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Everything posted by funkymonkeyjavajunky

  1. There is a lot of Nora love in that display case.
  2. My toys have cleared customs. Unfortunately, I'm having them shipped to my workplace so won't get the shipment until Monday.
  3. I will pony up funds for an Arcadia SV-51.
  4. Paid for my VF-0A on Friday. I'm still waiting for HLJ to put it in the mail. Update: Shipping charge was missing. They sent an overdue notice and all is right now.
  5. Can someone list a breakdown of prices and availability for the VF-0S by site?
  6. Hey, its got stealth coloring.
  7. I paid for mine end of day yesterday. PayPal exchange rate was 118.272 JPY.
  8. I got my HLJ payment request. I might wait another day or two before paying though. The exchange rate is on the upswing.
  9. Those stickers look pretty bad (and there are a lot of them). And, those slots under the turbines really stick out. I think I'll hold onto my Yamato release for now. I'm curious what the reviews will be like.
  10. So, does this mean payment for HLJ is still a week away?
  11. Regarding the first photo...can we say "Cherry Blossom Squadron"?
  12. I purchased two of these mother fodders and have only had one knee joint shatter. I consider myself lucky considering the plethora of other issues.
  13. Japanese military aircraft get all the great color schemes.
  14. ok, so when are payment requests going to go out for the VF-0A?
  15. So, what are the odds we will see SV-51's from Arcadia? I will buy one if they improve it.
  16. Is there an exact release date for the VF-0A yet?
  17. Paid for my HLJ order and into the private warehouse it goes.
  18. 18,000 yen (about $145 USD at current rates).
  19. I am really looking forward to this repaint. I 'don't need' another YF-29, but the color scheme is too good to pass up (and it's got a frickin bayonet).
  20. Any pics showing cockpit detailing?
  21. When does HLJ typically send out payment requests?
  22. Someone may have already mentioned this...but could the blue on this fighter be the original factory shade, and after dozens of missions fades to the grey/blue from the series?
  23. Well, it's cheaper than the VF-0A.
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