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Everything posted by rowlund

  1. Them floppy arms on the monster while on gerwalk mode was a definite pain when I got it. No matter what I did on the first few weeks I had it, I wound up with floppy arms that just would not stay up.............THen I figured to rotate the darn joints. Now the pose it just absolutely cool. Too Bad Yamato didn't work out a way to have them stay up without having to rotate the joints. Oh well.... at least it posed now and I don't plan to be touching it anytime soon as transforming it sure ain't exactly fun or easy.
  2. That vf-1s and vf-1a sure look cool! I hope they keep coming up with more of these babies and later on make enemy mechs. You could just about recreate a small battle scene of revoltechs with the amount you would have paid for a 1/48 yammie. Not to knock the 1/48 yamato valks of course, it's just that with their prohibitive prices, recreating a battle scene with multiple valks would be very expensive.
  3. I'd suggest a 1/48 valk. The VF-1S Roy in particular. Nothing beats a 1/48 in terms of accuracy of sculpt and playability. A super/strike pack for it would be great too. I got to warn you though, once you cross over and buy that first 1/48, you may not want to stop until you've gotten all of them. Hehe, I started with a VF-1A Hik and told myself too that it would be the last one I was gonna get, before I knew it, I bought a super/strike pack for it, and then another 1/48 valk, and then another..........
  4. Wooohoooooooooo!!!! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it was only a matter of time. Now it gives me all the more reason to get me a yf-19 now.
  5. I'd love to see kaiyodo make the valks yamato didn't release like a tv max and kakizaki, plus enemy mechs of course like the tv version qrau, battlepod, and officer battlepod, hopefully in the correct scale with the valks. I of course would be glad to see the two seaters vf-1d, ve-1, and vt-1. Sure, they don't transform, but if they can pull of such wicked poses as the pictures show, my display cabinet would be sure glad to see them.
  6. if yamato makes two seaters for it's 25th anniversary valks.....there goes my wallet!!! I'm gonna be rushing to the nearest store to get one of those. Hopefully the VF-1D if they do.
  7. rowlund

    Best and worst 1/48

    The best color scheme for the 1/48 line of yamato for me would be the vf-1j hikaru. This color scheme is iconic as far as macross is concerned. The worst in my opinion would be the angelbirds. I know it's canon and all and is colored that way since it's part of a flight demonstration team , it's just that the way it's painted makes it look kinda circus like. I was thinking if yamato was gonna release a repainted valk, they should have been the tv vf-1a max and kakizaki ones. But of course, my being a completionist, I still got the angelbird to complete the 1/48 line. Just my two cents.
  8. I sure would love to see aside from the two seater valks such as the VF-1D, VT-1, VE-1 in 1/48 scale the TV versions of the VF-1A max and kakizaki valks. I'm absolutely getting these 5valks if yamato makes them. Of course, my wallet will be in a world of hurt, but it sure will be worth it.
  9. Greetings! I just signed up for the forums the other day but I'vve been lurking around for the past two years or so. Anyways, I just wanted to ask if anybody made replacement parts for yamato 1/60 valks. The thing is that I'm needing the antenna looking item on the side of a yamato macross 1/60 elintseeker fastpack. I am missing on of the two and my ve-1 just ain't complete without it.
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