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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. Well Kawamori is going to have to approve it before it goes into production, right? Granted, he has made some lame calls lately (VF-0A colors, Masterpiece Starscream)... but if the wing length, angle, sloping, anhedral, blah blah blah is good enough for him, then that should be the final word. Just don't let him do too many bong rips before he evaluates p.s. David, are you in the Aerospace industry? I'm just curious where all your authority about aircraft is coming from.
  2. ok there's finally a review by someone: Aint It Cool News Review
  3. From what I've read, the R/C Tachikoma was for a press conference and there are no plans to release it as a product
  4. Radio Controlled Tachikoma by Nissan courtesy of Zinc Panic pics at the bottom of the page video of the R/C Tachikoma in motion
  5. While there's all this debate about realism of Transformer's alternate modes, I'd like to discuss the whole "Robots In Disguise" premise. I find it amusing that the whole "Robots In Disguise" pretty much went out the window when they introduced Metroplex and Trypticon in the G1 Line. I mean, these guys were friggin cities that transformed into robots. like i'd be driving and go "hey, i don't remember there being a city here!" "huh, i don't remember seeing it yesterday" "oh well, I must be remembering wrong...nope you're not a robot...yup, you're definitely a city"
  6. I hope you were exaggerating a little bit because AFAIK there was never a clear ghost Thundercracker, Clear Sunstorm or black Masterpiece Convoy. I'll be pissed if there is, because that's more stuff to hunt down. Skywarp and Thundercracker are no-brainers and if they do Sunstorm it'll probably be an e-hobby or Japanese fan club exclusive. Any color past that I'd have to guess would be a Lucky Draw color. I don't think they are going to milk the colors as bad now that it's TomyTakara. For example, look how much they repainted the Subaru Wrx in the Binaltech line and how often new Binaltechs were being released before. The last two were Skids and Broadblast and they were released last november.
  7. I thought that was the USS Flagg! Those things were so awesome, my friend had one when I was a kid and it was freakin' great! Man, to find one of those on ebay would be nice, I want one for my kid. I just fear that it'd cost about as much as a used car. 420616[/snapback] well here ya go....only $950.00 with 7 hours left USS Flagg on ebay and to think it was less than a $100.00 twenty one years ago
  8. new pics from Figure Oh courtesy of F2F
  9. chowyunskinny

    1/48 Gbp

    Looks like they updated the colors. Alot more Drab and Tan. I like it!! New: Old:
  10. found this on a thread from toy's daily looks like mostly repaints, but a couple new figs?
  11. should there be a nudge nudge on that Cannon Fodder bet Graham?
  12. Whoa man, that's pretty sick! Good lookin out Fort Max! As soon as I order some I'm gonna Carbonite Freeze and banish some small toys to the Phantom Zone
  13. found some links to the show and didn't see anything macross, but I could have missed it. Mostly military, cars and gundam link 1 link 2
  14. maybe Hasegawa has an exclusive deal with Tenjin for Macross? C'mon Yamato! You gave the Scopedog some boxart goodness and now the Garland so why not for Macross? Perfect example, checkout the new red shoulder Scopedog box: red shoulder scopedog Wolfx here's a pic of the Max Factory proto from one of the japanese hobby shows, though I can't remember which one or when
  15. Graham, please please use your Sith powers to get Yamato to use Tenjin art for future Macross items they put out!!!
  16. try vinegar
  17. Was it Manglord? Manglord Manglors Always wanted one of those but never had one
  18. The Real Reason Takara is pairing Girls with Transformers: Prime's observation another
  19. 1. A Bandai Soul of Popynica SDF-1 (TV and DYRL) 2. All of the Female Autobots (Elita 1, Chromia, Firestar, Moonracer and Arcee) done Soul Of Chogokin Mazinger Girls style, but with the ability to convert to vehicles 3. A G.I. Joe Skystriker sized Gatchaman Godphoenix with all the other vehicles (Ken's Jet, Joe's Car, Jun's cycle and Jinpei's tank) 4. A Soul of Chogokin Golion, Reideen and Danguard Ace 5. A Takara designed Skyfire 6. An SDF-1 Jumbo Machinder 7. A redesign of all the G1 Dinobots so that they could combine into a Gestalt like Predaking 8. Thundercats done in a 12" format by Medicom 9. Mospeada Toys done by Yamato 10. A Binaltech subline with cars from different eras (60's - 70's American Muscle Cars and 90's cars - Nissan Skyline, Toyota Supra, Mazda RX-7)
  20. Zinc Panic.com - Detail Up GBP news
  21. Hi Cap, Please add me to the list for 1 set. Thanks.
  22. Can't seem to find them on their website. So I guess we just have to try the Brick and Mortar store huh? Damn, they don't appear to have any in California. Oh well. Thanks.
  23. That Devastator statue was created by a fan who comissioned a studio to make it. I believe he sold 2 prototypes on ebay and then a few production pieces. This was the guy who commissioned Monolith Productions to make it: JD Productions This was the group that designed it I believe: Monolith Designs
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