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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. heh...too bad bandai won't release any macross toys...maybe when the 25th (or even 30th) anniversary comes around they'll make something new...we all know bandai has the engineering skills to at least make a 1/72 variable model...i just wish we weren't so picky about our toys...for some reason i feel like yamato is still looking at these boards....i mean, why else would they make a VB-6? we had the recast going on for months and months before yamato even announced it....has anyone thought that maybe the VB-6 was yamato's test shot for VFX (just like the first M+ valks)? seriously though, if the fans bought up all the konig monsters then maybe we'd see the VF-4 or the VF-5000 being made...sure, they might be as small as 1/100 scale but it'd still be worth it no? i honestly don't have the room nor the desire to have anything as big as a VF-1 1/48....just about any valk in 1/100 or 1/72 scale would be fine with me...just wish they'd release something different dammit...even get TOMY to do macross variable models...
  2. just outta curiousity...is this thing gonna have a corefighter?
  3. "Z to the O to the double-R O..." Zorro?
  4. looks nice but the feet look too small to me...usually when you see a gundam you see big feet......but besides that, nothin' wrong with it...looks really nice...too bad okawara can't do that ...i personally wonder if he wants bandai to fire him either way, he needs to step down from the gundam game and possibly let the guys from BEE-Craft to take over for him...seems like they'd too just as good ifnot better than Okawara...but whatever...a guy can only dream
  5. pretty cool...i personally haven't played darkstalkers since 96 but from the screen shots it looks pretty nice and the puzzle games you've mentioned look pretty cool so i'll have to check 'em out more if i do decide to get a psp...i just know i'm not getting the launch version of it after hearing the horror stories of people getting the launch ps and ps2 i honestly didn't know there was a difference between the two memory sticks...the duo looks like a slightly longer sd card to me...either way...it looks like i'll be getting a psp in the future...hopefully sony does make something like a umd burner so i'd be able to play my mp3s, movies, and maybe even emulated games off of that instead of the card. either way, i think i'd be nice to have on those long trips with the folks or the plane trips btw...even if it didn't have a battery life problem, i'd still buy an extra battery anyways...because that's just the way i am
  6. i think they're basically pvc statues probably around 5 inches each...anf if there is poseability then it's very minimal these are probably just a slightly less grade than the MSiA gundam figures
  7. only problem is i doubt the psp will support divx codecs or any others for the avi format...so i guess it'd have to be converted into the mpeg-4 as mikeszekely stated before...but i wouldn't know how to do that...i also wanted to buy a psp so i could watch movies and possibly fansubs...i doubt i'd seriously use it for games...i'm not a gamer nor do i try to be...hell, i can still play first gameboy version of tetris for hours on end and not get tired of it...(just too bad i lost my gameboy ) i'm mostly drawn to puzzle and fighting games...it suck at rpgs and stratigy games...if sony turns out a tetris type puzzle game and possibly street fighter or guilty gear (yeah, i'm a believer that fighting games belong in the 2d realm...unless it's soul calibur) then i'll be all over it like a fat kid on a mountin of twinkies....and isn't there other companies making memory sticks now? i think i've seen some of those juicy fruit sized memory cards made by lexmark or pny recently at bestbuy and walmart...
  8. heh....it has the shinning/burning finger thing going on...that's actually pretty funny
  9. sorta OT but does anyone know when Gundam SEED comes on on cartoon network?
  10. Shinsen-Subsi sup to episode 23... but it was just another mess around episode...not really furthering the story a long...looks like samurai champloo is turning into macross zero in the sense that the story was slow to take off...hopefully the next 3 episodes are some kinda great finale in the making instead of more mess arounds
  11. that's so freakin' cool...better than i expected even
  12. very very nice...better than your last statue in my opinion...i would love to have a painted version of that...since i lack the skill and patience to paint a figure like that
  13. still looks really nice...you should try putting on some of the dry transfer decals on it to improve the look...it's pretty easy to do...and you'll love the results
  14. i think the rick-dias or sazabi hands would've been better...i personally don't like the "knuckles" but beyond that...pretty good...i actually wouldn't mind buying one if yamato ever made one...btw....looks like the guy still needs to paint the feet/thrusters black and have a red diagonal stripe on 'em...and of course the decals
  15. looks like the magazine scan is from a contest...like "design the perfect strike gundam" type contest...i could be wrong, though...but it sure as hell looks like it might be something simular to the perfect gundam contest from the early 80's...this looks like it's fully fan made...looks pretty cool and all for a fan drawing...although the "cleaned" up picture looks like something the guys at bee-craft did....don't like all those thrusters on the legs that seem to just sick out of no where
  16. either way...just a bunch of limited edition kits with just very slight color changes and different boxes...and yeah it does look like they'll all be released the same time...in april (as hlj says) and in march the OYW 78 will be released...i mean sure the 78 can pose now but come on...it's not in the standard colors and some of the panel lines really bug me...god, the freakin' red parts look like a purple-pink color i know i'm not going to be buying it. i know many of you will buy it simply because it's something new. and bandai hasn't given any indications that they will release anything later on this year...yes i know it takes months of work just to make one kit but no news from any of the hobby mags? ...maybe we need an inside guy now...
  17. wow...that thing is actually pretty cool...even better than the 1/60 jetfire someone did...can't believe someone had the balls to actually make a 1/48 jetfire btw...the guy who ever did this got lazy with the head arrows...should've made those red too
  18. uhh...is that the robotech purist guy? it's kinda funny, i'm here in socal yet i doubt i'll attend the mw con...simply because i don't feel like i'm as true a fan as any of you guys out there...hope everything goes well and hope you all don't turn into rabid fanboys in mari ijima's presence
  19. u know...after all you seeing how this tread as gone along i honestly would wonder what'd happen if big west decided to not make any macross shows, show reruns on tv or even release macross toys...would us, the fans really step up and petition to save macross? would that honestly make us any different than them if we did? no it wouldn't...macross fans as any others, share the same desires and wants that any fan of anything basically...fans are fans...no matter how "loser" or "geekish" it all sounds...i honestly was never a fan of enterprise either but you have to give the fans credit for at least trying to save what they see as a "good" show...it's like if we all petitions to have a better ending/more episodes to macross zero
  20. ehh...i'm kinda disappointed...i but then again, i wasn't expecting much from okawara and bandai...i'm sure it'll look better in the animation
  21. i saw these, he has the ZZ gundam set for like $2000.00, i almost won one for about $150.00 a few months ago his prices are way to high. chris but aren't laser disks more expensive than dvds? i'm sure all these disks are out of print and very rare...i can see why the guy would be selling them at such a high price...but since they're in the ld format, they're more of a collectable than something you'd wanna watch...laserdisks are pretty much for the hardcore fans...but then again...those prices are still way too jacked up
  22. don't forget the crossbone gundams...
  23. flucy said in another thread that there will be an update on the amored gerwalk within the next couple days
  24. wouldn't doubt it altho...those girls would be the only reason why i'd even watch the movie...
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