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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. well they look good...now send 'em off to get recasted!!
  2. i've said this before but i'll say it again...possibly our last hope for any macross goodies is bandai...and we all know they won't do jack with their license
  3. stop teasing...
  4. <insert Duke Togo homoerotic comments here> okay...i should've said 8th MS Team version...i set myself up for that one...
  5. Shiro's ball looked cooler anyways ...glad it's coming out
  6. uhh...i'm kinda wondering why no one has mentioned the Vulture yet...i mean with the guy from wings on board i could see him as the vulture too...or even the hob goblin
  7. i could see schwarzenegger as kraven the hunter
  8. The finally released #23 today. BASEBALL! yeah....and shinsen subbed the last episode i'm not going to downloadit just yet since i'm in the process of reformating my computer well i guess i'm gonna go now wish me luck
  9. hmm...i just realized something...if you get a psp it'd be easy to get saves from the net on to your memory stick...so i guess it's kinda good for those of us who are just too freakin' lazy to finish our games
  10. pikachu has a "WTF??!!" expression in its face
  11. well...episode 25 is finally fansubbed...not by AF-F...since they're taking forever
  12. just saw the raw of the last episode...it was done with all the action you'd expect from champloo...hopefully the fansubbers can finish the last couple episodes so at us non-native japanese speakers can understand what the heck is going on
  13. he doesn't make just cards blow up...i think he can do it to just about anything too...not sure about living things tho (thus the reason why i said "i think..")
  14. Ashley Robbins
  15. technically isn't it both kawamori and miyatake since both of them worked on the VF-1? i think miyatake drew the internals and did clean up for the VF-1
  16. I think the VF-1 is automatically a favorite of any Macross fan. It truely is a timeless design. Even from the begining it was designed to look like a jet fighter that happend to transform into a robot. It's still very much a beautiful and modern design. Just as Gundam has the RX-78, we have the VF-1; a big reminder of where it all started.
  17. so what does this mean exactly? does it mean there's not gonna be any more Toys R Us? either way, it was a good place to find those hard-to-find toys and even US versions of many gundam toys. i'll have to go there at the end of the month, just to see what's there...
  18. Too bad this isn't the 80s where cool toys would show up in stores and kids would buy them up like crazy since they looked cool! I remember buying Voltron, Transformers, Thundercats, and even He-Man toys just because they looked cool...and whenever I'd find them on tv I'd watch them until my eyes were sore ...thus making me love my toys even more... well back to topic... I honestly thing Yamato sank themselves by releasing their 1/48 VF-1's. Now we expect equal quality toys and engineering. Perhapes they feel like the fan base isn't there anymore to buy up their products like once before. I would've bought a VF-0S at its last sculpt revision, with rabbit ears and all. As a fan of Macross, I'm greatful to get anything Macross right now.
  19. sexy nurse...but i tired it again last night but nothin' came up he was doing a report on woman's rights... btw...i would put up my MG's if it wasn't for the fact i only have one now, the ground gundam.... i had a GP03, Gouf Custom, RX-78-5 or G05, Zeta, Wing Ver. KA...if i still had all those i'd have a pretty good collection going...but honestly, i broke a couple of 'em and gave 'em away for cabinalization...or sold 'em when i had the cc problem
  20. what lance sword thingy? I am sorry if my memories bad and do not remember this, though on the plus side i do remember that new avatar of yours Ashley Robbins i have seen alot of her (and i definetly mean that ) the lance's peg was stuck in the main handle of one of the temjin's weapons... yeah...kinda found one of her pictures on google by mistake while looking for pictures for my nephew for a school project...she's hott...saw some of her work...very good at what she does
  21. zeo...were you able to fix the lance/sword thingy or did ya just give up? btw...nice collection...i'm envious
  22. looks nice...too bad i can't afford one
  23. actually looks pretty cool
  24. we've all really missed your art polidread...great job as usual!
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