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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. So I guess this chick Teresa Palmer landed the Wonder Woman role. She's only 5' 5" (nothing that forced perspective or big boots can't help) I heard Mary Elizabeth Winstead auditioned, I would have preferred her, she's cute as hell and taller (5' 8"), but I haven't seen any of Tersa Palmers work so who knows.
  2. new Razor Flashback hits early scroll down a little to see it
  3. *cough* toyboxdx/datafiles/Takatoku *cough*
  4. Bai Kanfu is looking pretty dope Tamashii Bai Kanfu gallery
  5. Karl Urban is Doc McCoy? ok... as for Chris Pine, only thing I've seen em in was Smoking Aces. He was one of the Tremor brothers. Not much to comment on except he played a white trash hitman who was all Extreme and hopped up on Mountain Dew, chip!
  6. Did anyone watch tonights Razor Flashback? Damn! Poor Jaycie I think the guy playing young adama does a pretty good job of channeling Edward James Olmos
  7. hmmm...only thing I can think of is maybe they didn't have enough releases slated for next year? What else is confirmed besides Reideen? anyhow, if the split release happens that kind of sucks
  8. By average I should have mentioned I meant her acting so far as well as her looks. I feel like she gets upstaged by all her scenes with Katee Sackhoff. For Jaime being the main character of the show I don't feel invested in her character at all. As for the Obvious scenes, there are some that makes it feel like they assume the audience is dumb (the whole wall punching scene). Then there's scenes that made no sense in the context of their abilities. How was it that Sarah Corvus did not hear the strike team creeping up on her (doesn't she have ear bionics also?)
  9. from Engadget "Ghost in the Shell fans, unite. Your favorite killer spider is back once more, as Bandai is delivering a newfangled version which stands 9.5-centimeters high and connects to your PC via USB. Apparently, this creature comes bundled with software which enables it to play back voice messages and fire up mini-games when it's not emitting sounds through the built-in speaker or catching your eye with its integrated LEDs. Unfortunately, it looks like this creature won't actually be uncaged until next February, but that'll give you some time to save up the ¥13,440 ($115) that you'll need come launch day."
  10. Pushing Daisies is a new dramady on ABC from Bryan Fuller, the co-exec producer on the 1st season of Heroes and exec producer of Dead Like Me. It's a pretty novel concept. The main character Ned, can bring the dead back to life by touching them. The catch is, if he doesn't touch them again (returning them to death) within 1 minute, that person remains alive but another random person will die in their place. He has a business partnership with a detective who gives him leads on unsolved murders. Ned uses his powers to resurrect the victim and tries to get them to tell who murdered them within the minute timeframe. After gleaning the info, he and the detective split the reward money. The twist comes when one of the victims turns out to be his childhood sweetheart. He brings her to life, but doesn't have the heart to let her die again, so the minute elapses and she stays, at the cost of they can never touch each other. The show has a very slick, surreal look, using bright pastel colors very reminiscent of Beetlejuice or Edward Scissorhands. The humor is pretty funny. I've never seen any previous work of Anna Friel, who plays the main female lead, but she's great IMO. Not sure of the longevity of the show with the whole will they/won't they being the driving force, but I'm enjoying it so far. Anyone else?
  11. Well, she is definitely more feminine looking in this show, longer hair, makeup. It's just funny how blatant some of the scenes are. In the last episode they are talking about how her character Sarah Corvus would break through a wall to get what she wants and then they cut to a shot of her punching a wall in her motel room. Super Corny.
  12. So the new Bionic Woman. First off, I think I've counted 5 Galactica actors within the first 3 episodes. I saw Chief Tyrol in the pilot, could've sworn I saw jammer as one of the EMT's in the ambulance that took Jaime after the crash, Roslyn's spiritual advisor in the second ep, Baltar's lawyer is the inventor of the Bionics/Anthrocytes and off course Starbuck as the first Bionic Woman. Yes, it makes sense because David Eick is Exec Producer on both shows. It just kind of amuses me. I can imagine him approaching some Galactica actors with the question, "hey, are you down for working some O.T. tonight? Yeah? Cool, well come over next door when your off and well get you some scenes in Bionic Woman" I think the show is ok so far. Despite the Galactica alum, it's definitely not Galactica. my main gripe is that the girl playing Jaime Sommers is just too average. She reminds me of a cross between Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone. I think Katee Sackhoff really outshined her acting wise in the Pilot. I also find the little sister a more interesting personality than Jaime. I'm gonna give it a few more episodes. Maybe it hasn't hit it's stride yet, and I read that there was a change in staff and Jason Katims is now running the show. So hopefully it will take a different and more exciting direction soon. Otherwise, I'm not sure about this one lasting. What do you all think?
  13. k, so first we got Zach Quinto as Spock then a few days ago they announced Eric Bana as the Villain and today a bunch of the usual movie news sites (AICN, Dark Horizons) are reporting John Cho as Sulu and Simon Pegg as Scotty. Pretty interesting cast so far. I'm not a huge Trek fan, and I know not everyone likes Abram's stuff, but I enjoy LOST & I thought his Mission Impossible was the best of the 3, so this movie has my $10.00 for a ticket for sure.
  14. don't know if these pics are new or not, but found them on toysdaily
  15. with all the Star Trek Alum on the show, maybe Ricardo Montalban will be the Scary Eyes that Molly is having nightmares about....and he'll have a midget sidekick, oh wait
  16. I don't know if anyone posted this yet, but Diamond Select is doing a Mark II Viper statue Diamond Select Viper
  17. k since the mods aren't using the spoiler highlight Agreed, I would have preferred if the arrows were the end of him. LOL Danguard, maybe Mr. Muggles ate it and was exploded from the inside out by the new Claire. Did Peter come in contact with D.L.? I can't remember, but he used the phasing on the ropes. Maybe, Ireland Pete is Sylar? Did Sylar absorb the shapeshifter's powers? Time to go rewatch the Season Finale.
  18. i'm a bit disappointed about another:
  19. Question to anyone who watched last nights episode. Have they ever shown Hiro's mother? Hmmmmm......
  20. While I agree that Halle Berry wouldn't be cost effective, you would pay her for the same reason they probably put her in X-men. Attractive Woman Name Recognition. She had minimal lines in that series (and some of the worst - "Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?"), but her name probably helped get some people in seats that wouldn't have normally seen a comic book movie. for a 10 mil salary I'd hope they'd at least make her bare her Academy Award winning breasts while making some Pineapple Salad
  21. oh I didn't see that in the window, i must have had english subtitles off guess I'm just used to the Hasegawa Paris and Moon acts both being on a 1S
  22. i'm wondering what scheme that Strike 1J is. At first I thought maybe Minmay guard, but I thought that was a 1s?
  23. series 2? from toysdaily anyone care to translate?
  24. IGN did their version of casting the movie I'm agreed with Clive Owen as Breetai, like I had, but some of their other picks are kinda weird. Amanda Bynes as Minmei? IGN Robotech Cast
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