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Everything posted by funkymonkeyjavajunky

  1. If you didn't check out you ain't getting it. The cart doesn't mean anything until the transaction is processed (and there is available stock). Sorry.
  2. Well, I finally got to view the holy "Add To Cart" button finally.
  3. So preorders will open Wednesday at what time on the west coast?
  4. Received a shipping notice from NY.
  5. I made the same request. If they can't/won't change the currency then I plan to cancel the order. $204 shipped is a ridiculous price for this toy.
  6. Btw, I only photographed the overflow toys. The rest of the collection is in the first case (all of the Macross Zero valks, 1/48 scale, VF-1's, and VF-25's).
  7. What are the odds the VF-25G will get a reissue?
  8. I'd love a PM as well on said tips. I missed out on the VF-25G and am having a tough go on all the reissues. Thanks.
  9. ok, so I examined my toy and everything is in good shape...except for the hard plastic head fin. It has a horrible curl to it. Is there any way to straigten out this part of the toy? Also, I ordered through HLJ. Do they have any policy on replacing damaged parts (not due to shipping)? This issue is a manufacturer's defect.
  10. HLJ all the way! They came through, and at a reasonable price. I guess I was in the right place/time during reissue preorders a couple of months ago.
  11. I just got my payment purchase notice for HLJ. Paid $173.64 USD before shipping.
  12. IKEA's cheesestick-shaped, glass cabinets are reasonably priced (around $69) and easy to build. I like the fact they don't take up much space and you can always added another one or two if you have more toys to display.
  13. So, does anyone know who might still be selling a Cavaliers?
  14. Hot damn! Finally got a pre-order in. I just happened to check the site, but thanks for the update.
  15. If you have money to burn then this is the hobby for you.
  16. Nope, didn't have a snowball's chance in...well, you get the picture. I was up until 12:00am PST and followed the antics. Unfortunately, I don't see how a purchase is possible with less than a one-minute window to work with. Even if you can manage to get an item in your cart it still takes time to complete the order. Btw, does anyone know how many orders these online retailers place in these short time frames? AmiAmi limits one order to one customer, so how many customers actually complete orders? It seems like it must be a very low number.
  17. http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/3606-choujikuu-yousai-macross-vf-4g-lightning-iii-limited-edition.html Available once more. $395 before shipping.
  18. Finally got my super parts. Alto is all armored up and ready for action.
  19. All stickered up. Here are more pics for your viewing pleasure...
  20. I guess my issue with NY is that their prices seem considerably more than the other online retailers. That $160 retail toy ends up being around $200-$220 on NY. Also, their shipping rates are double to triple the price of the other retailers. If I absolutely must have the toy I'll shop NY, but otherwise I cannot afford the price difference every time I want to buy a valk.
  21. I'll hang around 'til 2am, as long as I know "when" pre-orders will open.
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