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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. all of you are nothin' but perverts
  2. hmm...i'm feelin kinda left out so imma watch all the fansubs of Champloo i have..
  3. do you mean this? i think i saw it on one of those special macross decal sheets hasegawa made...if you wanna hi-res pic then i can't really help you there...this is the best i could do
  4. Graham...do you have any pictures of any of Kawamori's lego creations? I'm sure many of us here at MW would love to see what he's done. This is actually the first time I see him with a lego figure he constructed himself
  5. btw...i'm not surprised the nsx corned so well...acura/honda cars have really good handling...i have a '92 Legend and it handles better than most other cars i've driven
  6. this car reminds me of that caddy cien that was shown a few years back...still would've loved to see it go into production tho....the cien was really really nice
  7. yup there sure is a box...think it's available at tmpanime.com
  8. sounds interesting...i think i'm gonna check it out...when i have money!! but umm yeah...but for now, i'm gonna have to wait until the fansubs come out and yes...it's a great toy...wish i didn't have to give it up though
  9. does anyone have any kind of information about this anime series or manga perhaps? i'm just asking since i found a raw of it up online and i use to have a mech from the series (which i sold a couple months ago)...any help would be much appreciated!
  10. pretty nice...it's cool to seee a fun retro game once in a while great work!
  11. are you suppose to do that?! looks like it might wear on the toy itself
  12. so i guess i'm not the only one who thinks that
  13. the part on the back (in battroid) on my VF-1 1/48 is kinda floppy...it doesn't really stay well there...and it tends to make the backpack fall down too...is there any way to tighten that area? btw...the floppy part is BP9
  14. well...some things never change...your camera is still in a timewarp hope the new computer treats u well and all...and that custom evil wing looks pretty good
  15. i just hope the pack is removable...it would be a waste to buy a PG Strike just to put that pack on, especially when we don't exactly know if there's any packs coming later on...what's the use of having the strike if the packs aren't removable? seriously though, bandai needs to say something to the restless fans or else fans are gonna have to start kickin' some bandai ass
  16. simply beautiful! great work as usual! have you worked on any macross hasegawa kits? also...do you have any more pictures of any of your other model works?
  17. my brother-in-law bought a controller simular to that...and it also had the macross game...it was really wierd since the graphics were more than basic buy even nintendo standards at the time
  18. sad day indeed...i really hope a big name publisher like marvel or dc picks them up as another faction of their lineup...there's just so many titles i've enjoyed over the past years with dreamwave. ...may dreamwave r.i.p.
  19. was over technogoly applied into the MiG-29? was it applied to any of the standard fighters at all? i forgot if they were or not...
  20. wouldn't there be a major problem with the heatshield if any of the 2 seaters get released in 1/48 scale?
  21. whoa...pretty car...ME WANTS!!!!!
  22. I think that was the pop up ad that was on yamato's site tellin' about the 2nd reissue of the VF-1S Roy...I remember seeing that a couple months before the 2nd reissue came
  23. i thought those companies didn't exist anymore
  24. we still might have hope...i'm sure BW will still release a Macross Zero movie...and hopefully that will revive the Macross franchise enough for Bandai or another toy company (aside from Yamato) to produce high quality Macross toys or model kits...I would still love to see a variable kit of the VF-0 by Bandai...but that's wishful thinking for now...maybe one day the people of Japan will get tired of gundam and Bandai will have to move on to something else or they'll lose all their assets And what better series to start stuff off with than Macross! and other great series like it!
  25. it would've been funnier if they used voldo's joke weapon in the video
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