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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. Picked up the XS-09 Soul of Spec Blue Eva 00 for 55 bucks at Frank and Sons yesterday
  2. Scored a Snake Eyes with Parka for 10 bucks at Frank and Sons yesterday. That and Major Bludd were the only 2 figs I wanted from that wave. A few booths had the original (non tiger force flint) for 60-100 dollars
  3. Hey LA area peeps. Went to Frank and Sons for the first time in months yesterday & the Transformers Animated deluxe and voyager figures seemed to be readily available. Deluxes were running from 13-15 bucks depending on the booth. I would've picked some up, but my pre-orders from BigBad just arrived in stock.
  4. All this frackin talk about romo's cat when... Tigh Knocked up Six! Cylon and Cylon baby. If the other Cylons figure this out, they don't need the resurrection hub/ship. Of course, Tigh needs to be exposed as a Cylon first. But maybe Boomer and Cavil will conceive. and since the subject is so popular, here's a pic of Tricia Helfer's pussy... It's big and hairy and i'm sure it's fun to play with
  5. Yup I watched it on Youtube. Felt like a filler episode. If it weren't for being in it, would have been pretty meh. Have they announced or shown pictures of a toy for him yet? It'll be interesting to see how they pull it off because the front of his vehicle mode becomes his chest and it looked really small in robot form. Just seemed like a lot of size shifting on the animation for his transformation.
  6. Yeah, I didn't quite get that either Roger. Bad editing? Well he did tel Leland (hahahah) that one of his first missions was some solar survey thingy and it was a solo mission. Maybe the old man is trying to relieve his glory days one last time. He did use his old call sign "Husker" when he pinged Galactica actual *shrug* I did think it was really cool that they brought back the Water Bowl Resistance Dog. There was a gif going around a while back of that dog with the caption "who's going to feed me" after the episode where they left new Caprica
  7. maybe Mog, IF you are to believe the previews for the next episode but that had to be a red herring or else Sci Channel just Fracked it up big time for the Final Cylon reveal Kinda annoyed me that Starbuck gave the "with all due respect" thing after Adama asked her to continue the search Uh Starbuck, may we remind you that it was yer dumbass that brought that Baseship back to fleet
  8. Alternate Endings for the Season Finale What Sawyer Tells Kate What Kate Heard On the Phone
  9. C'mon Hasbro, give us the Skystriker, Rattler and Moray Hydrofoil already. My Ace/Wild Weasel 2 pack figures need something to pilot
  10. so after the reveal at the end the only thing I could think of is that Also does anyone think that
  11. think Shin already mentioned a Conquest and og colored Sharc re-issues here's the confirmation
  12. to anyone who watched the season finale tonight WHAT THE F#$%??? I have no idea where the hell they are going with this after tonights episode but yet I'm intrigued and frustrated at the same time Felt like they were finally giving us some answers at the end of last season and this season and now we have to wait another year before we can get some answers to the mindfrack they just left us with bastards
  13. yes that would be dope. At the least , I hope they make a decent Dragonsky figure. They could probably use Wild Weasel as the base figure but give him a flamethrower that looks the way Michael Golden drew it.
  14. Frontier, DYRL and Zero gashapon by bandai? honey bunches of Itano Circus pics from Toysdaily
  15. This for the info Shin. I wanted the Target Sharc because it comes with Grand Slam. I'm trying to get all the current versions of the original 13 joes. AFAIK, out of the original 13 they haven't remade Zap and Short Fuze. I'm pretty sure I'll pick up the OG colored Sharc as well. Definitely looking forward to the Firebat if that does get made.
  16. Thanks for the heads up Vermillion21. Guess it's a good thing I just bid on and won a sealed case of all 3 for $48.78 plus shipping from ebay. Wonder how many of those Vipers and HISS Drivers are gonna end up on ebay
  17. Hey, is anybody in the LA/Orange county area still seeing the Target Exclusive vehicles on the shelves? I've been pretty busy with work and haven't had much time to go look. I checked a couple targets about a month ago and didn't find any thanks in advance
  18. Watched the latest Transformers Animated episode "A Fistful of Energon" Kickass episode. Great Stuff! Now release the toys already!
  19. really looking foward to these
  20. speaking of having no time, i've been out of the loop so I'm not sure if anyone posted this courtesy of toysdaily
  21. Also in the previews, I thought I saw Lee being sworn in and another appearance of Lampkin
  22. Just got through watching the latest episode man, those Number Eights sure like using their sidearms Although it was Athena, if felt like Deja Vu from when Boomer shot Adama in the Season 1 Finale. And then in the preview for the next episode where the marines are carting off Athena it looked just like after Cally shot Boomer. All this has happened before and will happen again-ish So, the dream of Six taking her baby triggered Athena to fire on Natalie. Makes me wonder if Boomer was having some kind of dream where Adama was taking something from her, causing the trigger.
  23. Bah! All this debating.....Chan, Li....they both kickass! So now you get this!
  24. not sure if these are in costume or between takes, but here's Rachel Nichols on set
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