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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. uhh...does the screen color change every month? cuz i have a pink-redish screen now..
  2. actually i haven't been able to find the cable by itself anywhere except for bestbuy...and the cable comes with the software...the software is really good at converting the video...it even leaves the video at the original screen resolution so no real data loss...i watched the "Ace Combat Zero" (M0 & AC5 put together) it didn't have the same naming capabilities but it converted the video pretty well...the only real drawback with the software is you can't drag in or add folders of music, photos, or video...it pretty much has to be dragged into one at a time and that's pretty annoying...btw...has anyone made subfolders for their files?
  3. ehh...it's been a while since i've seen M0...memory's foggy...and my friend has all my other episodes and i hate watching an episode in the middle or end of the series... i guess having the M0 movie would be good...it would be good to explain the M0 style pilot and all... btw...did anyone recast the lowvis pilot? i wouldn't mind puttin' a skull on there and making it look like roy
  4. i wonder if there's a YF-21 or VF-22 version of those x-ray walls you made...
  5. With black splotches and a mystery pilot! I just imagine it's the ghost of shin from when he died in macross zero. uhh...Shin didn't die on Macross Zero...
  6. sandman sounds about good...altho i see that character as more ofa "thug" type person... image curtiousy of rogercruz.com.br
  7. yeah...i was talking to him about that...he's at times too lazy to do stuff like that...i on the other hand am lazy but will do what needs to be done and all...since we got our systems at the base exchange, there was no games or accessories for the psp...he's working until wednesday and i should get paid by then also so we're gonna head off to bestbuy and possibly gamestop to get what we need...i know for sure i'm gonna pick up darkstalkers and lumines since they're basically the only games i'm gonna play unless namco decides to make a SCIII or special pack with all their old school games like pac man and all...IMO i feel like if you're gonna get a handheld system, you should have at least one puzzle or tetris like game for it...i can still play tetris hours on end without getting tired of it. btw...i saw a card reader for the ms duo and pro duo...would those be okay for adding stuff onto the memory card? when i mentioned SCIII i just thought of something...wouldn't it be nice to have the first Soul Calibur game on the psp? i'm sure it'd be easy to put on there since the game is already set with a 6 button configuration...altho it might be hard to switch the game engines...
  8. looks like i'm going to hongfire tonight...
  9. yup...he mysteriously gave me a few scratches on the cheek last night and for some really weird reason he likes me but likes stepping all over my manhood when i'm petting him... in regards to how this thread has gone...a lot of you have spoiled a perfectly good thread (where we were bashing the plane designs) and turned it ugly with sexest remarks and just pig headedness on all parties...i love going to MW and i hate having to go threw all the garbage y'all leave...there's no need for flamitory comments or come backs...if you're offended by someone then just block them, pm them, or take it up to one of the mods... back to topic... looks like Stealth will be a good movie to rent...i know i'll watch it more for the story than anything else...although, people who know nothing of avionics will think the crappy designs are cool...but hey, whatever floats their boats....the story seems solid and interesting so i'll check it out when it comes out...
  10. anyone know where i could get movies for the psp? my friend got one and all...he wants to be able to play movies on it...he was surprised at the spiderman 2 movie and thought about getting some more...are they available anywhere right now?
  11. That's an understatement. Hell the Saberfish looks better than that piece of crap. that's a insult to the saberfish dude...
  12. saw the preview for this movie on the spiderman 2 disc sony provided with their psp...looks pretty good but umm...the plane designs look like poo...like seriously low budget...
  13. Memory Stick Pro could work in the PSP . . . i read that a few days ago...i dunno if i'm gonna be willing to actually do all that modification since i don't have any memory sticks to begin with...i'd rather just buy the ms duo...but hey...any of you guys that already have large ms's then all the power to u...go ahead with the mod
  14. my only complaint is the adapters on the shoulders...i didn't like them on the 1/60 and i don't like them on this either...
  15. i just got a psp and was wondering if any of you guys knew how to register it? i've been looking thru my forms and with no luck...the only thing you can register to is something called playstation underground...
  16. i kinda wish they did track more episodes...
  17. wow...concidering that thing looks like crap... then again...there's people buying up Veriteck MPCs
  18. STFU. ....and I own a Gamecube, PS2, PSP, and GBA SP so I'm not biased. yes you are since you don't own an xbox
  19. it's SCIII is being semi discussed here... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14012 but i guess it's better to have a SCIII official thread...seems like we can't get enough of those lately
  20. i think i'm gonna get a psp once the dead pixel problem is dealt with...hopefully there will be a mod using the memory stick so we'll able to make saves on import games
  21. i think we're up to episode 22...
  22. UN_Marine...I was wondering if you're able to give us a scan of the blueprints you put up for the Thunder Hummer armor. I'm actually curious to see all that you've done for it. BTW it doesn't look like you'll have to design the back boosters since you could just use the ones from the fastpack set. Either way, good luck on the project
  23. Dude, Pacman... but dude...that's the early 70's no?
  24. dude...that's scary but true...he looks like what i would imagine kraven would look like in real life anyone got hasselhof's managers number? they might wanna talk to sony on ideas...
  25. the chick in the green with the big ol' circular blade thingy reminds me of voldo...hope they still have nightmare or sigfried...if not then someone simular....can't be soul calibur without someone with a big ass sword ....having mitsurugi and taki isn't bad though...mit's the first character i got at least half way decent with... the character creater idea seems pretty good too...hopefully there will be downloadable costumes for characters or something to that degree...either way, SCIII looks very promising... as for the namco anniversary edition game...for one i didn't know namco was that old... it would be nice to have a pack like that full of old school games...
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