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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. does anyone know what bandai has for us in 2005? i haven't seen any new preorders on HLJ and haven't seen anything on any other forums...just curious if anyone found anything
  2. maybe i missed something...but when does the aile pack come out for the PG Strike?
  3. actually...the plane was seen in a couple other episodes...i just can't remember them at the moment
  4. i remember a local Toys R Us having all kinds of character figures of some of the 0083 characters...i think they were like $2.25 each...there was kou, gato, and nina figures...i'm not sure if they still have 'em since it's been a few months
  5. yeah huh...the island got bombed and we heard shin sing
  6. i'd be kicking ass if someone did that
  7. permission denyed
  8. must...have...chick...in...commercial must...have...overpriced...paper
  9. just curious but...do you have a penciled version of the -21 you colored?
  10. whoa...that's so friggin' cool...no words...i'm speachless
  11. if any of you still need the torrent...you could go to baka-updates...they always have stuff there and as far as i know, they had episode 5 there too
  12. nope...just fansubbed...unfortunately, it'll never be realeased here in north america Oh, it'll be released, where there's money there's a way. there is a chance...i mean manga entertainment and bandai visual got away with macross plus... not to get into the whole thing behind this but...you know HG will "cry wolf" once they see Roy Focker's name in there
  13. nope...just fansubbed...unfortunately, it'll never be realeased here in north america
  14. i don't feel like the designations really have to do with anything...i mean isn't the 0D basically just a high-performance version of the VF-0 line? well you have to also put in that they're totally different planes and the designations were made before (timeline wise) to the SDF tv series...if you think about it, it doesn't really matter if it's cannon or not...it's the creator's series...they could do whatever they want with it
  15. i would assume they're resin kits...i think they're both Wonder Festival exclusives very beautiful kits... sorta OT but...why can't yamato make story image type figures for macross mecha? i'm sure a bunch of members on the boards (and fans in japan) would really want 'em
  16. uhh...i'm like half asleep right now...my sister moved back home and i haven't been getting much sleep thanks to her dog and rowdy kids
  17. i just want the visual books that come with the t-shirts
  18. umm...i got a fan translation of the manga...if anyone wants it just give me a pm... umm...i'll decline my offer if it's illegal ...
  19. halloween is my b-day...i got tired of getting free candy and having to dress up to get it...so i stopped wearing costumes....now when my nieces or nephews ask me when i'm gonna be...i just tell them i'm gonna be a jobless loser who lives at home for the night
  20. No, but Billy Dee Williams was Harvey Dent in the first Batman. my bad...it's been a while since i've seen any of 'em this is the last chance the WB will have at getting any money out of me
  21. well...too many companies have released DYRL? over the years that no one really knows who has the rights to release anything...at least that's what someone told me so i assume that it's licensed but then again it isn't...mostly since we won't see it in DVD form any time soon...unless you buy the R2 version or the HK bootleg
  22. as far as i know the only transformable kit is the 1/48 model legioss i think this kit is meant to be built into any of the 3 modes, like you assumed earlier
  23. it looks like one of those guys that go to shows and put on valk suits
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