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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. thanks for the info
  2. sqidd, were both of those from the same seller? If not, which seller did you buy the one with the fixes from? thanks
  3. Looks like Sony is bowing out of the Rear Projection market Glad I got my KDS-55A3000. I'm very happy with it and it got the CNET Editors Choice award. Amazon has it for 1649.99 which is cheaper than what I got mine for with a Sony Employee discount
  4. 2 more join the cast Said Taghmaoui as Breaker Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (aka Mr. Eko from LOST) as Heavy Duty Not familiar with Said Taghmaoui, but I thought Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje was great as Mr. Eko on LOST. So Heavy Duty was pretty much like Roadblock right? Did he speak in rhymes as well
  5. maybe that casting decision was made by whoever made the Domestic poster for Iron Monkey. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the two people in the poster were in the movie whatsoever does it matter? naw, cuz all us asians look the same
  6. Thanks! Yeah I think that would be a fun and challenging job, but would probably be kinda disheartening if you didn't get your first picks or if you did but the chemistry of the cast just didn't work. I think they've done a great job with the cast so far. No one's struck me as completely wrong for the role and I pretty much have said "yeah, I can see that" with who they have up to this point.
  7. Arrgh! They canceled mine also. Guess they couldn't obtain them
  8. More casting news Rachel Nichols has been cast as Scarlett. Sorry Hingten, I don't think she's a natural redhead. Guess she was on Alias, but I never watched that show. Byung-Hun Lee as Storm Shadow
  9. 229.99 at Big Bad? 183.25 plus EMS shipping from HLJ? Suckers! I just preordered mine for 212.95 Lost and Found Toys FTW
  10. Well according to HLJ's coverage of the All Japan Plamodel/RadiCon Show 2007 they are two different products. They have pics of the Megahouse on Page 3 of their coverage Then on Page 5 it says Beagle displayed concept sketches and CG illustrations of their upcoming Mospeada toy. Pic of Beagle's Mospeada display
  11. You are correct. But I didn't see any posts from you in the old one with your Dreamcast of Porn Stars so I decided to create a new one so you could have your chance
  12. Emile Hirsch ... Speed Susan Sarandon ... Mom Racer Christina Ricci ... Trixie Matthew Fox ... Racer X John Goodman ...Pops Racer interesting looking visuals Speed Racer Trailer
  13. he's not dead, he's chillin with 2Pac Thug Life is a Ryda for 9th Wondaz
  14. Is that the 1/200 scale line you are referring to Graham? So it's going to be similar to Bandai's Micro Macross series in that it will have fixed Fighter, Gerwalk & Battroid modes for each model?
  15. I'm hoping it's Mohinder and Parkman. Then Sylar can use Cerebro, I mean Molly to find other specials and start building up his pool of powers again, because the only thing scary about him without powers is his eyebrows.
  16. Thanks for the Scoop Graham. Kind of mixed feelings on this. I'm bummed that the VF-11 isn't large format, but the idea of an under 20 dollar, desktop sized line is interesting. I hope Yamato includes articulation comparable to Revoltechs & gets some Garlands and Scopedogs in the mix. And some Macross enemy mecha.
  17. Whoa, nice! Have they done TV ads for previous releases Graham? If so, any way to get those from Yamato and post them? I wonder if they are composed of cool stop motion transformations and kids with bowl haircuts
  18. It's a drink holder for Petite Cola
  19. God Bless Olivia Munn! She's smokin hot and seems to be easily talked into dressing up like Wonder Woman, Slave Leia and now the Baroness you can download the video from the link below. It's a pretty damn funny skit. It's about the home life of Destro and Baroness and how his mask causes some issues. Baroness skit
  20. It's a Gobot! The K-mart versions of Transformers LOL I believe it's the main part of the Power Suit
  21. Yes, but I think it will be the comic fans who would probably stay more devoted to the show after the novelty has run out with the Average Joes. Loyal fanbases can be a powerful thing (Firefly fans, Jericho fans) and losing that demographic by lifting major storylines without changing them much is a bad move IMO. I found the virus plot humorous because just like Jolly Rogers mentioned, Tim Kring has said he does not have a comic book background. But as Jeremy007 has pointed out, he collaborates with people who are in the comic book industry. Which makes it even more amusing to me that they weren't like, "uh...X-men kind of already did that...the comic fans will probably recognize it..." Or maybe in anticipation of the writers strike they needed a new story arc asap and resorted to some heavy borrowing. Well Yeah, that's a given. 23 forty minute episodes versus 1 two and a half hour long movie is Going to allow for more emotional depth and complexity
  22. Heroes Season 2 a.k.a. Who cares if the writers are on strike when our major storyarc is pretty much the Legacy Virus from X-men. Will Piotr save the day? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legacy_virus LOL Through the magic of find and replace we get:
  23. ok, if they were casting older, like if they were 18-20 years old in the 80's and the story is present time, these would be my picks for some of the ladies... Connie Nielsen as Scarlett - ok not sure if she's a natural redhead, but she was in Devil's Advocate and since then she's always stuck out in my mind as the one to play Scarlett on the big screen. At this point I don't care if she's not a natural redhead, she will never look as bad as Jessica Alba going blonde hair/blue eyes for Sue Storm, so I can live with it Tina Fey as Baroness - ok, laughs aside, she IS of European descent, can be pretty hot at times and that scar on the left part of her chin lends a little credibility as far as looking like having a terrorist background (maybe Pimp Daddy Destro took a shiv to her grill after she hooked up with Flint) Kimberley Joseph as Lady Jaye - Who you say? Well if you watch LOST, you may know her as Cindy the flight attendant who was thought to have been taken by the others, but turns out to be still alive. Why I picked her? Just look at her, it's friggin Lady Jaye
  24. Just out of curiosity, are people still making the effort to go out and hunt for figures or just checking when you happen to be near a TRU or Target? I used to enjoy the hunt, but I've been over it with the whole wasting gas, getting up early and dealing with scalpers for a long long time now. With ebay and online sellers it's just not worth it anymore IMO. Might want to check out Entertainment Earth or Big Bad Toy Store, I think they have most of the waves in stock or on pre-order for when the get restocked.
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