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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. well if they are based on the Imai then probably will [attachmentid=40317]
  2. well rather than resurrecting the MPC thread, i'll just post these here Shadow Chronicles Alpha
  3. I could be wrong, but I don't think Imai ever made a variable kit of the Bartley model... it's interesting that they listed a Sue Graham model which is just the Bartley model in black. So, either that did have to do some original sculpting or they'll take the lazy way out and use one of the male models and just paint it black
  4. Didn't see anything posted on this yet From Toymania: MPC Cyclones The Robotech Masterpiece Collection returns with this all-new assortment focusing on the Cyclones! These high-quality, ultra-detailed transformable vehicles offer an authentic re-creation of the ultimate in personal combat/transportation gear. Each volume is limited in production, and is packaged in our trademark "book-style" box with slide-out tray, allowing for safe storage and "forever mint-in-box packaging." Volume 1: Scott Bernard's Cyclone Volume 2: Lancer's Cyclone Volume 3: Sue Graham's Cyclone 1. Fully transformable from motorcycle to armored suit 2. Die-cast metal and plastic construction 3. Highly articulated action figure 4. Authentic rubber tires [attachmentid=40311] [attachmentid=40312] Imai's 1/12 Model Kit
  5. Thanks! I should've mentioned that I based my choices mostly on looking like the character and not so much acting ability. Funny though how Snakes support team ended up being mostly TV actors...didn't do that on purpose. About talent...I thought Eva Green was awesome as Vesper in Casino Royale, better than some of the more recent Bond girls like Denise Richards and Halle Berry.
  6. here's some of my other picks [attachmentid=40288] [attachmentid=40289] [attachmentid=40290] [attachmentid=40291]
  7. I nominate Michael Biehn [attachmentid=40281]
  8. I thought about putting that kid, but wasn't he identified by Mohinder's father before he relocated to America and created the list? hehe.... Guess I speculated correctly last week about who Claire's father is in my invisotext comment
  9. I foud it interesting that in tonights episode when Nathan went to visit Mohinder, Mohinder said that his father had identified 36 special individuals. I counted 17 that I know of so far, did I miss anyone? Claire D.L. Isaac Hiro Matt Nathan Peter Micah Niki Eden Haitian Syler Charlie Radioactive Guy Invisible Man Claire's Mom Brian Davis Also, weren't Sylar's victims also people with powers? He seems to have the ability to freeze people, so he must have absorbed that from someone at some point. How many specials did he off? Spoilerish comment in inviso-ish text (can't match the background color exactly), sorry: I was kind of bummed that Claire's moms power was pyrokinesis. I know it's not exactly the same, but kind of similar to the radioactive guy. And did you catch the glimpse of Claires dad in the next weeks preview? Is her dad Nathan? somewhat spoilerish TV guide interview with Tim Kring
  10. http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/
  11. great, now this is gonna derail into the AFOS having tentacle sex with Mao thread LOL
  12. "You're a funny man, Sully"...
  13. saw this on Yamato's Japanese website, can anyone translate please?
  14. Amen! Yes! U.S.S. Flagg FTW!!! Always wanted a toy that warranted the use of a Flatbed Cart like they have at Costco and Home Depot
  15. Nice, I remember seeing that one a while back. I think it was done by one of the artists at Zoic (one of the digital houses that does effects for Battlestar Galactica).
  16. well since it's the 25th Anniversary.... Give us a re-issued Skystriker already Hell, better yet...give us an updated version on par with the BBI Elite Force F-18 I'd love a new Rattler too "BODY MASSAGE"
  17. My votes for Lady Jaye, Crimson Guard and Major Bludd "Porkchop Sandwiches!!!"
  18. uhhhh ok, while I get how having the eyes like a camera lens makes more sense, those pieces that define the eyelids just make him look droopy (too many energon bongrips?) I'd be fine with them just having light up eyes. I guess the complicated eyes are so they can emote, but we can tell machines are on by lights. And we can tell machines are communicating by blinking lights. In the Transformers animated movie having their eyes turn off when they died was pretty effective. But now I guess surviving comrades can put their hands over the fallen and close their lids.... Aww...How touching and More Than Meets The Eye [attachmentid=39907]
  19. That Zentradi scheme is pretty cool! It's probably going to be the chase one though, DAMMIT Thanks for the pic Graham
  20. I like the New Soul of Spec Eva and I'm going to pick one up. I kind of hope that they only do Eva Unit 1 though. Between the GX Soul of Chogokin Evas, the Revoltechs and now this Spec offshoot, it's just too much. But who am I kidding, the other Evas are inevitable especially with the Rebuild of Evangelion coming this summer. *sigh*
  21. It's very interesting that the blackmail video of Nathan Petrelli is even more incriminating now that Niki has turned herself in, revealed the locations of all the dead bodies and is soon to be diagnosed as a split personality. Very bad for someone running for Congress. But then he could probably talk Hiro into getting the tape back once his powers are back to 100%. Heck, Mr. "Ee-Sack" probably could've manipulated Hiro into stealing back his paintings just by drawing it in the next 9th Wonders Issue. I just hope that when they reveal Linderman, if he does have powers, that it's NOT Control over Magnetism.
  22. Nike's transforming shoe kind of happened already a few years ago. They had a commercial where a Marshall Faulk shoe transformed into a robot. I think they even had a limited run of a toy version sold at Niketown. Nikelab Transforming Shoe Commercial
  23. [attachmentid=39905]
  24. here's a couple of good reviews/tips on the Toynami Voltron Mini Review and Pics Tips to Stabilize
  25. In Batman Begins sure...in something from a comparable era to Gatchaman...not so much so cheesy can be reinvented into something cool
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