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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. Wasn't the Pilot episode animated by Madhouse? Is the ongoing series animated by someone else?
  2. Hi 柿崎速雄 The items arrived today in Excellent Condition. Thank you for gathering this set for me.
  3. Hello Rob, I received my set today and it arrived in Perfect Condition. Thanks again for making this available to us who are stateside, You Rock!
  4. Got my boxset on Saturday. In addition to parts that Solscud previously mentioned, the anime scene by Production I.G. was also a different cut than the American Theatrical Release. Extra frames of O-Ren's dad slamming a dude's face into the wall, and more violent and bloody scenes of O-Ren impaling Boss Matsumoto. What's kinda funny about this boxset is, if you put the DVD in the Jumpsuit case and open the shirt, the Hanzo Sword and Kubrick, there's really nothing left to keep in the big Box. Guess we'll have to wait and see if Vol. 2 gets the same treatment as this one. Otherwise I'm putting Vol 2 in box with Vol 1.
  5. Prototype Meister (Jazz) RX-8 Binaltech/Alternator
  6. Payment sent 柿崎速雄 Thanks for picking those up.
  7. Payment sent Rob. Thanks again for doing this.
  8. Hello 柿崎速雄 How much for the set with shipping?
  9. Honda is finally on board. There is going to be an S2000 Binaltech/Alternator About Friggin Time. Wonder if Mitsubishi is next. It'd be nice to have a Lancer Evo to go with Streak and Smokescreen. Oh yeah, and where's Nissan and Toyota? TF Product List
  10. I'm betting the Mustang is going to be Wheeljack or Prowl.
  11. Do you guys remember the episode where the Autobots pretended to be the Stunticons? Prime, Jazz, Sideswipe, Windcharger and Mirage disguised themselves. What was funny was when Megatron wanted them to combine to form Menasor to prove who was real and who was fake, the Autobots did it using Windchargers magnetic abilties They kept it up until the real Menasor punched them in the chest and they fell apart.
  12. Well if the Decpticons are gonna be based off the Stunticons, then this is what they were in G1: Motormaster - A Truck like Optimus Prime Dead End - Porsche Breakdown - Lamborghini Wildrider - Ferrari Drag Strip - Formula 1 Going by counterparts, Breakdown was a Lamboghini like Sideswipe who is now a Viper. And Jazz was a Porsche who is now going to be an RX-8. They should have made Breakdown the Viper and Dead End an RX-8 stunticons
  13. Pics of the First Decepticon in the Binaltech/Alternators line Thought it was Sunstreaker but it's the Stunticon Dead End: and new Tracks Pics you can read about it here: Hasbro Updates
  14. There is still hope that Tracks won't be yellow: Upcoming Takara Transformers Product Releases At the bottom of takara's release schedule it says: June 24, 2004 BT-06 Tracks featuring and Chevrolet Corvette: 4,980 Yen Description: Sixth Binaltech Character. Transforms into Chevrolet Corvette. "Current color is to be determined (TBD)."
  15. Hasegawa updated with a bigger pic of the box art. Hasegawa product listing
  16. I think there are 2 different sculpts, because if I remember correctly, Dengeki Hobby was featuring a contest to decide between which of the two sculpts that Studio Half Eye was going to produce.
  17. Wonder if that Prowl was inspired by these photoshop renditions... Cool Photoshop Binaltech/Alternators Check em out...He made Cliffjumper as a PT Cruiser and Bumblebee as a Mini Cooper.
  18. I wonder if Honda is going to grant Takara a license for Binarteach/Alternators. They should, they make a damn robot!
  19. I think it's cool that Tracks has the shoulder mounted missile launchers.... but what about Smokescreen and Bluestreak?? They had em on the Old School toys, and someone on this board even pointed out that smokescreen has holes on his shoulders which looks like Takara may have been thinking about it. I just hope they make them, even as an afterthought as an e-hooby exclusive, or maybe package it with a later Binaltech release (like how they included an Optimus fist to hold Megatron in gun mode with the Collection 9 Starscream)
  20. ebay auction for unpainted prototype with the RX-8 and now this, this toyline just keeps getting better and better. Can't wait to see the painted version. He had a blue paintscheme for the original old school toy.
  21. Hmmm...Wonder why Yamato chose to make the canopy frames match the paint schemes on these... On the 1/60 M&M, the canopy frames were black...weird
  22. I got mine at Frank and Sons for $180 from Treasure Island
  23. Yeah those are cool. I just picked up Mirage-Bot and the bulldozer one for my Godson. What's really cool is these two have the Autobot logo. For some reason the rest of them have that G symbol. Actually the one you posted pics of has the G symbol in the pics, but the Carded one I saw at Target had the Autobot Logo. Gotta get those kids started young with the brand recognition.
  24. Here's an auction for the 1/48 VF-1J (no fastpacks) with pics 1/48 VF-1J (no fastpacks)
  25. 1/72 = 5 1/60 = 22 1/48 = 9
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