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Everything posted by oda2007

  1. If mine was the Movie version, I will chose Minmey. But if it is the TV version, probably Misa.
  2. Thks guys !
  3. Hi Guys ! Have anyone have their hands on the 1/60 Ghost yet ? How much is it or is it worth it ? Still no news from my local toy store in Macau yet. Also, Can anyone post me technical info or links for this QF-2200D-A Ghost ? cause I am very interest in it. Thks
  4. I don't know if anyone have discuss it yet I still have to tell you guys these Chara-Works Macross little fighters are really awesome. I am still learning how to post pics for the moment so I just have to send you the offical link first: http://www.happinetrobin.com/figure/1_144cw/macross.html http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?f...&category0= The quality is quite good, fully colored, 90% assembled, and can chose with landing gear mode, or flight mode with the parts included. Each also came with a stand which can attach with the Fighter in two ways, which is direct undereath the fighter and can also attach the gun-pod under the fighter. I have brought a set of seven fighters. One of the best thing living in Macau, is that you can purchase the whole set for these kinds of toys because usually this is suppose to be a blind luck draw ( same way with the gashapon toys) cause you cannot see what's inside the box. Unfortunately the missles and bombs cannot be removed, it is glued to the fighter, so this cannot swap with the VF -1A mass production which is without missiles. The Special version is quite strange as you can see (The green one, it is said to the Max custom from the data card included. I only recall that Max wore a enemy uniform all over his Valkyrie inside the enemy ship in one of the TV episode, but anyway, These are great stuff. I am planning to purchase another set just for custom modification espically with the Movie version VF-1S, they are the best looking ones. I also need more mass production VF-1A for my Macross Apron diorama. Leo Macross fan since the 80's
  5. Thks guys for the links and the advice. Last night before I went to bed, I was still angry and desperate and tried again to turn the neck hinge thing, this time by a old method using a hair dryer to heat up the neck hinge part,causing it to become a little soft on the plastic. It works and I can finally turned it without breaking it and transformed it into battroid mode for the first time/or the last time. I think that I will just transform it back into fighter mode and keep it that way for good. Anyway I really like the both fighter and the battroid mode, but to protect my VF-19 from breaking, I have to make this choice. I think Duymon's choice is the better choice. Thks guys !
  6. Hi I am Leo, I just brought the Yamato 1/60 VF-19 form a local toy store in Macau. I am so excited with this new toy and try to play around when I got home. I have followed the instructions booklet and used almost 45 mins and couldn't turn the neck hinge, I just have to stop because I am sure I'll break it if I continued. Can anyone give me any advice to slove this problem. My VF-19 neck hinge is not yet broken, I really love this bird. I think I am going to unscrew the two little screws and try to un-assemble that part but I will wait for you guys advice first. Leo Macross fan since the 80's
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