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Everything posted by Talos

  1. Oh yeah, I remember reading about that on here. I guess I'll see that when I grab vol 3 and 4 in a couple weeks.
  2. Yep. I didn't want to say infinite without having the reference in front of me, but you're right. For all intents and purposes, your pilot is going to need refueling before your VF-1 in atmosphere. That thought struck me when I was researching it and doing all those VF-4 profiles a couple years ago. To me it makes perfect sense, any extra capabilities you had to add for the previous generation, make them standard on the newer one in a more streamlined package that doesn't take up any mounting space. Even with thouse manoeuverability problems, a VF-4 can still flying there, unlike a Super or Strike VF-1. This doesn't even take into account all the weapons hardpoints and possibility for FAST packs on top of the integrated VF-4 weapons. Speaking of which, maybe we'll see it make an appearance at the end of the manga.
  3. On the F-14 those four fins are actually structural stiffeners which correct a structural weakness in the central fuselage of the plane. The prototypes and early pre-production models don't have them. Had production gone ahead with them, the enhanced F-14s like Tomcat-21 would have had widened wing gloves outboard and above the intakes that would have both increased fuel payload by a nice amount and helped further correct that issue. Exactly, Azrael. That basically means that the VF-1 and any of these fighters with thermonuclear reaction engines have incredible range in atmosphere. I remember a couple years ago I crunched some numbers I found in a NASA paper about a theoretical hybrid colliding beam fusion reactor that could power aircraft. I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head. Anyway, going by the low end of the theoretical numbers they had, and putting it into the thrust range of the VF-1 (basically building a turbojet around a cylindrical fusion reactor, which is what the paper was about), it generated a number of something like 2.8 times around the world per pound of reactants for the reactor. In space, on the other hand, the range would be incredibly short in the VF-1. The FAST packs make a lot of sense there. Of course the VF-4 ended up being basically a pair of Strike packs integrated into the airframe of the plane (rocket boosters and beam cannons), along with the TV VF-1's missile armament (12 AAM-1s) integrated into the fuselage without using a single wing hardpoint.
  4. I know I wish you did too. Get to it! I still have VF-19 Master File it you need any more scans from it as well.
  5. Thanks, coronadlux, it's always nice seeing my old stuff still being enjoyed. I haven't done anything Macross-related in a while, but I happened to have done a lot of Battlestar Galactica insignia over the past couple days, in conjunction with a Viper profile I've been plugging away on. These are a couple of them. EDIT: And of course I forgot that a while ago I drew up one of the tribal team markings from Macross the Ride. I forgot which one it is, though, it's been a while since I did it.
  6. The one in my photobucket is a Dornier Do 26TT.
  7. Yeah, I've been focusing on real-world stuff recently, like this which I did with a friend. I did the line art, he did the coloring and shading. http://fc00.devianta...nov-d4w73co.png The last time I worked on the YF-24/VF-24, I had gotten most of it done. I do want to go back and reshape the nose from the Master File version a little, and of course add a gunpod and other armaments. You'll note the EX-Gear on this particular one. The nose is extended on this one, to fit a proper ISC.
  8. Bah, Seto, I'm not that predictable! Let's see, though. Hmm, designations... Well, there is and has been plenty of real life examples of them changing things arbitrarely, skipping numbes, etc, etc. For instance, the LWF competition between the GD F-16 and Northrop F-17 for the USAF resulted in the F-16 winning. The F-17 continued on, though. Northrop partnered with McDonnell-Douglas and reengineered the plane to become the F/A-18 we all know and love. The ATF competition Macross Plus was based on, between the F-22 and F-23, resulted in the F-22 winning. Everything after F-23 was skipped though, until you get to the JSF competition between the X-32 and X-35, taking the next two available numbers in the Experimental category and not the fighter one. When the X-35 won, instead of making it the F-24, they flopped the letter and made it the F-35 Lightning II (namesake of the future VF-4 Lightning III). Of course, the only numbers before -24 that were skipped were F-13 (probably superstitious reasons) and F-19. Ironic, ain't it? Seto's probably right on the money. The initial VF-19A was very, very similar to the YF-19. Much more then even the VF-22 was to the YF-21. By the time the significant changes (VF-19F/S/P/kai) happened, the model had already been in production. It's similar to the F-18 again, with the F-18E/F/EA-18G all still numbered 18 and not 19, but having very few parts that are directly compatible. They are something like 17% overall larger then the F/A-18A-D. So yeah, all of that can be surmised in a nice and simple, "It's arbitrary, just like the real world." And of course I find out it merged while hitting reply....
  9. I would also agree that it's likely that verniers have a system of fuel lines and dedicated tanks throughout the plane to power them. It's not like that is that hard to do. Probably some capability at transferring propellent around, even with dedicated tanks though. I'm not sure why this is even a question though. Vernier thrusters are a real life thing, roughly similar to what is shown on Macross. What part doesn't match the real world definition? I would argue that Vernier is the in-universe proper term, accurately shown in Master File, not something like "Burner", "Baniaa", et al.The show was put together by people who were aeronautic enthusiasts in a pre-internet age. They would know the term and what it meant, but it's quite possible they thought it was roughly pronounced as spelled. What's next, "bariaburu" instead of "variable"...
