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About ulyssesdraco

  • Birthday 11/11/1985

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. I love you. In the most heterosexual manner possible.
  2. I never enjoyed battlecry too much. Kicking my friend's asses was fun though.
  3. I have 64 posts on this forum, and probably the same on the old MW forum. I win. Wait are we playing who has the most or who has the least?
  4. The problem is getting all of us together to put our heads together. Lestat and the Major both tend to disappear for long periods of time. I'm always in the background, but can't usually reach people to get whatever done. One of the things that would really help would be if somebody could host a CVS server for us. Then stuff could really start getting done, and in a much faster, smoother way. 352772[/snapback] Forgive my ignorance, but what's a cvs server? P.S. on a totally unrelated note, does anyone know how long the Higaran Battlecruiser is in meters? I can't seem to find that bit of info anywhere.
  5. Aboot's avatar is the best. No wait....Myk's is. Who the hell is that btw?
  6. I love his work in Armored Core. That's one of the reasons I'm such a devoted fan of the series. It's great how you can mix and match all of the parts and how the mech you end up with just looks right. I think what he did was design several different mechs then tweaked each part so they look good mixed with other parts. Some mechs even look like they should be able to transform.
  7. I think some dude from the mod database said there was a beta at gamespot.com, but a quick search produced nothing. Also, is it just me, or is the new christmas theme at moddb.com annoying as hell?
  8. That is the scariest thing i have ever seen in my life.
  9. Oh yeah, and I cell-shaded this model from the old homeworld 1 macross mod. good times.
  10. Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten about this. I made this a while ago. You guys probably don't remember though, I don't recognize any of y'all.
  11. Holy moly is that good. I made the clouds through the use of some photoshop filters. Mostly just rendered clouds, difference clouds, and extrude...i think... Im a total newb when it comes to shading... and actually pretty much anything else, this is my first pic of this kind. Before this i did just some basic web graphics and game sprite mods and stuff. I should really get one of those photoshop for dummies book or something. Those darkish waves in the back weren't meant to be waves, i think those where just some dark parts from the displacement map. I tried to kinda recreate what the bottom of a somewhat shallow area looks like in the dark....using my imagination though, I didnt really do my research there. I'm surprised at how it came out actually, I was expecting something really cartoonish. My question for you guys is this, do you think this is something I should put in my portfolio for when I apply for an art major in UCSC? Or should I practice some more before I make the portfolio? Thanks for all the suggestions, i appreciate them all. Oh and does water reflect itself? I mean should the splash be reflected somewhat on the water next to it? edit: hehe, i just printed it out on that glossy photopaper stuff and showed it to my sister, she wouldn't believe that the background was totally fake. I had to prove it to her, that was great. Oh and i printed it out on some mead academe drawing paper and that looks pretty good. its not as crisp as the photo paper, and it gives it kind of a cool grain effect. The really cool effect though is that the picture kinda shimmers, especially the dark blues and the water. Its crazy.
  12. HAHAHA Ice caps melted, perhaps? Maybe that sun is a dwarf star about to expload? Maybe it lost its puppy, or voted for Kerry. Maybe it's meant to make you think, jee, how can something so beautiful be so depressing? Or...maybe I just hadn't noticed that look on its face when I was drawing it...lol
  13. I know this isnt exactly Sci-Fi. Unless of course you want to imagine the scene takes place on another planet It's just a christmas present, and I wanted to see what other people thought of it. I made the outline of the dolphin with pencil and paper, inked it in flash mx, and colored it in photoshop. The water, sky, clouds, and sunrise were all made in photoshop.
  14. Ho...ly.....crap......
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