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Everything posted by VF-1Guy

  1. VF-1Guy

    Better hurry

    I'd guess it is kinda small (6-8"). I'm basing this on the lack of detail and lack of elbows. The screw holes may also be an indicator or they may be really big screws. I can't tell what it's sitting on in the auction picture, but I would guess it is a table.
  2. Very nice display!
  3. I picked up a Unit 01 a few weeks back and really like. It is a solid toy that is packed with fun. It comes with 2 sets of the shoulder fins (1 that is meant for display and a second set that open to expose the progressive knife and needle gun), 2 sets of hands, tons of weapons and the cool stand. I'll pick up Unit 00' if I decide to get a second one. Big Bad Toy Store (www.bigbadtoystore.com) may be a good option if you live in the US.
  4. The Takara MP Prime is the only Transformer I own. Very nice toy! I'm also planning to pick up the articulated Starscream from the RobotMasters-whatchamacallit line.
  5. I would love to see the sales numbers for the 1/48 and 1/60 lines. I'm guessing that the number of units sold drop a little with each subsequent release. There is also probably a point at which the diminishing returns crosses below a point of reasonable profit. Out of the various 1/48s that haven't been released yet the only ones I would pick up would be a CF, VT-1 and perhaps a VE-1. I'm sure other people would pick a different subset to pick up. There are also people who would pick them all up. The dilema that Yamato faces is determining which models have enough appeal to sell well in the 1/48 line. Yamato of course has access to the 1/60 sales numbers, which can help to predict 1/48 sales. It may be that these numbers indicate that the 2-seaters or perhaps even the CF aren't worth their time in the 1/48 line.
  6. I think the ActionHQ price for Starscream and Prime is $20. The cyber jet and Beast Wars basics repaints were $15, I think. This leads me to believe that SS and Prime are maybe the same size as the US deluxes (the ones that sell for around $10). In the group picture that is in ActionHQ's news SS and Prime look a little larger than the BW basics & cyber jets which would be about right for deluxe sized.
  7. I'll pick up the Starscream if the new sculpt closes all the gaps in the the jet mode for the old sculpt. Hopefully there'll be a Skywarp repaint down the road.
  8. As long as the GPB armor comes out I'll be happy. This is something I'm really looking forward to.
  9. I had decided that I didn't really need the Max before it came out, but the "I'm waiting on a 1/48 CF" choice spoke to me. It's refreshing that polls are now speaking to me. It helps to drown out all those pesky voices in my head.
  10. They seem to have a thing for the letter M - Minmay, Milia, Misa, Myung, Mylene and Mao (I think that the name of the M+ character).
  11. VF-1Guy

