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Everything posted by funkymonkeyjavajunky

  1. I just want some clear canopies.
  2. Now everybody is selling it for under 20,000 yen??
  3. Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for your insight.
  4. Does anyone have any experience with HobbySearch? I am wondering why it is taking them so long to ship my toy after payment has been received.
  5. I'm still looking for a Mirage.
  6. Correction: Micro-Missile Launchers (http://macross.wikia.com/wiki/SV-51)
  7. At least the renders show correct armaments (two cannons and two missiles, not four cannons).
  8. Who sells the missiles? And, are they unpainted?
  9. Gads, these toys are hard to procure. But they are worth every penny.
  10. Ok, I contacted customer service at Nippon Yassan. They won't do anything to resolve the issue. I'm stuck with my melted insert. Fortunately, the actual toy seems to have been insulated in its Styrofoam insert, and is undamaged.
  11. Beats me. Everything else is fine (including the stand), but the insert is very melted. Like someone held the insert up to hot air blower. So, what is Nippon Yassan's track record for resolving damaged products?
  12. Anyone else get melted packaging? The stand that came with my Messer has a melted insert.
  13. "Bandai Preorder" to Macross toy collectors, is the equivalent of "Squirel!" for dogs.
  14. That has to be the definition of irony. Managing to place a preorder in a several second window, but missing payment over a couple of days.
  15. Finally snagged a toy through NY. Macross collectors are a seriously Messered up group of folks.
  16. So, how is it that this toy is still open for preorders? It's cheaper than the deltas. Is there really so much more demand for the delta line?
  17. I cannot believe this. I have been following this page on HLJ for months, and I miss the preorder window...Again.
  18. Umm...some of us still need a valk preorder to put said super parts on.
  19. I could use one. I have been trying at HLJ for months now. PM sent.
  20. You didn't miss much. Mostly, a lot of yelling profanities and throw stuff at monitors.
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