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Everything posted by ben2099

  1. I finally got some pictures of my collection together and I wanted to share them with all of you guys Tell me what you think. If you have any questions what is what, just pm me or add a reply Drat, I forgot to put in the picture of the painted symbol matsushiro jetfire mint in box, sorry about that guys
  2. Yep, thats the one, did yours have the macross symbol painted on the wing or did you put the sticker there?
  3. Hello all, I am new to this site, but I have been a collector for years. Recently, I got two different Strike Valkyries. The first one has two stickers on the back plastic piece where the tail wings section connects too. The stickers say "Bandai 1984 Japan" and "VALKYRIE VF-1S" with kanji under it. Also, it has a painted macross symbol on the wing. The second one has Bandai (but no date) and Tokyo Japan stamped where the stickers of the first one were, but they are apart of the plastic instead of being stickers. It also doesn't have a macross symbol painted on the wing. So which is the fake? Or are they both real and just different production runs of the same toy? i don't have a digital camera to show you what I mean, but I can get one if it becomes necessary To me they look absolutely the same except for these minor differences Anyone got any idea?
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