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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. They showed what happened to 2 of the clones in the Season 3 opening episode (I posted a link to the episode parts on Youtube in my earlier post). As for the female clone, I read that the colors are based off of the Japanese transformer Overlord who was the combined form of a female and male Decepticons
  2. btw, the Unicron.com Accessory Set #6 is up for Pre-order at BBTS The set contains the Allspark container, Sari's key, Ratchet's electro magnets and stasis cuffs
  3. Yeah me too, I found him less annoying than the G1 Blurr, cooler design too. That part where Cyclonus took out Brawn and Ironhide was dope. Rodimus's bow reminds me of Hank the Ranger's weapon from the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon I'm really, really pissed that this is the last season. I love this show. Dammit I want an Omega Supreme toy! And pretty much every new character they debuted in this episode. I liked how Oilslick uses Cosmic Rust as a weapon, nice tie in to his story in the IDW comic.
  4. whoa! I didn't know that, that's awesome!
  5. I'm five minutes into the first episode of Season 3 and Holy Crap! Transformers Season 3 on youtube Ironhide, Brawn, Rodimus, Cyclonus, Oil Slick! Blackout and Strika are Huuuuge. Awesome so far. Wheeljack...Perceptor LOL, Perceptor talks like professor Stephen Hawking
  6. hey badboy00z, just watch it on hulu
  7. According to Ain't It Cool, Tonight’s Episode Of HEROES Marks Bryan Fuller’s Return To The Series' Writers Room
  8. Actually it's McGruber
  9. Guess I'm going against the grain then, because I enjoyed it I actually thought the book was a slow read (until I hit the reveal about ), so I found the movie a lot easier to digest. From what I remember from the book it seemed pretty close to the source material (except the ending of course) and a few other minor things like... Young Roschach seemed to be missing as well as that that Laurie often in the book.
  10. Yeah but it didn't seem like anyone really gave a frak about the revelation So from the preview of the next episode it doesn't look like they're gonna start dismantling and re-distributing pieces of the Galactica, but... I was thinking how funny it would be if they grafted the launch bays onto Colonial 1, or gave a gun turret to every ship they had enough for
  11. Nice! Love the lineup pic man it really sucks how Bandai half assed the landing gear on the VF-25
  12. I was wondering, what the Frak happened to Chief Tyrol? He was such a major part of last weeks plot and indirectly responsible for aiding in the kidnapping of Hera. Plus the worker Cylons should have figured out by now that he took a pipewrench to one of their 8's. Kinda weird they glazed over what happened to him in the aftermath.
  13. I laughed my ass off at Starbuck takin a piss, although I'm surprised she didn't do it standing up also, I got giddy seeing the retro Raiders at the Cylon colony
  14. Well they did say there was gonna be a Geriatric Transformer in this movie The idea of a robot having facial hair though is pretty funny, but even Wreck Gar and Scourge has some back in the day
  15. Well David, knowing how much of a stickler for detail you are with aviation and colors, I'd say see the movie first... or else it could just be an anxiety filled 3 hours of squirming in your seat with things that are "off" from the book
  16. yes, it's a boombox with a CD containing a track of Jimi Hendrix's version of "All Along the Watchtower" No one human or cylon has ever heard him before and his incendiary guitar playing will usher in a new era of peace between the two races "Be excellent to each other." The End
  17. So can peter have more than one ability at a time now or what? I swear that after he Yet, in the next scene he absorbs powers again when wtf
  18. Thanks Save! Knew it was coming but nice to see a pic finally
  19. Since Bandai is the license holder for Macross Frontier, I'm wondering if they'll make an SDF Global to compete with Yamato.
  20. He knew it was Boomer. He kind of pushed her into the passenger area of the raptor when they kissed, I think so that no one on the flight deck would be like "why's he kissing Helo's wife?" About not giving a crap, he did take a wrench to the head of a random eight so...
  21. With the Galactica falling apart, I bet they're all kicking themselves for not having the foresight of making the Pegasus the primary Battlestar. They should have let the Galactica be the kamikaze Battlestar instead. Then again, Battlestar Pegasus just doesn't sound like a TV show you'd want to talk about watching around people who didn't know what it was
  22. Sunuva!!! Is the Transformers Animated line being canceled??? From TFW2005 I hope not, I was hoping for at least all of Starscreams clones to be released as repaints
  23. I just PM'd you, but just in case, please Do Not open the brown box for mine Thanks! - chowyunskinny
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