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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. Dat Pinche Haro!


    i think the image is corrupted somehow...i can't view it
  2. isn't that based off the motorcycle armor from mospeada? and the monogram leader-one was a legioss..
  3. i have pictures of a 1/100 scale red frame astray with a flight pack on...even has the bu-quu (?) head used in the msv mini episode
  4. Nothing wrong with an 80s look. Now please excuse me while I comb my mullet and go for a drive in my IROC Z28. lol! though i really hope you don't drive an IROC or even worse a disgus-tang. yeah...you should've said a black Trans AM with a T-top
  5. Dat Pinche Haro!


    HAHAHHAAHA...i spoke too soon
  6. Dat Pinche Haro!


    i'm surprised Vostok 7 hasn't seen this yet he's like one of the biggest Millia fans on this site
  7. so you're saying we could've had a yellow monster? on a side not...it looks like yamato fixed the problem (half assed) with the legs...seems like they're closer to the crouch area now than they were before
  8. yeah...it's getting sorta annoying seeing the thunderhammer pop up....we know what it looks like and we know how nice and pretty it is...all you have to do is mention it and MAYBE provide a link...but that's it...don't need to attatched the picture
  9. very nice work...i really like the subtle weathering and paint job...can't have too many enigma customs!
  10. wasn't it already said that yamato mistakenly switched the release dates for the vb-6 and the 1/48 3rd issue of the VF-1S Roy?
  11. it looks like a seed gundam when their phaseshift is down
  12. that looks really nice...i was starting to do an f-14 model but...i got lazy
  13. a 1/48 scale psycho gundam would probably be about the size of a 1/20 RX-78-2 BTW...thanks zeo-mare for the mention on the SSL in the For Sale section
  14. so...any 2005 MG releases confirmed yet?
  15. my sister is grathering up money from the family (and yes, we're one big ass family ) and we're gonna donate money to Toys for Tots in my grandmother's name....she thought of it a couple years ago and we've been doing it ever year since....so yeah, i'm already donating to them in that respect
  16. yeah i meant the book...i was sorta just out there with my question...i guess i got over excited i guess i'll have to look for one of those books when i get my check for this month
  17. WHOA!!!!!! where can i get one of those??
  18. i've seen this before...it was posted back up in the gundam watch forums...it might've been posted up here too but i'm not sure at the moment it reminds me of the GP03 Stamen i've seen in a couple hobby mags
  19. hmm...i've only seen the LV, Hikaru, and DYRL? Max in VF-1A color schemes...so that makes 3 no? anyways...i doubt there'll be any more 1A's released since it's been the most issued out of any of the 1/48's since i had to sell off all my 1/60's i guess i'll have to go to 1/48 which i've been dreading simply because of the price i'm getting a VF-1S Roy and i think i might just put the armor on that one.
  20. saw this pic on 4chan... got me wondering if Bandai or some garage company might wanna do a conversion kit to make the buster or duel since the strike is obviously part of the PG's lineart... here's a link to the lineart bandai released for the PG Strike which i posted in another thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1093998087.jpg
  21. for those of you who still like shopping at HLJ...i just saw the 1S Roy in stock... http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMT00018
  22. it was actually someone modding a takatoku armor on the 1/48...i forgot the link but i may or may not have pictures from that site...i'll have to look around on my harddrive
  23. my heart sank when i saw the f/a-18's with the jolly rogers paint job it just doesn't look right...that paint job lookst the best on the f-14...but what can we do? stupid politics
  24. looks like a takatoku gbp
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