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Everything posted by Felix

  1. Just received the Mafex 2001 A Space Odyssey Astronauts/Suits. They are fantastic, and make for interesting additions to all sorts of displays/photos. They are the first Mafex figures I have bought and they seem real solid. Love the attention to detail. Also, I'm not sure if it is because of their design, but they seem pretty sturdy. I have tons of RAH figures, and they all have their issues. I have always chocked that up to Medicom's experimental nature with materials and construction, but with these Mafex Astronauts feel really good in hand. Let's see how they are in a few years. If they wind up like some of my RAH then I will be afraid to pose them.
  2. Hey, did we ever get a pre-order date for the Soltic that was shown?
  3. Just going to leave this here... the release date is not the 2/11. http://www.taghobby.com/archives/136905 ....oh and it looks like Soltic is next.... http://www.taghobby.com/archives/165849
  4. Felix

    Hi-Metal R

    Where are we with HI-Metal-R at the moment... I mean, going forward we have Milia for Macross and Dougram already preordered. What's next? We've seen the VF-2, some Destroids, and a mystery Armored Valk. Any idea when the next preorder is, or what it might be.... Or, heaven forbid, if there will even be another preorder. Just curious.
  5. Felix

    Hi-Metal R

    Ugh....Just missed him.... Ugh!!!!.... I just missed him. Man...I hope some are available when he hits the shelves.
  6. Felix

    Hi-Metal R

    Now I just need Max to go back up for order.
  7. Felix

    Hi-Metal R

    Hikaru VF-1J up and available at HLJ. http://hlj.com/product/BANN11262
  8. Felix