  10. Yes, they are. You can even see the tail markings. The VF-17Ts aren't the only 17s in the movie though, there are a few single-seaters in the color scheme we see in 7 there too. http://www.macross2....smovie-vf17.png
  11. Those wireframes are a beaut! Glad to see you back in the game, I've always loved seeing your work.
  12. Even marked "Space Proving Wing", the VF-0B is still depicted as taking off from a carrier in the model kit box art. I've always figured the SPW was a general testing unit, weapons, organization, tactics, etc, with the VF-0B being identical to the other VF-0s. Then, of course, there's the Marine VF-0Cs...
  13. Nice work, garoquel. Good to see you back around too! Hope you don't mind me starting the new thread.
  14. I've always thought of the VF-19 like the F-22. It was a massive improvement over the fighter it replaced in both stealthiness and sheer performance. Being too expensive, though, a cheaper replacement is bought instead and the VF-19 production ends pretty quickly. That one of course being the VF-171 as the F-35 is to the F-22. The VF-19 also played the F-22's role in the AVF program in Plus, compared to the real world ATF program.
  15. Here is the reference from the wiki. " 『劇場版マクロスF(下) サヨナラノツバサ』では、「VF-19ADVANCE エクスカリバー・アドバンス」、通称「イサムスペシャル」と名づけられており、S.M.Sマクロス・クォーター級クレイジー・ホース所属の機体とされている。" It's from the header "VF-19(イサム機)".
  16. That's fine with me. It's why I post them here.
  17. No, as far as I know all we have for the ADVANCE is screencaps from the movie and game. The line art I uploaded I drew for doing colored and shaded profiles with.
  18. Frontier movie novelization, as I recall. Japanese wiki had, as well as calling it "VF-19 Isamu Type" or something along those lines (I'm going by memory). Either way, it's not a Caliburn.
  19. VF-19EF has nothing to do with that plane in the movie. That is the VF-19ADVANCE. VF-19EF Caliburn is a short-wing plane from Macross the Ride. You can see it here. http://media.photobu...s/IMG_0002s.jpg I get the feeling, based on the details, that the model of the VF-19ADVANCE in the movie was just a minor upgrade of the YF-19 they did for All that VF a few years ago. The model is based on the the original line art of the YF-19. Hasegawa's physical YF-19 model it is a lot different (much more elegant in my opinion). This is what the line art from This is Animation: Macross Plus shows. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossplus/yf-19/schematic-yf19.gif It matches Kawamori's line art. I attached a copy of the VF-19ADVANCE drawing I did with an up-detailed Hasegawa side view as a base. You can see the difference, even just in the forward fuselage. VF-171 has to be smaller, going by the stats. It's only about .2 meters longer, yet the nose is a lot longer then a VF-17's. That means the rest has to be smaller to fit that size.
  20. I don't mean to cause offense, but I think that theory is just plain silly. The YF-19 has monitors like that, the VF-19F/S line art shows it, and the VF-19 kai obviously has it. There's no reason for them to leave the cameras out and put the screens in, especially since they're the same type of cameras that would be used in battroid mode as well. With the VF-25 series, we can probably just chalk it up to the focus on the EX-Gear. It does look to have quite a bit of kibble when it's in the cockpit, as can be seen here. There's not much room for monitors like that to be installed. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-25f/vf-25-cockpit2.gif
  21. Yep, definitely there in both Basara's VF-19 and the VF-19F/S. http://www.macross2....-19-cockpit.gif
  22. Klan Klein's more of a fan nickname. Klein means "small" in German, so it was a clever way to differentiate her loli Miclone form from her Maclone one, nothing more. I know I've seen it used as such.
  23. Who could? Especially with an ex-SDF-1 bridge bunny commanding one.
  24. Newtype 2009.09 mentioned that he was retired from active duty, and he's listed as a Major in the YF-24 article on the Japanese wiki, which I've seen in other sources as well. He's an SMS pilot now. I'll have to dig up some other sources and find out where else that's all mentioned. I think Chronicle #47 has a blurb. With the VF-24, it's an implied design, yes, not something we've seen canonly. We can pretty much guess that Earth is going to get them and maybe the Galaxy Patrol (or whatever it's called), the unit Isamu was with in the beginning of Plus. The colony fleets will have to deal with using VF-171s (which have EX-Gear in the movies instead of the VF-171EX) and buying VF-25s. VF-25 Master File (not canon) did talk about the VF-24A a bit on the section there. I had fun extrapolating a design based on their YF-24 top and side view.
  25. With YF-24/VF-24, I just extrapolated the VF part. I do remember reading somewhere about the ISC in the YF-24 being far superior to the 25's and that it had something to do with the fallout of VFX-2's rebellion, which also lead to NUNS. I'll have to go back and look at my sources again, I have Model Graphix 290, which I think is the one it appears in (as well as VF-25 Master File, but that's not canon). Seto Kaiba might be able to shed more light on it, I've discussed it with him in the past.
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