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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. Allright, I'm all caught up on the episodes including Sound and Fury. Nice easter eggs with Daniel at the Birthday Party and Kremzeek on the video monitor. Nice to see Soundwave again, although I think he's getting a bum deal becoming a Scion LOL. They've got the voice similar, but there's something not quite right. I think maybe it's that his pitch doesn't ever seem to drop. Guess it was more than just voice modulation. IMO, nothing can beat the classic Frank Welker performances as Soundwave. I've seen Prime, Prowl and Bumble all have their battle masks active so far. I don't recall Ratchet or Bulkhead with them, did I miss it maybe? I thought the last episode with the Blackarachnia origin was pretty awesome. And the Lockdown episode where Ratchet had the flashback with Arcee was pretty good also. It was cool hearing Arcee's original voice. Wasn't a huge fan of the mech designs at first, but they've grown on me. I'm enjoying the show, only thing I dislike is the human character designs.
  2. sweet! thanks for that link IXTL
  3. LOL, So I guess you read the Toybox DX forum too, huh Hiriyu
  4. I'm really wondering why Yamato didn't pick up Mospeada. With them making 1/15 Garlands and the upcoming Motoslave, it would have made sense for them to do a 1/15 scale rendition. Maybe because Megahouse swooped up rights to that scale and they weren't interested in making a different scale...
  5. Only way I'll get the domestic version is if they come with the sidearms and decals
  6. Nice scoop eyesonme78 C'mon Yamato, resurrect that 1/60 Destroid Monster and I thought the 1/48 line was dead Yamato, yer giving us mixed signals
  7. no worries yeah, your right. When I was a kid I had a 1/200 scale Armored Valk model by Nichimo, and IIRC, yeah it was bigger than a micro machine hey Vifam, care to translate the VF-1S pic?
  8. thanks Vifam kinda thought it was Minmay, but was holding on to hopes of an SDF-1...damn, someday maybe 1/200 scale? That's like Micro Machines, Star Wars Titanium sized right?
  9. according to Aint It Cool News (so take it with a grain of salt): The Hollywood Reporter story doesn't mention DiCaprio doing anything other than producing via Appian Way banner, but I have it on good authority that he is also set to star as the lead, Kaneda. now we have Tetsuo - which isn't as big a name as DiCaprio - but it's a damn fine name. Joseph Gordon Levitt... you know - from BRICK - the upcoming STOP LOSS and G.I. JOE!
  10. Yamato has a new page up with Wonderfest info and a 2008 Release schedule I ran it through babelfish and came up with this: Super spatial-temporal fortress マクロス - love you have remembered or, - 1/60 complete deformation edition VF-1S ロイ ・ Fokker machines 2008 September Super spatial-temporal fortress マクロス - love you have remembered or, - 1/60 complete deformation edition VF-1S strike Valkyries 2008 August Super spatial-temporal fortress マクロス - love you have remembered or, - 1/60VF-1 corresponding strike & super part equipment 2008 September 1/200 Variable Fighters Collection 1/200 variable Fighters collection series 1 2008 April what was really interesting though was at the bottom of the list: Super spatial-temporal fortress マクロス - love you have remembered or, - 50cm phosphorus ミンメイ 50cm is about 19 inches. Is that a Minmay Figure? Maybe the SDF-1? can someone please translate with a more accurate translation?
  11. chowyunskinny

    SV-51 CF!!!

    no worries...least I can do compared to the drool inducing hi res pics you've been tracking down from yamato's site
  12. skynet was blackmailing him into killing john connor by threatening to release videos of his
  13. guess the Tan one is out photos from hobbysearch
  14. cmon! who the hell is at work right now? and if you are AND you're on MW looking at a Street Fighter 4 thread then yer not really workin wimps
  15. It's been a while since I've seen it, but if I remember correctly it's from when Snake Eyes gets stuck trying to get the radioactive crystals, one of three elements needed for the Mass Device
  16. wow, so the kid from 3rd rock from the sun is Cobra Commander? seems a little young but I guess if he's got a mask covering his face it won't matter wonder if they're gonna get the guy who voices starscream in Transformers Animated to voice over
  17. toyfair pics from toynewsi Vamp w/Clutch Trouble Bubble with Tele Viper Viper, Major Bludd, B.A.T what interests me the most though are the mini series packs. Baroness in a red wet suit FOR THE WIN! Irradiated Snake Eyes...sick! TV style Lady J...woohoo! and they're including the MASS Device and Weather Dominator toys? Yooooo SNOW!!!
  18. he already did: "Am I thrilled? It really wasn't my fight, but remember what I said in the press? I was kind of saying HD [DVD]'s going to lose... No one believed me." He then slammed a trophy he was receiving to the floor, pointed to the packed room, and yelled, "In your face, HD DVD!"
  19. not sure if this is the same one from the first post or not but articles about this one hit recently Akira Bike Japanese homepage
  20. thanks david, but what does that mean in layman's terms?
  21. Exclusive Street Fighter 4 Gameplay Footage k link should be fixed now, thanks 1/1
  22. anyone know of any sites or forums that have side by side comparisons of the Wal Mart Starscream vs. the Takara Tomy U.S. version? i'd like to know just how different they are according to Tfsource it has additional weathering from the US version, as well as a Decepticon insignia on the nosecone, but I'd like to see them side by side
  23. yup it's the blue one courtesy of toysdaily by way of toyboxdx
  24. there used to be a ton of repro weapons on ebay a few years back from chinese sellers, but I just checked and didn't see any currently plenty of God Sword repros still though
  25. plus "she can kill you with her brain" oh wait....wrong show
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