    Hi-Metal R

    Okay, been a long time since I posted, but I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying these releases. Haven't been this interested in Macross in a long time. Anyway, I secured Milia now I have to figure a way to get Max since I missed his preorder. I haven't had any trouble locating the standard releases after they are in the wild before, but now I need to figure out a way to lock down Max. Ideas?
  9. Okay, it has been a while since I have posted here, but I lurk all the time. I have seen every episode online of Yamato 2199 and I do indeed love it. Is it perfect? Not at all, but If nothing else it is pretty. Anyway I would love to give someone money for legit copies of the Blu-Rays that work in my player, but at the moment there doesn't seem to be a decent outlet. The Starblazers releases are crazy expensive and seem to have stopped, and while getting copies of the Japanese Blus is not that hard there is also the issue of region. Idealy I'd like to buy a box set....Any ideas?
  10. Been a long time since I posted here...out of the loop sort of thing....anyway, I love that after being off of the Macross radar for so long I can come back here and see a good old fashioned joke machine posted up as someone's favorite toy...warms the cockles of my almost 40 year old heart....
  11. I know that the lack of landing gear seems to be odd, but for the life of me I can't remember the Fire Valk using landing gear in the show...It has been a while though... Lets hope they get the bugs worked out before trying the VF-1....
  12. Yeah me too, I never really liked the look or the transformation of the original 1/60th line, but it is proving really hard to resist these. Now if they'll jut do a "Virgin Road" 1d we'd be in business
  13. You know, I had been quietly ignoring this entire line....I mean who needs another VF-1s Roy....I have about 8 or 9 different versions, but then Yamato lets the VF-1d out of the bag (and lets face it the last version left a lot to be desired...) and now this Max 1a....looks like I'm jumping in...
  14. Hey I don't care what kind of box it comes in as long as I can get 'em at a decent price...
  15. The MSRP appears to be 6550yen. Today's (4/1/08) exchange rate is 100.511 yen to the US Dollar. That makes the MSRP in US Dollars $65.12. Now let's talk shipping...EMS for a similarly sized object is around 3200yen ($31.84 US)...SAL 1480yen (14.72 US) Given this, BBTS price seems to be a right on if you order yours and then ship it EMS...It seems a little high for a retailer, but if you can't wait these out a little bit then by all means feel free to pay $90.00 US (plus whatever BBTS charges for shipping these days) for something that will probably wind up on clearance then be my guest. Is the price worth it? Yes if they reissue the VE-1, VT-1, and VF-1s strike....for a naked VF-1J or VF-1S, the answer is nope...? Now if the last time Bandai reissued these things is any indication then we will all be picking up discount Valks by Christmas....MMMmmmm....cheap Valks....
  16. I feel your pain. I, fortunately, managed to scrape together a full set of the volumes. I bought a lot of them from Barnes and Noble online (believe it or not). Try using their used and out of print search. Try the same thing on Amazon. Obvious, I know, but I scored a few volumes that way a while back. Next, try calling a Kinokuniya bookstore (http://www.kinokuniya.com/). They were very helpful in tracking down the last couple of issues that I needed. Finally, poke around on www.gearsonline.net they actually have a FSS section (including a FSS trade section)in their forums. I believe that it is the ancestral descendant of the old waxtrax forum... Hope this helps...
  17. Hmmm....the real key here is the word "popular" which pretty much leaves out: :Southern Cross(Graham already poo pooed this) :Mospeada :Orguss :Dorvak Also off the table is ANYTHING that Bandai has the rights to: : Gundam (of any kind...) : Dunbine (Yes a couple of those bugs transformed) : Ideon (their SOC version is due later this year) Others to rule out are: : Voltron (he's a combiner not a transformer) : Danougar (same as Voltron and he's Bandai's) My personal pick would have to be Bubblegum Crisis for serveral reasons: : To my knowledge no major player holds the rights. : It was popular and an OVA (see Graham's previous hint) : There is a Yamato precedent, in that they have already made a transforming bike with rider. (Garland) Personally I would love to see a line of Bubblegum Crisis figures similar to the microman scale DMZ Votoms from Takara. How cool would that be...
  18. Again, Tolkien did not intend for his books to act as an analog for anything. He was not being political, and actively derided anyone who implied that he was. Clearly his involvement the Great War gave him an insight into battle, but ultimately he was just telling a story. This means that all those people who wrote Theses and Dissertations on the underlying meanings of Tolkien's work and how it is some great allegory for the 20th century were/are engaged in a activity that Tolkien himself spent much time and effort trying to discourage....He hated allegory (well, at least as it was attached to his work)
  19. Very good point in that when something is referred to as "black" it means fallen, not black as in a race of people. Also, a good point that we don't know what what was going on in the lands of the Easterings and Southrons. We do know that there were 5 Istari (wizards) sent to middle earth to aide men. Two we know well Gandalf and Saruman. Radagast we only hear of in passing. Alatar and Pallando went off into the world and their tales are not recorded by Tolkien. In all probability they were aiding peoples in both the East and the South...
  20. I think that we are getting ahead of ourselves. The racial overtones and such that seem evident are in fact not really an issue. Tolkien himself HATED the idea that his stories might be interpreted as ANY sort of metaphor for the real world. He created them (and intended them) to be epic myths. Think Beowulf, the Odyssey, Ring Cycle, etc... This means that any interpretation of differing races as being evil or good is based solely on their alignment with the Dark lord. If one looks at the extensive history that Tolkien created for his world, it is revealed that there was a war being waged throughout Middle-Earth not just in the locales of the books (and by books I mean the Lord of the Rings) or movie. Many of the races of men who fought with Sauron were in fact enslaved or tricked into alliance. In addition, Sauron was not trying to destroy the world of men, but to enslave it. In effect his war was against all of the free peoples of Middle-Earth, which included many tribes to the south and east... I hope this helps...
  21. Okay, a few thoughts...Gatchaman rules (given), and in order for this to be any good at all it needs not to be live action, and I hasten to add not mo-capped. I would prefer a new animated feature, but if CGI is as close as I'm going to get I'll take it. Also, I am all in favor of anything that will get me some new Gatachaman toys.
  22. Hmmmm..... The valks are okay, and I know for a fact I'll buy at least one of any valk that costs around $20. As will most of us that frequent this board. I like the idea of having a cheapie to play with....I just hope that they aren't as floppy as the banprestos. However, the man doll is a little pricey at $80. My interest is directly proportional to how much stuff comes with him. If it is just a doll in a box (even a really fancy box) then I'm out. As for how it looks, there are a few issues that stand out to me. First, I know he has an anime sculpt, but the head is too big. Secondly, the seams where the legs of the jumpsuit meet the rest of the outfit look a little bulky. I can live with these though... I just can't get over the price. Look at th stuff that BBI, Dragon, and Sideshow do for aout half the price. To me it looks like about $30 or $40 worth of figure....I'm in a wait and see mood on this one.
  23. I am going to agree with you about the movie. I have always loved the books and the film doesn't compare. I can honestly say that very little of the production design is anywhere close to what I had in mind when I first read the books. Don't even get me started on the whole Duncan issue.
  24. I know what you mean about can find any. I gave up of looking and start to recast again so i can have parts for all my alphas. I am wondering if i should make an alpha all from resin but its just a thought. I am making the old gakken parts but i will post update when finished. 352599[/snapback] You probably could cast each individual piece, but I doubt that it would work as a whole. Resin is way to brittle to survive the abust that the ABS of a transforming toy takes.
  25. Right now i am doing the 1/35 scale. 352316[/snapback] By 1/35 I assume you mean the old Gakken versions... I am very interested in a gun and a guy to go with an old green one that I have assembled from parts of several broken ones. I can't seem to find a gun anywhere, and believe me i have been looking.
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