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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. i see an acura in there...kinda makes me wonder which model it'll be...something tells it'll be either an rsx (integra), an nsx, or even tsx...i somehow doubt it'd be an mdx, tl...i could imagine all the pissed of tf fans if they found out bubblebee was an integra i do hope they make a nsx transformer tho (i just like the damn car okay! )
  2. Bandai could get Capcom or another big name game company to help them develop the game engine and everything. And Bandai could just put their "Producer" title and take all credit for the game!!
  3. Katoki is the man!! the shiki is just beautiful as usual...
  4. ouch! that's a little on the expensive side no?
  5. bandai sucks...they suck for making me like gundam models
  6. those are amazing eyes
  7. I honestly don't know...SAL is funny like that If you're in the US it could take up to a month for delivery. I live on the westcoast (and just 2 and a half hours from Los Angeles) and it takes up to a month for me to recieve my order. For some products, EMS is actually cheaper than SAL. After looking at HLJ, it looks like EMS and SAL are pretty even...there's only a few dollars difference between the two... EMS: 5,400 yen, SAL: 5,000yen There's the shipping estimate HLJ gives for the PG Strike Gundam. I could understand you using SAL since HLJ didn't give any cules to shipping. I feel for you though. When you try to get something you've waited for so long and when it's finally in your grasp, stuff like this happens...
  8. you'll get charged within the next couple weeks (or up to a month later )...i just ordered some stuff last week and i got an email stating that my stuff has been shipped...this is expected of hlj...don't worry about it
  9. just finished reading Toy-Wave's post in the dealers announcement section he said it wouldn't be released until December...I guess that's a bad thing for those of us who were planning to buy a bunch of Christmas presents for our families
  10. well...wasn't it announced at a recent toy show that yamato is going to make story image figures? i always loved the detail put into their story image figure like...IMO they're at times better looking them some of their larger action figures
  11. i guess there's a wire in the fingers to help it hold stuff...i'm actually surprised bandai hadn't thought of it earlier
  12. it's just a re-release of the previous release of the VF-1S Roy so there's no difference from this release than from any of the other releases if you read through the whole thread you would've caught it
  13. to be honest i like the UC gundam series more than any of the AU...lets admited...some of the more recent gundams look like they were crapped outta okawara's butt and you have to remind yourself, the AU series have been targeted towards CHILDEREN...so yeah...they'll look cheesie, much like many of the toys of our generation...that's expected, you don't have to like gundam...but just like mcdonalds (since you mentioned them), they always have those items you'll buy to please your hunger until you can get something better
  14. didn't area 88 start as a manga? i guess he forgot about the recent anime tv series
  15. a VF-1 squad called the Blue Roses. I like there's emblem
  16. sorta OT but yukikaze related...don't know if this was posted in the yukikaze thread (too lazy to go lookin' for it ) but it seems hlj will get a restock of the MAVE Yukikaze's by Bandai http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN916662
  17. it sorta makes me wish it had the same box as the Big Scale 1/60
  18. having the strike out there on the box doing some kinda pose sorta makes the box look cheesie...and this box is straight forward...if they were gonna do some kinda box art bandai should've had a painted picture much like hasegawa's boxes for their VF's...but that's just my opinion
  19. to be honest...i really wish bandai used this box i might be alone on this one though...
  20. kawamori would be so proud!
  21. I'm buying one and I'm a first time 1/48 buyer I guess that makes me a first time Roy -1S buyer too
  22. LMAO now back to the topic at hand... I could see buying just 2 at most...1 to keep MIB and the other to play with to your hearts delight! But I don't see the need to buy more than that...I guess you guys just love 'em so much you can't get enough of 'em
  23. that's so friggin' cool
  24. I think it all has to do with the crappy 1/55 VF-1 sales that made Bandai say "We can't make money off of this so why bother making anything else?!" It's pretty understandable since Bandai's biggest cash-cow has been Gundam for more than two decades. If the sales for the 1/55 were better; maybe Bandai would've made some newly designed High Grade models or even Master Grade kits of various Macross mecha. Sure, I would love to buy a Joke-Machine for around 20-30 but it's not going to happen any time soon.
  25. i'm curious to see the work you put in for the Gundam...but i guess that could wait until your finished with it and already sent it in for the contest
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