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Everything posted by Felix

  1. Looks good, but I'm suffering from Marvel overload. Think I'll just watch The Venture Brothers again.
  2. Ummm.... so what is this company like? How's the quality. I have never bought anything from them before... Very temped by this.
  3. I would buy into a whole range of Gatchaman 1/24th vehicles. What is the build quality like on Ramen Toys I don't have any of them.
  4. I ordered one as well. I have the other two and while the price was a little hard to swallow, when else will we ever get a shot at this one. Also, I am a huge FSS fan and this is probably as close as we will ever get to getting a Mortar Head "toy." It does look impressive though and I am looking forward to its release.
  5. Ugh... of all the HMRs the Red Shoulder Custom and now this Turbo Scopedog are the only ones I haven't been able to get. The RSC disappeared online instantly and then never showed up on any of the US sites, and the Turbo being a P-Bandai release is going to make it damn near impossible to get.
  6. Look, if getting Disney involved is the way we can finally get all the Macross (well, almost), I am okay with it. Now we just need them to lean really hard on HG. If anyone has the material clout to wrench the rights to SDF and DYRL away from HG it's Disney. Now let's all make sure to watch everything multiple times. Send the message that we want the whole story. Let's not drop the ball folks.
  7. Anyone have an idea on a preorder date for these? I think they would look good next to the DoYusha ones I have.
  8. I will say that if anyone has missed out on a VT-1, give the sites a few minutes to catch up and process credit cards. I have on more than one occasion managed to pick a pre-order up on the rebound a little bit later by camping and waiting for someone else's credit card to get bounced.
  9. That is why I said done and done. I was sweating it as the payment screen was loaded, but when it went from "Confirm Not Paid" to "Awaiting Stock" under "My Orders" I finally relaxed a little.
  10. Done and done at Anime Export. I'm headed to bed. Good Luck to everyone!
  11. So 2:00 EST, thanks! Gonna need some coffee.
  12. So the VT-1 pre-order is tomorrow. What time local Tokyo time should we be looking for it to go up for sale?
  13. I would love a legitimate way to pay for and watch 2205 online in English.
  14. I believe that the listings on most of the sites are place holders. I remember reading somewhere (TagHobby maybe?) that the preorder date is November 10th. Has anyone had any trouble getting any of the non HMR releases? They have been readily available through most sources. The only one I think I have missed is the Zakaal from SPT Layner, and that is only because I was waiting to find one discounted.
  15. That's great. I hope this opens things up to a release here in the States. I have the previous releases, but would love to see the continuation of the story.
  16. I will buy any Combat Armors they want to produce for this line. I like everything about this line. Just need more of them! Anyone have any ideas about how well these are selling?
  17. Got my ship notice. Now let's see how long it takes UPS to get it here from Japan. I have really enjoyed the photos I've see of the GBP and can't wait to dress up my naked VFs.
  18. You have my attention. I assume it's an exclusive.
  19. While I do lament the fact that there hasn't been a Macross release in HM-R in over a year, I will say that the non Macross releases in this line are fantastic. The L-Gaim releases are amazing and as close to a Mortar Head release as we are probably ever going to get. The Xabungle, Walker Machine, Layzner, and Dougram releases are pure real robot goodness. Also, who knew that the Dragonar series was going to get such perfect toys. The #2 and #3 machines aren't out yet, but if they are as good as #1 then I believe they represent the best possible versions of those machines that have ever been made. Really looking forward to Votoms as well. Yes, I'd like more Macross in the line (finish the Destrioids already) but if Bandai's focus is elsewhere then I'm cool with it. There is not a single dud in the whole line. As a matter of fact, and this might be sacrilege, but the VF-1 Valkyrie might be the least interesting of the whole lot.
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