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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. yeah i guess when you don't see an actor in something every year, the aging just seems drastic is all...
  2. I wasn't suggesting someone like Kim Basinger to play that role. Someone said to compare her to a 52 year old that lives near me. It's just that a better comparison would be a person of the same age in the same field (in comparison of looks not acting chops)
  3. she is 52 years old . find a lady that lives near you that is that age. and see if she looks that young. well let's compare someone in the same occupation as her... Kim Basinger....51 years old or how about a woman who was in the Original Galactica...Jane Seymour...53
  4. Watching the 3 hour movie on NBC right now, and reading this thread at the same time. I caught the first few episodes of the mini series but never got to see the last few episodes. So... In regards to the new Adama being an ass kicker or a lame ass... I don't ever remember Lorne Green bludegeoining anyone with a flashlight in the original Six reminds me of a way hotter Courtney Love. Minus all the drugs...and the raspy voice. Man that woman from Dances With Wolves did not age as well as I thought she would've. Does helium ball show up in the new series as the crews re-ocurring past time? And last....maybe the new Galactica is "ribbed" for her pleasure
  5. Seichii is offering Askuska for Pre Order in the For Sale Forum: (Pre-order) Shounen Ace's Asuka action figure
  6. NEW Yamato limited edition 1/48 VF-1J, Move over low vis, new guy in town thread
  7. you can pre-order it from Toy-Wave Says it's going to be a March release Toy-Wave Click the Pre Order button on the bottom of the page, Then click Limited Toys
  8. Is Saesee Tiin wearing Makeup in the that picture? maybe Yoda's instructing the Younglings on the proper way to do pushups LOL... thx for the pics Prime
  9. Yeah, Just read the update... No Shadow Kick Prevails!
  10. Jet Li Missing Man I hope he's ok.
  11. yeah, it was white and it was a little different looking than Prime's gun
  12. kinda underwhelming... yes I know it looks like photoshop but almost every major TF site is reporting this. Whether it does turn out to be just photochop, only time will tell. If it is true they need to at least include Ultra Magnus's gun. And trailers for Masterpiece Convoy AND Ultra. Tformers
  13. Tranformers sites are reporting that there IS going to be a 2nd Masterpiece toy from Takara. A repainted Convoy as Ultra Magnus Tformers
  14. WOW!! I almost forgot how Glam Metal the Wheeled Warriors theme song was. What's funny is that the dude singing sounds a lot like Sebastian Bach from Skid Row or Davey Havok from AFI. LOL Thanks for the site
  15. Does anyone have the Pilot episode from a few years back that was animated by Madhouse (Ninja Scroll, Trigun)? It was part of Cartoon Networks, viewer's choice contest of which pilot would be picked up as a series. It was called Lowbrow back then.
  16. Toy-Wave has it in stock:
  17. Yeah I saved that picture from the thread in the old forums. I keep in a directory on my computer called "Insane Collections" It helps me to feel not so bad about how much I've spent on my collection. That dude has some serious F.U.M. (F@CK U Money)
  18. is this the one you were referring to?
  19. 51 boxart
  20. the new parts for the D
  21. cockpit closeup
  22. found some more pics cockpit closeup
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