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Everything posted by Talos

  1. It's not unusual, really. Some of the manga I read only gets one chapter a quarter. It takes over a year to do one tankobon (manga volume), which sucks when I want to read more. And I used to think monthly manga was bad! XD
  2. Finished the base VF-1S, next up is the weapons, A/J/D models, and the cockpit interiors.
  3. It's actually only made up of the first two issues of Macross Ace. So we should probably see volume 2 sometime in the second half of 2010. There's a diagram of the head of the VF-1D, plus a couple pages of character info/drawings of Minmay and her pet.
  4. It's the new VF-1D head from the manga Macross the First.
  5. Hmm, haven't posted anythere here in awhile. Some Macross stuff I've been toying with while working on a large project. The new VF-1 lineart is based on the one in the Master File book, but I'm going to detail it even more then that when I'm done. (And yes, ignore the head that's installed on the plane right now, that was a rough sizing, but I need to fit a VF-1A head properly onto it with it looking....dinky...like the Perfect Memory one. XD)
  6. Probably depends if they want to wait half a year to get them, though. The first volume of First was the first two installments of M-Ace, which seems to be a good-sized amount. As far as selling in Japan, I highly doubt it would effect them at all. You see huge amounts of manga magazine sales over there, and Macross Ace should be no exception. I could not find a single copy in a few bookstores I stopped by in in Tokyo last summer. (Did score a mint condition TIA: Patlabor 2 The Movie, though. That was a good buy)
  7. I got mine from Amazon.co.jp, about 5 days with standard shipping for me.
  8. I also linked to it on the last page.
  9. RE: The nozzles. Thanks! That's interesting. Looking at the rear lineart of the plane, it was clear the regular circular nozzle existed beneath the "flow controller" one, which brought up the question. By "Rockets" with the VF-4, I meant the rocket booster engines mounted above the nuclear turbine engines. I had the missiles listed seperately. With the turbines, there can be only one answer to that one! Overtechnology! (Besides, I figured they would just shut the intakes when using the ramjets or beyond a certain speed, like the covers on the VF-1)
  10. I agree completely. The shot of CVS-101 under the water like that was exactly as I had always imagined it since I first heard the Prometheus described as "semi-submersible". It's very much like old Monitors during the Civil War, when many were designed to be ballasted until their decks were awash to make a smaller target. During the Cold War there were studies to do the same thing with ships again for various reasons. Then again, looking at the Prometheus and Daedalus' islands, they definitely fit that idea. In an unrelated note to that, it was awesome seeing a line of Cat's Eyes on Prometheus' flight deck ahead of her island. That's the same place the new Gerald Ford will likely station her E-2Ds when she's commissioned. As for the additional weapons for the VF-1, the AAM-3, ASM-1, and ASM-2 are all JASDF weapons (which the AIM-9L/M is used by also), while the rest are indeed NATO ones. I thought the stores pylons arrangements were interesting. First the two-pylon one, then the three-pylon one, then the five-pylon one which I take to be a streamlined manufacturing item. There was also a neat photo of the VF-1A carrying a boilerplate VF-1D cockpit area test article (complete with test markings) on the centerline gunpod pylon. Nice attention to detail! Is it just me or are the rectangular engine exhausts retractable (the ones in the feet/nozzles)? The art in the book definitely looks like it. I don't have the technical Japanese language skills to read those sorts of parts yet. I wonder what the import costs for the Zentradi language edition are? Reading back over the thread, I meant to respond to this one earlier with my thoughts on it too. Anyone who's seen my work in the profiles thread knows that I have spent a LOT of time staring at the VF-4. The design's always called out to me as an interceptor, due to the huge engines and the tiny wing area. Likewise, like I had told Seto in a long discussion on the topic before, I see the VF-4 as basically integrating the Strike FAST pack and regular VF-1 weapons load in an aerodynamic package that can go anywhere. You got the beam cannons, rockets, and 10 AAM-1s all integrated into the plane without sacrificing atmospheric capability -or- using up any hardpoints. Sounds like quite an evolutionary follow-on to the Super and Strike VF-1 to me. I hadn't thought much of the engines in relation to the new info of the VF-1's combo until yesterday, but I had some thoughts too. In some old lineart Kawamori did, he shows a VF-4 without the top rockets and beam cannons and the tails mounted down right above the wing. In another drawing he shows it with a large pair of boosters installed instead. If we consider them to basically be streamlined and integrated FAST backs, then that doesn't really disqualify the new VF-1 info as much. As for the Scram/Ramjets, a VF-4 wouldn't be able to do the same knee-bending move to take the nuclear turbines out of the airstream since there's four AAM-1s mounted right where it could break. The wing scramjets could take care of that. In that thinking too, having them seperate would allow them to be used in conjunction. Imagine a VF-4 in high-speed atmospheric cruise on the (sc)ramjets, but needs more speed so they cut in the rocket boosters like a Super VF-1 could in space.
  11. Since I finally got my copy of the book today and have been tearing through it, I thought I should point out the next book of the series is for the VF-19 Excalibur and Amazon.co.jp is showing a release date of January 29th. I already preordered mine. http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A1...id=14PDMDSTXZTW Now to get back to going through it and my 1st volume of Macross the First, and soon Macross Ace #3 when it comes in sometime next week.
  12. I would have compared it to Lockheed Martin or Northrop Grumman, but I was specifically using the ones with similar names. When Plus was being written, General Dynamics was still producing fighter planes.
  13. Sounds like the real-world defense contractor General Dynamics, really. Various divisions of it were responsible for the F-16, Virginia-class attack subs, M1A2 Abrams, GAU-17 Minigun, various computer systems, Zumwalt-class destroyer, and Gulfstream business jets.
  14. Ah, I read your post backwards. Sorry about that, that's what happens when I post in the wee hours of the morning while I'm in the middle of writing a PM in another window.
  15. She's the blond girl with the flowers who chases Basara throughout Macross 7.
  16. *cough* The only reason I haven't finished any other templates recently is that I've been far in a mood to do markings instead of the trudging grunt work of shading and highlighting. I'll finish the VF-19F pretty soon, just need to figure out the shading of the wing glove area and a few other things (plus do the cockpit interior). Besides, compared to the far over-done VF-1, the VF-4s always had the short end of the stick. Looking forward to what you have coming. Also, should point out that I've been focusing on realworld subjects recently and not Macross, like the AH-56A Cheyenne, P-61E, F3H-G/H, and B-51.
  17. Hmm? I was saying he should do the VF-0 again, since his skills have improved. His SAAF and SAN stuff is all over at Whatifmodelers.
  18. Talos

    VF Girls

    Nice job, Polidread! That poor cannon-fodder girl...
  19. You know what you're still missing, though, right? SAN VF-0s! Obviously part of the UN. XD
  20. Sorry it's taken awhile, I was on vacation in Tokyo, but here's a start.
  21. Practice is all you need, which brings patience with it too. You're doing pretty well on recoloring those linearts, so try experimenting and see what you come up with. That's how I figured out half the things I do now.
  22. ...you're using the pen tool? O_o Dude, use the paths tool! Outline your camo, select, feather 10px or so, then cut to the object shape you need. It's simple and clean and takes almost no time once you have the patterns set. I made some tutorial images on What If in Logan's thread, you should check them out and ask me on MSN later. As an example, three of my old TSR-2s that use exactly that for their camo. Schizo, skill isn't the missing piece. Just more patience is!
  23. Talos

    VF Girls

    My thoughts exactly. Particularly the Macross 7 version of her, to match the plane and her daughter.
  24. Talos

    VF Girls

    Only until she was provided with VF-22S armor for herself... >_>
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