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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. heh...like 8 months after my dad had his accident like 3 years ago...one of those guys game and we let him do the same thing...it was funny...they were tryna sell it to us and we wouldn't budge...we did tell him we'd call in and order one...just never did poor stupid guy...
  2. sad thing is...it's all true jk :P
  3. very good trailer...makes me wanna see it even more than before mr. bale seems pretty well suited for the part of bruce wayne/batman...this movie's gonna rock!! :P:lol:
  4. yeah. I bought that last week. It's a great game. Agreed. What's everyones high score so far? mine is 88331 and so far i have 19 skins
  5. actually i've been wanting the case for a couple weeks before i got my psp i guess i've just been kinda lazy to gettin' to actually buying it
  6. DAMN. I already bought the small metal protect case, now I want this one. well if you can find a laser engraver around you could get a UN Spacy symbol or somethin' like that
  7. can I goudge my eyes out and pop my ear drums now?
  8. LUMINES IS FARTING ADDICTING!!! I just finish spending a whole half hour on challenge mode...omg...my hands were like numb for a lil
  9. 0/\/\FG @1/\/T 3\/3/V \/\/0RTH TEH R3@D
  10. still looks like a cool idea...sorta surprised it hasn't happend sooner
  11. 1 VF-1 2NV, you suck i had my hopes up thinkin' yamato was actually gonna release a green one... but now...you just bumped a year old thread btw...there is a main site to MW even tho it seems like people don't really care for it people bookmark the forums and forget about the main site good thing i never did that...i always check out the main page for any updates damn...i just sounded a lil like a brown-noser
  12. still makes you wanna get the case so you could see what the pic looks like in it lol jk
  13. this is for u zentrandude http://users2.ev1.net/~BigMommaK/nintendods.jpg bring style and class to ur DS...with the dSP skin mod
  14. i've tried to order one of these since i got my psp and they pretty much sold out all over the place...now that i have a chance to get a Logitech PlayGear i don't get the chance to get one...but damn...it's either get this or gas for my car... i know for sure i'm gonna get one of these when i get paid...
  15. crappers...no i don't...and mugen was a pirate someone else make up a question on my behalf
  16. if that kit was real i'd sooooooo buy it in an instant...even if it ment breakin' the bank
  17. whoa...was the class just that boring?
  18. that's exactly why mine is still naked
  19. very nice...
  20. to be honest, it's been hard for me to get into GitS...I didn't really like the movies and the show was by far better than the movies imo...i only started to watch it cuz it was more of a cop story than tryna explore your own humanity or whatever but i will admit that SAC is hard at first to get into but when you get into the main or true focus of the series then it's great btw...batou kicks more ass
  21. i think this might be the only umd movie i actually purchase...i'm gonna buy a 512 or 1gig stick for my psp and just play movies off of that
  22. i'm actually more interested in the seller's banned cartoon vcds
  23. Universal Media Disc
  24. figures it was pokemon umm...here's a samurai champloo question... and it's pretty easy What was Mugen before he "joined" Fuu and Jin on the journy to find the Sunflower Samurai?
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