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Everything posted by funkymonkeyjavajunky

  1. Any update on the NY fiasco with the 31A release? Or, did everyone get their toys (that's sarcasm, btw)?
  2. What guarantee is there that they can deliver on these preorders?
  3. I am with you. So, how much longer will we wait?
  4. I think they will lose more than just a few customers on this fiasco. The issue doesn't just affect one or two people, but dozens (possibly hundreds) of customers.
  5. Regardless how all of these VF-1A issues turn out, the result will be with Nippon Yasan losing longtime customers. I don't think the quality of a business is defined when everything goes as planned, it's what a business does to handle unforeseen problems (i.e., lack of stock for preorders, damaged products, etc.) Taking your money six months in advance of a release, then not issuing any form of explanation why the toy hasn't shipped more than a month after release date is unacceptable. Good customer service is offering an explanation, apology, and/or discount coupon (maybe free shipping) for a future order. A retailer should at least attempt to retain business trust. I am sure that some valk diehards will continue to but toys through this business, but some of us are done. There are other places to buy toys.
  6. Does anyone know when NY stopped taking preorders?
  7. Well, I ordered on 10/25, So, you're saying they will fill this order before the multiple-piece orders placed the first week?
  8. Would folks mind posting their order number and day they ordered (when you receive a shipment in process notification) so we can keep tabs on NY's progress in filling orders?
  9. My order number is 493965. Just 5,225 more orders to go.
  10. Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres, funkymonkeyjavajunky, Refunded: Vortech Anime Export Received: Vortech x3 Not Yet:
  11. May? A 7-month wait?? And not even a 500 yen coupon.
  12. At this point, does anyone believe that NY will fill more orders before the PayPal coverage ends (6 months, April 22 for me)?
  13. This whole debacle with the VF-31A and NY kinda reminds me of the NYSE, with traders buying and selling whichever way the market winds blow. Never mind long term business relationships and future business, as long as you can grab money (and ridiculous price increases) in the here and now. Not a very good business model, in my opinion.
  14. So, like other folks, I am waiting on my order. PayPal says I need to open a dispute no later than the 22nd. I paid with a combination of PayPal funds and a credit card. What are my current options? I figure I have a little more time to wait and see what happens before asking for a refund.
  15. However all this turns out, I get the impression that NY is going to lose a bunch of customers.
  16. Well, this gives those of us who placed orders weeks later some hope.
  17. Spin the wheel...will your toy ship?
  18. Hmm...maybe it is based on ranking.
  19. Have any orders later than this date been shipped? Anyone?
  20. Can someone post a full list of defects for this toy?
  21. Umm...offering store credit instead of refunding your payment adds salt to the wound. If a business can't deliver on an item, why the hell would I want to risk a repeat?
  22. My two cents...no, I will not cancel my order (NY already has my money). Yes, I will wait a bit longer. I have no idea what the hold up is, but I am pretty sure that NY will--eventually-- fill my order, or refund me my money. The fact that they ask for payment up front (back in October), and it's now past the release date listed on their site, with no follow up email, is very bad customer service. There are only so many online retailers that sell these toys, so cutting one out of the short list is a tough call. Yes, a lot of us are seriously pi**ed.
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