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Everything posted by Talos

  1. No, I'm basing it on the Hasegawa model, I like its lines better. Do you have the other fighter schematics from TIA Macross Plus? I have been scouring the internet looking for good resolution scans of them.
  2. I do do other stuff! I've had the VF-4 pretty much finished, so that's why I've been doing a lot of schemes on it. Since I got through some major stumbling blocks on this one, I can get back to work on it and get closer to finishing. There's a ton of curves to work through.
  3. I've been working on the YF/VF-21 profile. There's still a lot left to do, but it's getting there.
  4. Sure, you definitely got my permission. When you do, go with the versions in my Photobucket account. I do occasionally minor updates to a picture without announcing them or replacing the links.
  5. Thanks, Mr. March. I liked the look of the greyish coloring on your's so I did my best to replicate it here. If you have any other custom paint schemes you want me to do on the VF-4, let me know. Feel free to use it and any other of my profiles on M3 if you'd like as well.
  6. I'd have to have a drawn, shaded, and colored VF-25 sideview finished before I could. I haven't started on one, so there won't be anything VF-25-related in color coming from me for awhile. Mr. March, someone on another board requested that I do a custom paint scheme that you had done in your lineart at M3 awhile back. I'm posting it here, hope you like it.
  7. First off, Macross II has no place in the Studio Nue timeline, or Plus/7/Frontier in the Big West one. It is an alternate universe entry in franchise and that's where it should stay. I say that as a fan of the OVA/movie. Duke, I really do think that Seto makes a valid point in the hypothesis that the Mardook are surviving members of the Protoculture. Had there been mention of a Supervision Army in the Macross II continuity, then there would be cause for them to not be, but as it stands that's the most viable option. Their use of song to control the Zentradi and their total control over them even to the point of suicide on the battlefield would imply to me that they were the creators of them, and thus the Protoculture. I've read some of those interviews, and though it's never directly said, they do allude to it in places. I'd say, where has he said that the Mardook didn't create the Zentradi and aren't members of the Protoculture?
  8. I know hellohikaru was working on Ghost X-9 views, so that's probably the closest you're going to get to them. EDIT: While I'm here, I finished a couple more VF-4s and updated the Ferris one.
  9. As does MS Publisher + GIMP!
  10. Hmm, weird. I'm reloading those ones that aren't showing up.
  11. With the establishment of the UN Spacy forces, the decision was made to commission a squadron designated "SVF-1 Skull Squadron" as the flagship variable fighter squadron onboard the UNS Asuka II aircraft carrier. As a result of this, the former-United States Navy fighter squadron VF-103 Jolly Rogers was supposed to be disbanded but it was reformed instead with it's old designation and markings as SVF-103 Sluggers. The Sluggers fought through the entire course of the war, flying first the VF-0 and then the VF-1 series, before being equipped with the VF-4 in 2013. After only a year of flying the new plane, they were all repainted in an overall-gray scheme to replace the brown and white wartime one. Later, during the expansion of the UN Spacy to equip the new Megaroad class colonization fleets, SVF-84 was stood up in 2016. Since SVF-1 still took the skull-and-crossbones lineage of VF-84, it was decided to return the squadron to an earlier era as SVF-84 Vagabonds, carrying markings not seen since the early 1960s. Both these squadrons were authorized to carry a small Jolly Rogers banner underneath the cockpit in all paint schemes to honor their heritage carrying the bones. In the 2030s, after the release of the feature-length film "Do You Remember Love?", the UN Spacy decided to bring back the markings not seen since SVF-1 departed Earth in 2012 with the failed Megaroad-01 mission. Thusly, SVF-103 was redesignated "SVF-103 Jolly Rogers" and remarked with their old skull markings and fuselage banding.
  12. Thanks, k8. I would think that it would still. I tried to adjust the scheme to take into account the transformation of the VF-4.
  13. I use Microsoft Publisher for my lineart. It takes a bit of work to get good-looking results, but it can be done. Here are the Angel Birds VF-4, including custom unit crest and logo, and the redone SVF-111 Sundowners.
  14. He popped into my thread on Sci-fi Meshes last week, that's the last I've seen him on.
  15. I looked again at your chart and it's fine, the YF-21 and YF-19 are just back a bit (the engine nozzles aren't lined up), so they look shorter.
  16. It is longer, by almost a full meter. I have them at the correct lengths in my chart.
  17. JSDF-style blue camo for the VF-4 Lightning III.
  18. Looking good.!
  19. Yes, it is. VF-0 Phoenix: 18.69m VF-1 Valkyrie: 14.23m VF-4 Lightning III: 14.92m VF-11B Thunderbolt: 15.51m (to be enlarged) YF-19 "Alpha One": 18.62m YF-21 "Omega One": 19.62m So yeah, VF-1 is a dwarf, about .6 meters shorter then an F-16.
  20. Which request is that, about Shin's colors? If so, the picture and description I gave are for Shin's blue/gray VF-0D from Macross Zero.
  21. That's the one I was describing, meninge. Here's the painting guide off of Macrossworld. Cool8or, if you have a higher-res scan, I would love to get a copy. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models..._VF0D_Ins_6.jpg The darker parts of it are a dark blue, the lighter is grey, FS 36622.
  22. For the VF-0D, the colors in the anime are dark-blue on the top surfaces and pale gray on the lower parts. A dark grey Ghost would go well with it, I think.
  23. Ah, I thought I recognized it. I have a lot of friends who do work in Paint, so it looks familiar. Feel free to use any of my profiles I do, color or lineart, to help with yours, like to add the Ghost to the VF-0, for example. Likewise, any people who want to colorize my drawings are more then welcome to. I can provide better quality and larger ones to anyone who wants them.
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