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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. still look like retarded yukikazes would've been better if they actually did completely rip off the yukikaze designs
  2. yeah it's a pretty good series...i have all the digi-subs so far (but my dumb ass forgot to check if the videos burnt correctly so some of the vids are kinda messed up ) i didn't like it at first since i thought it was gonna be some stupid kiddy series but it ended up being one of my fav's
  3. I lost the black heatshield for Roy...is anyone has a spare please let me know... ------------------------ nevermind...just found it...i was sneezing last night and it was under my dirty tissue
  4. we all know how Captain America's done such a great contribution to this community with his resin kits...i'm sure we could convince him to sculpt the head for us
  5. Dat Pinche Haro!


    i honestly would buy at least 3 myself it looks nicer than the 1/72 scale -19's yamato made...and hey, they can mess around in a couple areas and make M7 versions of the 19 if that was to happen i'd buy 3 of each kind and in every color and no i'm not lying either...i really would buy 'em up
  6. Dat Pinche Haro!


    so beautiful...but so expensive
  7. any news about the HGUC Hazel Gundam? i mean, any prototype photos or anything?
  8. i wouldn't mind living in mexico... it's just a joke...it's not like it's supposed to be some kinda anti-french propoganda...so no need to get bent outta shape about it
  9. i'm thinking of buying a vf-1 super poseable for its hands...would the hands work for a 1/48? i'm just asking since i know a few people did it with the alpha super poseable hands...
  10. awww...my picture ended up being the last post of the previous page...this blows
  11. very impressive...i was fooled like everyone else when i first saw this...very very well done...looks just like an original box
  12. did this in a couple minutes...was bored and remembered about this thread...now that i look on it...looks a lot like a standard S head
  13. wow...each is a head shorter (or a head taller) than the last...looks kinda funny
  14. I already have episode 20...but it's by Shinsen-Subs...these guys did a decent job with Beck...hopefully they do a good job with Champloo
  15. looks like bandai is releasing option decals for some of their MG kits http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist.cgi?Ser...dam+Decal&Dis=2
  16. it's a kitbash or a hasegawa yf-19 kit...i think some company made a special upgrade it so you could make it transformable...not totally sure though
  17. hmmm...never heard of this place before
  18. I recieved a RX-79 (G) Ground Gundam last Christmas. I really regret not building it right away. It's a very fine kit (even for an aging MG kit) the frame and everything is very well done...I actually like the fact Bandai used cups and balls for the shoulders...very good posseibility over all...very nice master grade I bet Druna Skass wants me to break it so he could cabinalize it
  19. i haven't kept up with transformer releases in a while...will there be a hasbro version of the mpc ultra magnus coming out later on this year?
  20. so freakin' cool...more pics!
  21. hmm...that looks a lot like the cyber-formula cars kawamori did back in the day...
  22. if it's anything like the other arch enemy figures then it's around 1/100 scale, or 7-8 inches tall
  23. same thing happend to me...i was barely able to get on today...the main site was affected too...i wanted to get some stuff from the magazine section but couldn't...i've long since forgotten what i was gonna get...oh well, i'll remember eventually...
  24. well...i do have a picture of fuu...but it's hentai...doesn't really show her boobies at all...just umm her bare back and the curve of her boobies...no nips besides...i said the seein' fuu's boobies part as a joke no need to take what i said so seriously
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