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Everything posted by Decon

  1. Is http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00078 the Perfect transforming?
  2. Are these transformable?
  3. Why is this kit cheaper than buying the VF-1J and 1/48 Armor Parts for VF-1 Valkyrie separately?
  4. Just got my 5 Revoltechs from HLJ Shipped SAL 10/23, arrvied today 11/6. What is the other smaller black stand piece for?
  5. Damn wish I knew that before.
  6. How long does SAL take from Japan to East Coast USA? Been waiting for my Revoltechs.
  7. How come Yamato wanted to meet with Graham? I don't know what Graham does, maybe that would help.
  8. Graham, Any chance of you recording your meeting and putting in it a Podcast?
  9. 1. Any chances on a bigger scale toy like 1:36 or 1:24? 2. Yellowing plastic over time due to direct/indirect light makes displayed toys look bad, can they use better plastic? 3. Would be nice to have a VF-1S fully painted from factory based on Canon.
  10. And the Focker is now Low Stock. I changed my order to ship available since I ordered 2 VF-1J and 3 VF-1S, nothing had shipped yet.
  11. Hmm on HLJ it shows KYD01160 Kaiyodo Revoltech VF-1A Super Valkyrie Hikaru Order Stop 1,900
  12. HLJ has the VF-1A for preorder now also. Are there anymore Revolvtechs coming out after the VF-1A?
  13. I already ordered 1 VF-1J and preordered 2 Roy about a month ago from HLJ. No noticed on shipment, maybe they are waiting for the Roy to come in stock?
  14. Graham has been assimilated
  15. When are these shipping? It's September now.
  16. What's the smallest in terms of size not scale transformable VF-1?
  17. Just placed a preorder for 1 VF-1J and 2 VF-1S. Not sure if I'll get the VF-1A never liked the single laser look. Bring on all the other characters!
  18. Decon

    Lead Paint?

    With all the recent lead paint issues, could it affect plastic toys? Could it affect any of our Macross stuff?
  19. I want the Roy VF-1S Revoltech, I don't see it on www.laftoys.com
  20. So how are you guys deciding WHERE to preorder from? I'm thinking HLJ myself but no shipping cost has been posted. Also, I'm waiting for at least the VF-1S to preorder so I can get both.
  21. No preorders for the VF-1S Focker yet?
  22. Where besides HLJ can you preorder at?
  23. Ok here is the picture http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/1.../sidecovers.jpg I can't get the sidecovers to fit into the grooves. ALSO, my VF-1J the ears have black smudges right out of the box. What can I use to clean them?
  24. I finally did my first transformation of VF-1J. Was really afraid of snapping off the arms and the screws the arms held onto. A few questions.... 1) What is that little white piece located on the rear center wing that looks like an antenna for? 2) Once in Battroid mode, the legs are attached to the cockpit snapped in, but I can't get the back part of the chest piece to snap into the 2 pieces that fold out(the 2 pieces that open like a door where you can see the wings move). Is that supposed to snap in? 3) What is the purpose of the part inside the nosecone that is movable? Offtopic 4) I have the Blue GBP Armor(MIB), are the pieces snap on or magnetic?
  25. Now both are Discontinued! Maybe the Roy Focker will be discontinued as well.
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