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Everything posted by McHenry

  1. I recently got this game and I'm having a hard time enjoying it, I find I have a hard time controlling the plane when you lock on to your enemy with R1 and L1. It just doesn't feel like Ace Combat to me.
  2. I also wondered what happened to Memmo. I like most others had him to thank for bring me into the So-Cal Group and introducing me to people that became life long friends. Then one day at anime expo 2006. I introduced him to my new girl friend (who is now my fiancee) and while my back was turned dealing with some one who wanted me to sign their Shadow Chronicles Art book he told her not to crowd me that I was a Robotech and Anime fan and I needed my space. This seriously freaked out my girl friend and I have stayed away from him since then. I've always wondered what the hell he was trying to accomplish by doing that. Then some time last year he posted a attack on me on RT.com saying that Tommy told him I was talking about his family and spreading rumors. He went from being a great friend to some one I didn't want to be around any more because your wern't sure what he would do next. Sad, sad, sad.
  3. They need to look at some other science fiction books and make new movies. I for one would love to see Ender's Game made into a movie. Also how would you make a Red Dawn re-make, maybe this time it would be the Canadians and the Chinese that invade us?
  4. This movie suffered from a serious lack of funding. If the money was there I bet it would of been a lot better. It wasn't bad all in all, just needed better effects. I loved the last part of it. "The Federation agrees that there is a God and that he is on our side!"
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