really made no sense to me...i returned it and got my money back...i ended up getting an enclosure from newegg for less than what i paid at compusa...so far i've used it for a few hours and it's worked near flawlessly...altho i had trouble formatting the drive since i made several partitions when i had an o.s. on the drive...but in the end, i just used good ol' partition magic and grouped all the partitions together as one... and i formatted the harddrive into fat32 since a few of my cousins use macs as well as some friends...
  21. I would try looking for a used system that's already hacked or a system with the 1.5 firmware... I really wish I didn't sell my psp...
  22. http://forums.psphacks.net/
  23. lately, the WB animation hasn't released anything worth watching...or even anything to turn your brain off too...
  24. due to the release of the Hi-Nu Gundam, I seriously doubt Bandai would make a Sazabi Ver 2.0...We'd most likely see a Nightingale before a Sazabi or Nu Gundam ver. 2.0
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