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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. I said the same thing two pages back well if they don't make em, you could always just get a dill pickle and glue two yellow skittles to the side and you'd have Breetai's flagship
  2. It says DX twice on that sign you can see it better in this pic, plus that sign is on the same shelf as the 1/60 DX's already out and the 1/100's are on the shelf above
  3. so in the words of Yoda.... "no....there is another" duhn duhn duhn btw thanks for the scoop on this Exo I hope they at least include battle damaged main guns that you can swap out
  4. isway ouryay ourcesay ahamgray?
  5. in the words of Ric Flair... WOO!!!!! About f@cking time the SDF-1 gets the proper treatment
  6. anybody know which issue of Macross Chronicles has the order details and/or the coupon? thanks in advance.
  7. WOOHOO!!! Thanks Save!!
  8. Thanks for compiling that Roger. That's what I thought I understood about Daniel, so I don't get why people think it's Baltar. It also sounded to me like that model was eliminated by John while it was still in a childhood stage of maturity. And about it being a mess, it's less convoluted than I thought it would be considering the writers probably had to change the overall writing goal when they found out the show had to wrap by the end of Season 4.
  9. yeah it was just ok was nice to see Amy Acker in the show, had no idea she was in it also (and still looks good even with 3 scars on her face) Asian girl isn't too bad looking either, she has a pretty unique face
  10. Wow, so Cavill = As for Daniel, I don't understand how you think it's
  11. Nice! How long across are the shelves and how deep towards the back?
  12. I hope Stephanie Jacobsen is back for more episodes.
  13. WOHOO Dushku!!! looking forward to lots of ocular fornication with the camera from her
  14. What did I expect? I expected to not like the design and they delivered. Yes, visually, it fits into that world. No, it is not aesthetically pleasing to me.
  15. Big Thumbs down on the design It was separated at birth from
  16. F@CK YEAH!!!!
  17. link please?
  18. no Houquet on display, but looks like she's still on that poster
  19. I'm losing hope that this show will ever return to it's former greatness I feel like tonight's episode Humped the Shark. Yes Humped....didn't even try jumping, just said screw it, gonna die anyway might as well try to F this shark I'll continue watching since Sarah Connor Chronicles moved to Friday and I have nothing else to watch on Mondays, but man.... I don't think there are any characters I like or care about anymore. Oh Sylar has a sidekick now, whoop de doo
  20. Micheal Bay Presents Explosions!
  21. Oh Man!!! Klan Klan looks awesome! Way better than the older pics. Looking forward to some hi-res pics of her. Thanks CF18
  22. well I did jokingly say this on page 32
  23. whoa, Hingtgen and I agreed on something, Hi Five!
  24. and then a to wipe up the pools of and blood
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