    collector habits

    I'll keep buying as long as companies keeps producing high quality transformable VFs!
  12. The 1/60 GPB is supposed to be out in May (fingers crossed).
  13. I stopped being a completist a while back. I realized that there are something in a line that just aren't worth getting. Now I get what I like. I'm caught up with Macross right now with 11 1/60s, 5 1/48s and 3 1/72s. I'm looking for a good price on the DC Direct Birds of Prey 3 pack. I'm waiting for StarWarsShop.com to come back online to get my Adventure Kermit (Indiana Jones costume). This is probably the toy that I'm most excitied to get right now. It's actually been kind of boring lately with nothing out that I really want to buy.
  14. I doubt that we'll see any official products from Lego since they had record losses last year. I expect them to return most of their focus to their own properties (town, Duplo, Bioncle, castle, etc) and to continue to devolp only the large licenses that have the best chance at success.
  15. I've too noticed that the 1/48 line is closely following the 1/60 line. The CF in the 1/48 line was the low-viz. I would still love to see a real CF since it is my second most favorite color scheme.
  16. I haven't picked up a Macross item since the 1/48 J either. I know I'm not cured though, I'm just waiting until something I want comes along. I've been fulfilling my toy buying urges lately by substituting DC Direct Batman figures for Macross. The sickness never goes away, it just changes focus for a while. I tired the Alternator line but didn't really like it (although I do really like the MP Prime). I guess it's mainly transforming fighter jets that I'm interested in.
  17. That plot summary actually makes E1 look good, and E1 was pure crap! This does not match with any of the spoilers or interviews I've read and really doesn't draw upon the plots of E1 or E2 expect for characters.
  18. Ugliest TF ever: Energon Prime! Runners up: A lot of the initial Energon Stuff at the deluxe level & above (firetruck, SUV, Jetfire) G1 Wheeljack G1 Omega Supreme G1 Skylinx 90% All the G1 mini-cars The thing that got me into Transformers was the concept of vehicles that changed into robots. I had quite a few of the pre-movie toys, but my collecting slacked off around the time of the movie and had all but stopped by the time of the Head Masters. As time went on and new TF lines came and went, I realized that the ones that caught my eye were the realistic looking vehicles. I liked some of G2, RiD and now BT/Alternators. Most the others don't appeal to me.
  19. I would guess it is a cost issue. I've seen printing on toys much smaller than this. I just hope it comes with stickers if they don't do the printing! I'm also wondering if the item in the picture is more mockup than production item. It would explain the heatshield and the lack of skulls.
  20. It doesn't look too bad for what it is. The price isn't too bad either compared to some other items in the line (especially if the missiles and leg FAST packs remain a part of the package). I'll definately pick one up to tide me over until a larger perfect transformation version comes along (keeping my fingers crossed).
  21. I do. I think of it as a collectible since no toy of similar size (i.e. a child's plaything) should cost this much money. These are clearly aimed at adults and perhaps teens. I don't consider it any different than any of the other collectibles that people have. A plate, doll, picture, figurine, etc. is of no more practical use than a valkyrie.
  22. I agree with Jarrod on the recommendation to use a pin vise. The resin is soft and easy to drill by hand. The use of a powerdrill, screw gun or rotary tool is too risky. Using the correct bit is important too. A bit that is too large will result in a loose joint. A bit that is too small could result in cracked resin when you put the screw in. I think some of joints may require counter sinking. The easiest way to do this is to drill the small hole first then follow with the larger hold. This results in precise alignment. This kit probably requires a poly cap joint set for completion (most of the SHE kits do). Be sure to study the diagrams before you start the assembly. Some of the steps can be tricky and you don't want to dissassemble it too much since the screws will get loose.
  23. I care about 1/48. I wasn't a fan of toys this size until I saw the detail and complexity that can be packed in. The 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S w/ strike packs is one of the best toys ever produced in my opinion. I would love to have some other valks in the same general size (not necessarily the same scale). I enjoy my 1/60 & 1/72 collection as well. They are a decent size, have decent detail, feature quality materials and have decent amount of complexity. Any valk that Yamato puts out that has good quality, good detail and minimal parts swapping will get my interest. I'm not a fan of extensive parts swapping since I like to look at the jet and know there is a robot inside, not that there are parts that can be used to make a robot sitting in the drawer.
  24. First of all, it is not fair to compare the prices in the 90s to the prices today. Most of the stuff being sold in the 90s was the vintage 80s stuff. This stuff was no longer being produced, so the prices are high. The modern Macross stuff is from current production runs. It is retail merchandise and therefore shouldn't be in the same price range as an out of production item. On the other hand, Macross is not a mass market item like Gundam, therefore we should expect to pay more to offset the small production runs. How much more is the question? 1.5x? 2x? 3? There is nothing wrong with being a frugal buyer and questioning the value of something. I do well financially, but if I'm going drop a large chunk of change on a toy I want to feel that it was worth it. I do the same thing with everything I buy from groceries to cars. Notice all the times I used the letter 'I' above. Just becuase I feel this way doesn't mean that I expect others to feel the same way, but I am allowed to have my opinion. Everyone has their own views and opinions. There is nothing wrong with this. What one person considers expensive another poerson may consider to be a steal.
  25. My most expensive toy was an HK PSG-1 airsoft rifle - which I later sold since I really had no use for it. I established a mental block regarding the exact price, but I think it was something around $700. I've spent more on computers and cameras, but I don't count those as toys since they have a practical use. My most expensive Macross purchase was $175 for the 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A. I really wanted the toy and didn't mind what I paid. To this day I have no regrets about it.
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